>music sucks The soundtrack is really fuckin good m8
>long loading times They're patching that November 1st if you can wait
>slow first couple hours Mhm, but you're already past the first couple hours, aren't you?
Ryder Hernandez
>Loading times are fucking terrible. >console ror
Michael Hall
I warned you faggots in the XV thread that it would be terrible
Levi Taylor
>catering to children
Wow, you mean Dragon Ball isn't written for children, have I been lied to my whole fucking life?
Henry Parker
Ye but it took so damn long. My most major point is the useless offline battles. I expected some fleshed out 2 vs 2 battles with my bro. Or atleast more stages 1 vs 1. Or splitscreen. Or that you can change the timer (3 minutes seriously?). Was it really that hard to include these? Next level dbz gaming my ass, tenkaichi did this 10x better
Luke Wilson
>The music is absolute shit find a DJ in hub, then you will hear absolute shit
Carter James
But even for dbz standard this is terrible
Owen Sanchez
tfw traded in some games and only paid 30 bucks for it I cannot recommend this game at full price. Its okay, buts its basically DBXV+.