Excited at all?

Excited at all?

Did any of you guys ever play the first one?


Bump again

Is this going to be a free mod or is it going to be standalone + paid? Because if so, holy shit.

No idea, might go paid this time since it is a sequel. Is that Holy shit a good or bad thing?

It's gonna be $20 and it's a very good thing. They'll have financial support and access to the engine they're working with.

Really hope the animations are a bit cleaner because breing hurt while you swing at them is a load of shit.

Man, the original is pretty fun but fuck all those infinite ammo servers.

Completely kills what the game is suppose to be. On that note wish the gun damage was more consistent. I've wasted 4 shotgun shells on a runners head when I could of just used a pistol. Did they have reduced damage or something?

source mod is free and fun