Buyer's remorse?

Buyer's remorse?
Gonna return my copy tomorrow

Story and dialogue is cringey as fuck and seems to be catering to children.

I just wanted some battles with my brother or local co op. But the only thing i can do is play 1 vs 1 for 3 min. Zero options for offline battles.

Loading times are fucking terrible.

The first couple of hours are so easy and boring

The music is absolute shit

The fighting is kinda good, but it takes so damn long to get there

5/10 and that's being generous

Other urls found in this thread:

You're right about some of this stuff, but

>music sucks
The soundtrack is really fuckin good m8

>long loading times
They're patching that November 1st if you can wait

>slow first couple hours
Mhm, but you're already past the first couple hours, aren't you?

>Loading times are fucking terrible.

I warned you faggots in the XV thread that it would be terrible

>catering to children

Wow, you mean Dragon Ball isn't written for children, have I been lied to my whole fucking life?

Ye but it took so damn long. My most major point is the useless offline battles. I expected some fleshed out 2 vs 2 battles with my bro. Or atleast more stages 1 vs 1. Or splitscreen. Or that you can change the timer (3 minutes seriously?). Was it really that hard to include these? Next level dbz gaming my ass, tenkaichi did this 10x better

>The music is absolute shit
find a DJ in hub, then you will hear absolute shit

But even for dbz standard this is terrible

tfw traded in some games and only paid 30 bucks for it
I cannot recommend this game at full price. Its okay, buts its basically DBXV+.

Ye it is