Final Fantasy XV

Have you:

>played episode duscae
>played the platinum demo
>played justice monsters five
>watched all episodes of brotherhood
>watched kingsglaive

if so to any, what did you think of those you played / watched?

>played episode duscae
Cringe fest
>played the platinum demo
Legitimately unplayable piece of shit
>played justice monsters five
>watched all episodes of brotherhood
No it looks bad
>watched kingsglaive
It was bad

>Cringe fest

What ?

>No it looks bad
Brotherhood so far is the best thing to come out of FFXV, the Prompto episode anyway.

I agree. I think all of the episodes are good but the prompto one is the best.

I think the best thing about Brotherhood is the direction (?)
I thoroughly enjoy the fact that the characters don't all have super exaggerated personalities.
Everything feels appropriately grounded.

>played episode duscae
was ok
>played the platinum demo
>played justice monsters five
>watched all episodes of brotherhood
yes. i liked the fat man letter sniffing episode.
>watched kingsglaive
yes. luna looks like a meth head. why did crowe have to die?

its really weird to think brotherhood and kingsglaive exist in the same universe

brotherhood is a slice of life bromedy

kingsglaive is a michael bay-tier apocalyptic action movie about gods, magic and war

KG was made for Americans
Brotherhood for people actually interested in the game


I hope the game isn't shit, I don't care about the mythos or backstory.

>played episode duscae
Was good even if it had flaws
>played the platinum demo
The only good thing was the IG fight
>played justice monsters five
It's boring
>watched all episodes of brotherhood
Great series Promptos episode was the best
>watched kingsglaive
It was okay

>the platinum demo
"wow it's fucking nothing: the demo"
6/10 at best
>all episodes of brotherhood
"wow it's fucking nothing: the animation"
6/10 at best
>watched kingsglaive
Absolutely stunning
A solid 8/10

>played episode duscae
Yes, it was a bunch of unpolished and unrealized ideas that showed much potential

>played the platinum demo
Yeah, it was a huge and major let down in almost all regards.

>played justice monsters five
Nah, won't even bother

>watched all episodes of brotherhood
I did and I felt nothing. The animation was okay, but they were to filler-y

>watched kingsglaive
That was a huge disappointment for me. Proved that only Nomura can direct good fight scenes.

That only goes to show how bad XV is then.

>about boy band faggots

Only played PD, it was shit.

Brotherhood is cheap trash.

Justice Monsters 5 is garbage.

Kingsglaive is terrible.

I wonder how the game will be.

>played episode duscae
Enjoyed it
>played the platinum demo
It was very dissapointing. Why is SE so bad at making demos?
>played justice monsters five
I'll play it in-game
>watched all episodes of brotherhood
1st ep was really boring, the others were great esp. Plumpto
>watched kingsglaive
I want Nyx to fug me

The demo was pointless. Didn't bother watching anything else besides kingsglaive. Kingsglaive was good. All this stuff......just to hype up the game to increase sales. Don't know how I feel about that.

>played episode duscae
Nope but i wish i had
>played the platinum demo
Yes and its bad(?) but it has some technical stuff that i like alot
>played justice monsters five
>watched all episodes of brotherhood
Yep. Great. Anyone who likes anime should be able to enjoy them. Even if you don't enjoy anime you would most likely be able to enjoy it. If you are at all interested in FFXV i am sure you will enjoy these aswell.
>watched kingsglaive
No. Looks bad.

why aren't there asian or black characters?

Fuck off

eh yeah i guess i just wont play this racist shit then

>just to hype up the game to increase sales. Don't know how I feel about that.

Companies sell video games for money, better get used to the idea

>Episode Duscae
Enjoyable. Was a terrible idea to start you off with bullet sponge enemies. Upon your first level up, the combat feels far better with enemies dying in a reasonable amount of time, you also get a good amount of tactics that deal some serious damage. Still, holding square to win is pretty boring. I like the dialogue.

>Platinum Demo
I don't know what the fuck SE was thinking. Clearly, they were trying to capture some kind of Kingdom Hearts atmosphere but the combat was just bad, the level design, graphics and animation looked like trash compared to Duscae which came out like a year before it.

The best thing to come out of FFXV so far. For having only like 5 or 6 ten-minute episodes, you'd expect the animation and art style to be a little bit better though. Whatever, the stories in this anime are the good parts, especially Prompto's story.

Two hours of incomprehensible mayhem. Some good action scenes. Basically just Advent Children.