Is titanfall 2 worth buying?
Is titanfall 2 worth buying?
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Yes, assuming you like the gameplay mechanics similar to COD. It's very run and gun but very well designed, movement feels great alongside good map design.
Campaign is 10/10 too.
I've only played the first mission on the campaign, and it seems pretty neat. Put 15 hours on the MP though, and it's fucking great. I was really worried it wouldn't live up to the first game, but I'm enjoying it a lot so far.
The game has a serious pilot vs. pilot TTK problem on PC since the ability to track with mouse makes the high damage of all weapons excessive. But asides from that there's a solid foundation for a fast paced teamwork oriented game.
They added a mechanic since 1 so that rodeoing an enemy titan no longer dooms them to death but instead steals a battery (the first time) to give to a friendly titan, saving them if they're doomed, giving them full shield (which doesn't seem to regenerate) and healing them a bit.
The only problem is it's so easy to get turned into jam outside of a titan it can snowball in pubs.
Basically yes. Everyone seems to be enjoying it and BF1.
I've only played a handful of mp matches.
Used Ronin at all? given he is meant to be a hit and run guy and has a sword I just assume his melee does more damage then his shotgun, do you know if this is true or not?
>No customizable titan loadouts
>Half the titan weapons removed from 1 in mp
>Dead game types on launch on pc
I refunded, I might buy it back for 20 bucks in a few months but it's not worth 60 now.
He's my main titan, got him up to G3 I think. I absolutely love his kit. I'm not sure if his basic melee does more damage when compared to the other titans though, because I mainly just use his shotgun, which is perfect to kill pilots and harass titans. It's super fun to keep weaving in and out of fights with Phase Dash, using the time you're invulnerable to reload, and just keep slowing down enemy titans with Arc Wave while spamming the shotgun.
I'll have to practice more with him then.
Him and Northstar seem like the most fun to play to me but I'm completely shit with Ronin.
I played and downloaded the beta, it was alright.But there is something about that game that feels like something is missing.You will get your few hours of enjoyment but I predict the servers will be dead in a month and completely dead in six months just like its predecessor.Anyone that plays fps will be playing either battlefield or call of duty 4 remake from here on.
>just like its predecessor
you can still find matches in the first game fairly easily
just because you got bored of it after a month doesn't mean it's dead
No because it'll be dead in a month.
There's already dead game modes.
what about pc?
How does the PC player count compare to BF1?
Campaign is top tier, so yes.
I was talking about PC. I managed to play it daily for the past few months with no issues.
Pic related, but yes it looks fun.
Yes. The matchmaking is awful but the game is extremely fun and has a high skill ceiling.
>How does the PC player count compare to BF1?
13,000 online on atm
and BF1 is 124,478 atm..
this is really sad, i hope it doesn't die out by xmas
I don't own the game (going to buy today I think), but I've heard there's only a few thousand players on PC. I don't really mind though, that's enough to play without waiting long stretches for games. If the game's as good as I've heard then I'm sure the playerbase will grow over time, or at least a spike at Christmas.
>Is EA game worth buying
Get a load of this KEK
If you like good games then it is
I just bought it on PC- it's a lot cheaper if you buy the origin code through amazon, cdkeys-level prices while not being at risk. I'll give it a real go today and make a thread to get some games together if there's not already one up.
yes if you like fast-paced shooters. No otherwise
This is literally the best year they've had as far as I can remember. I can almost forgive them for scrapping CNC because of these games.
I hope PS4 helps to keep the game alive this time
27k online on PS4 atm, and this is not even peak hours.
Yeah, if this game's community stays active, it'll probably be on console.
Any Xboners ITT that have it? Would be interested to know just how active it is on there. The Gamefaqs board for the X1 version is more active than the PS4 board.
>killing CnC in the worst possible way
No user, you don't.
In what way? They just bought the rights and didn't do anything with it.
I liked the first one but there was no longevity and it was really easy. Does this have a hook of some kind?
Some of the game modes have literally zero people playing them, and it's been out for a day. Best multiplayer FPS of the year is going to die so fast and that is depressing.
Yes, totally. I hated the beta but the final game it's much better.
Only the quality of the game can do that, and it definitely isn't good enough. EA was also dumb as hell to release it a week after Battlefield 1 and a week or two before COD. It's doa.
>Release a week after BF1
>Release a week before CoD
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
>implying this wasn't the plan to kill Respawn
They had the idea that releasing their 2 biggest shooters of the year right before CoD would hurt Activision. It is literally that, EA can't fucking stand how little effort CoD games get and they still have to tryhard to keep up.
Fun as fuck, its something that ive asked for a long time
People still dont understand they have to deposit their bounty tho. They run around with 500 credits only to get killed and lose the half.
Runs excellent. I actually would like it had a BIT higher TTK between pilots, but when I analize these things further I know its like that for a very good reason.
according to someone on /r/titanfall
it's also 27k on xbone, this isn't good at all for a new released game.
>playing fucking awful bounty hunt instead of attrition
that's the problem
Theres no way the new CoD can best this one in their own ground.
Im impressed how polished it is. Im not a fan of CoD style of gameplay, but once you get the hang of it, its a really good twist on the formula.
In fact its a step forward in it.
Last Titan Standing mode is incredible. The round based mode makes it an awesome Mech game, and every position and decision matters to clutch to the end.
I love it.
Well, I'm certain the plan succeeded then. Nothing of value was lost if that's the case, this shit is the definition of mediocrity and the beta was awful anyway.
I bought Titanfall 2 for mechs and verticle play and IW for grinding shit while tired.
I kind of wish I didn't pre-order IW now tho, wasn't expecting Respawn to fix up TF2 so well.
>tfw shit on everyone in your first match
>£55 on psn
Do Sony not want people to buy games or do they genuinely pay £15 more?
Attrition is ok
They shouldnt have divided the queues
I would put them all in a pool and disable search mode for some so everyone plays everything at least once in awhile
A big button for PLAY STUFF and thats it
I have to try CTF. The Round Based gamemode is cool too.
It's a 10/10 game, but WAY too short.
Didn't even play 5 hours and ends with a cliffhanger, meh.
>most people who play video games are grown-ass men
>for years the cool-kid way to get your games was at a midnight release
>we're now in an era where instant downloads are mainstream for consoles
>publishers still want their game to be the "hottest toy this Christmas"
Ps4 or PC? Which platform has the better community. I need answers.
Post yfw time travel
The first Titanfall on PC died almost instantly and it looks to be the same case with this one.
Bigger community on the PS4, everything else is better on PC.
>'Titanfall 2' Release Day PC Players Just 2% Of Current 'Battlefield 1' Stats
This. PC has a smaller community, but it's better in every other way.
It'll die in a month tho.
is this a joke?
hey at least its fun
good meme
Brutal. Another good game to suffer from bad marketing