Cyberpunk's more relevant for each day that passes. How do you feel about the setting?

Cyberpunk's more relevant for each day that passes. How do you feel about the setting?

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Even though we're getting ever closer to the worlds in cyber-punk media, I don't think it's irrelevant. Real life tech is very safe and clean so we'll never get that "grimy" look to future technology, and cyber-punk media can still fill that need.

Deus Ex has a bit of the cyberpunk vibe to it, and the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 is a given, but aside from those two it's pretty underutilized. I've seen a lot of point and click gifs which had that motive though, albeit I don't recall the names of any of them.

Most of cyberpunk started from literature, and the problem is alot of those writers in that movement either moved on to other genres or stopped writing altogether.

So there's a drought of "new" cyberpunk; stuff that isn't heavily inspired by earlier material. And its so much easier to sell "ripped from today's news" with regards to any fiction regarding social disorder, information technology, and cybernetics.

I guess that its not because its less relevant, its just not what inspires people when fiction and real life look almost the same.

Lacking of genres/styles I like. I would kill for a decent action platformer on the setting other than Osman/Strider on the vein of Dustforce/Mega Man ZX and brawler other Furi.

I'm not sure I agree with the thought that Cyberpunk is supposed to be inspirational though, it's always been pretty dark in subject matter.

I guess the uplifting part of Cyberpunk stories is the story of the resistance, or at least a lone resister against megacorporations and shadowy entities.

An interesting part is the fact that cyberpunk aesthethic can be pretty varied, when people think of cyberpunk i guess it's inherently kind of tied to the CRT-motherboard style. Modern twists wouldn't be unbecoming though.
Kind of weird that it's hard to imagine the future of communication, feels like we're close to the pinnacle of it. Instantly sent with the click of a button across the earth.

Pretty good knowing someday we'll be free of religion.

Stay woke.

Yknow, Id like to see games in the style of "The Expanse" series. It fits so well with a life in a space station, and it has so many storytelling opportunities.
But to be honest I think in all medias theres a drought of fresh ideas, and more niche genres like cyberpunk simply dont receive attention. There has been a resurgence of scifi tv shows but still its not enough.

Westworld seems pretty cyberpunky, haven't seen it myself though

>it's a eurocentrism episode