Do you actually enjoy games nowadays? or you just play them because you have nothing better to do?

Do you actually enjoy games nowadays? or you just play them because you have nothing better to do?

combination of both. There are some great games. But nothing has sucked me in for hours at a time and naturally too.
All those people that say they play a game and next thing they notice it's dark out. I'm jealous of them.

I play videogames for fun, because I have nothing else to do, because of escapism, because it doesn't require efforts, because I started when I was 3 and I'm not going to stop anytime soon, because it's a pleasure if you play on a 2500$ pc, because I can't sleep, because I'm good at it, and sometime because they pay me to do so.
But I need drugs to enjoy them like I did when I was a child.

>But I need drugs to enjoy them like I did when I was a child.
That's the worst part.

Yes it is.

what ever happened to that character?

sometimes I have fun

Sup Forums takes the piss out of having fun most of the time.

we dont know familia

I just do things that please me to keep from sliding into depression completely.

But I have been replaying a lot of PS2 games lately and man are they fun.

she went to the limbo of forgotten bleach characters like almost everyone.