Is just me or this game feels clunky? A friend recommend me this but I can't go further without getting bored...

Is just me or this game feels clunky? A friend recommend me this but I can't go further without getting bored. The combat is not satisficing enough. The story is kinda generic, and the animations are not that freat either. I mean, I could stand The Witcher 1 clunkiness, but this no...

It is clunky, and surprisingly ugly too. Mass Effect 1 looks a lot better even though it came out years before.

Should I do the effort to go further in this? I mean, it's feels like a offline mmo tbqh and thats not very positive for me, but if the history is great, I could go on. What do you recommend me?

>I could stand The Witcher 1 clunkiness, but this no...

4/10 you almost had me. At least you tried.

CRPGs are obviously not for you. Stick with action rpgs like Witcher 3 and elder scrolls.

Are you playing in strategic view OP? The game plays many times better if you stay in overhead mode. There's such a difference it got higher reviews on PC since console was locked to behind the shoulder view.

I don't think you can develop a love for CRPGs. Either you like them from the start or you won't. It's all about party management. Items, talents, positioning your characters and combining the right abilities in combat. If that doesn't sound like fun to you it's probably just not your genre and you're a fag.

I don't know if you could call this isometric/old-school RPG but it's actually only of them that I enjoyed. Original Fallout, Arcanum, Planescape, Pillars of Eternity just bore me to death. Finished DA:O few times. Great game I think.

But I loved Divinity Original Sin, it was refreshing as fuck and fun. This is like an offline World of Warcraft.

the combat is fucking great, the critical hits carry massive weight behind them that you "feel" and the spell combinations like ice-trap and stonefist are extremely satisfying. the characters are fleshed out and interesting and the areas have a unique feeling to them. The only bad part is the Fade, which feels like a ugly sickening maze