How did he get away with it?
How did he get away with it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Get away with what? He suffocated her, stuck her into the trunk and drove to Silent Hill. There was no reason anyone would stop him and even if they did, why would they check the trunk?
He didn't.
In water is the most fitting ending, I think.
>stuck her into the trunk and drove to Silent Hill.
who is eyebrow-chan? I see her all over the place here, but I don't know who she is.
Explain. She got the disease 3 years ago. James killed her and drove to silent hill, then he went into psychosis and SH2 begins. Or?
Was this scene a flashback?
She's not in the trunk dipshit.
She's in the back seat, not the trunk.
Guy Cihi (James' VA) talked about this in an interview. There's some fucked up Japanese ritual where a Japanese man who brings great shame or grief onto his family kills his wife and children, tosses them into his car, and drives it into the nearest body of water, drowning himself.
She never was in the trunk you moron
>he talks about feeling shame/guilt over killing her and she tells him it's okay
what the fuck do you think
Guy Chihi, though a quirky and interesting figure, did not write the game.
How old is that ritual
>stuck her in the trunk
Jesus, why the hell do people still think her body is in the trunk?
Mary was in a hospital, or more likely, a hospice center. James suffocated her and then probably informed an orderly that Mary had stopped breathing. Unless she had a DNR, they probably tried to resuscitate her unsuccessfully, and then James was given their condolences. There's very little reason to do any kind of investigation; Mary was on death's door for some time, her passing wouldn't have been much of a surprise.
James couldn't handle the guilt of what he did, even though it was a terrible act done to spare Mary's own suffering and to save himself from the burden of caring for her. He drove to Silent Hill, a place where they shared good memories, as a way to feel like he was still connected to her. Somewhere along the way there, he managed to convince himself that no, he didn't kill Mary, she died three years ago. He treated the diagnosis as her death as a way of coping. Telling himself that Mary died from that disease three years ago is a means of relieving himself of the burden of guilt. It wasn't Mary he suffocated, it was the thing that killed her that he suffocated.
I believe he cited an interview with one of the game's writers.
At least as old as ur mom lol
My theory is that he murdered her, put her in the car and then immediately drove off, deluding himself that it's been 3 years since she died.
If she was in the trunk or backseat then why the hell did James pick her up in the "In the Water" ending? He only picks her up in that ending by the way. Literally what he's doing is he picks her out of this room, goes to his car and drives into the lake.
> (You)
>At least as old as ur mom lol
So you're lying. Gotcha
Dude are you seriously gonna make a SH2 thread everyday?
>she was not in the trunk
By 3 different posters. WOW. I seriously did not think Sup Forums could be THIS autistic but it happened.
what problem could you possibly have with daily SH2 threads?
It's Halloween, man. Get with the spirit of things. We always talk about survival horror games more around this time of the year.
the point is her body isn't in the car at all
>in the novelization her body is literally IN THE TRUNK
>Masahiro Ito said he belived the body was actually on the back seat
>video game novels
oh lawdy mass'a, yous a crazy!
Instead of memeing like to cocksucker you are, how about presenting your interpretation of what actually happened in the game. Mine is her body was in the car (and I dont fucking care where it was in the car) and it only becomes relevant in the In Water ending where James drives the car with her body in it into the water.
>again with the trunk meme
>he actually thinks James managed to get her body out of the hospital without anyone noticing, prop her up in the car, and drive to Silent Hill without raising any suspicion!
OOOoooh lawdy mass'a! Dis must be dat white magick I always hurrin 'bout!
>caps lock
Holy shit calm your autism. The point is she's not in the car.
>mercy killed his wife
>who was already on her death bed
Honestly, Mary was so sick that 'she just died in her sleep' would probably work.
You're welcome, reddit. You can keep this board I aint coming back-.
>Honestly, Mary was so sick that 'she just died in her sleep' would probably work.
This. Just like said, she was on her way out for a while. James could smother her with the pillow and then either say he found her like that, or that she just stopped breathing while he was visiting her. He has 0 reason to take the body and run, which is why the "she's in the car!" thing is so ridiculous.
This is the one thing I kinda didn't get. I mean, if she had a terminal illness and was going to die soon anyway, is what he did really that awful and deserving of a punishment?
>She's in the back seat, not the trunk.
I don't remember there being anyone in the backseats, and you can pick up the map from there in the beginning iirc
She didn't want to die.
Tell me, wouldn't you have nightmares after doing something like this?
This. The way they talk about and describe her, it definitely sounds like one of those times where even if the nurses or doctors suspected he might have smothered her, they probably would have just thought "thank god she isn't suffering anymore" and not talked about it.
>she's not in the car
Only making yourself look like a newfag here
The entire point of SH2 is the town manifesting James' own guilt for killing her. He either gets over it (Leave), succumbs to it (In Water), gets deluded by the town (Maria) or its a dog fucking his shit up (Dog)
It's still murder. Maybe it was the best for her, but he killed his wife because he couldn't stand taking care of his former love anymore. She changed so much because of the illness, and he reached a point where his supportiveness just faded out.
Terminal ill people are difficult to handle, they often became depressed and just unpleasant persons. He just didn't do a good job as a husband, killed her and then regret it, hence why Silent Hill.
>Silent Hill thread full of shitposting and dumbass bickering
I'd rather have the Heather nerds over you. Atleast she's cool.
forgot to mention the example of James' psyche influencing the town
see: REPRESSED SEXUALITY (nurses + isoceles man)
Okay but
what the fuck was with the prison and labyrinth
Is the labyrinth meant to be a mixed manifestation from everyone there?
halloween is almost over. hopefully these old as fuck spoopy game threads aswell
Where is that dude that posts how to get silent hill running on pc when you need him???
James is a monster and deserves the punishment Silent Hill give him
The police can't prove that Mary's death was murder thanks to the nature of her illness being unknown.
The story is intentionally vague about James' reasons. It could be mercy killing but it's more than likely James' selfish reasons. He thought she was ugly, hideous and he was sick of dealing with her.
The prison (and the labyrinth underneath) might've been a gauntlet of sorts for the guilty.
I don't have anything to add,but I want to talk about Silent Hill 2.
I fucking love the game. Everything about it. But it has one massive problem. Effectively the game only has 3 enemies that you encounter for the entire game. The manaquins, the nurses and the flesh patients. That's it. Well, you get the bed father thing but that's very late in the game, and it's clear they only re-used a boss because they couldn't make another enemy. It's extremely low variety. 1 and 3 have so much more enemy variety. 3 they just went all out with so many monsters, it's great.
I don't think I've ever seen the uncensored video before, or at least I don't remember ever hearing that screaming before. Yeah, I see what you mean about the nightmares.
Go to bed, lying figure.
the voice actor was told by the devs that she was in the back seat of the car
>if the In Water ending is actually happening, her body must be in the car
>nobody has presented a single coherent argument as to how her body can't be in the car
>it's just "no it isn't there you fag xD"
>what the fuck was with the prison and labyrinth
>Is the labyrinth meant to be a mixed manifestation from everyone there?
The Prison was a real prison in Silent Hill in the 19th century. You go under the historical society and visit it. The holes = going deeper into SH or time. It has nothing to do with James. It's just part of the town. The Labrynth is just antoher messed up confusing place like the "Nowhere" from the first game.
Oh and on top of that. When does it even say she's in the car? We just hear James drive into the lake.
I like the theory that her body is there as it is supported by the Rebirth ending.
Arguments here are: "how the fuck do you carry a dead body out of a hospital past all the staff?"
Why the fuck did they dig so deep. And how does it make any sense? A reception to the prison deep underground?
The devs stated that shes in the back seat
>implying the prison isn't a representation of James' guilt and desire for punishment
If you look at the locations that you visit over the course of the game, it actually tells the story of James and Mary's relationship:
-The Apartments= James and Mary living together
-The Hospital= Mary falls sick
-The Prison=James commits his crime
-The Labyrinth=James feeling guilt
-The Hotel=James learning to accept what he's done
>nobody has presented a single coherent argument as to how her body can't be in the car
>if I say reddit i'll fit in AND win at the same time!
Epic, user
Wasn't that after one of the American Silent Hills came out and stated that in a lore tidbit? Likely just damage controlling for the non Team Silent Silent Hills.
James killed Mary in their home.
well according to the voice actor they told him that when he was doing the scene
>Why the fuck did they dig so deep.
Nobody dug anything. It's Silent Hill magic. The historical society rests where the prison once stood. You then go deeper and deeper into Silent Hill's past, until you get to this weird place, then visit the world's of Angela and Eddie, then leave.
It accomplishes a few things:
1. General Silent Hill Lore. There was a prison, it housed Confederate prisoners. They were executed.
2. We get some explanation of what Pyramid Head is.
3. Get to visit the otherworlds of other characters.
4. Get to see Maria again.
5. Mindfuck as you emerge at ground level.
It's personally my favorite section of the game.
>And how does it make any sense? A reception to the prison deep underground?
Symbolism. Past = deep underground. There's hints that the prison and what went on are covered up and not talked about in the town. This was a place where war crimes were comitted. The prison has long been dismantled. You're entering Silent Hill's deep hidden past.
>fuck reddit.jpg
>You're welcome, reddit
What's with your autistic obsession with reddit?
I disagree
I thought the Maria or resurrection ending made the most sense.
Nah. Leave ending.
Leave is the one which makes the most narrative sense, since it's the one where he actually reads Mary's letter.
That's even how you use finna, fagmo.
probably drunken rage caused by estonian vodka, but what does that have to do with anything?
Taking up too much bandwidth from your shit posting ?
>since it's the one where he actually reads Mary's letter.
Doesn't he read it in all the endings? Hell Maria gives it to him in the Maria endign.
Reminder that Maria never interacts with another normal person in the entire game. He always suspiciously ducks out the few times they are about to meet other people, like at the Bowlerama. She only interacts with James and the ghost guy from her backstory. It's likely she can't interact with anyone else.
james is fucked up enough to not see the corpse. He deluded himself into thinking she is dead for years. Not just for a day
The Maria ending I'll give you, but not Rebirth.
Resurrecting Mary would render James' entire character arc moot.
James seems perpetually depressed. The entire atmosphere of the game is decay, and sadness. I don't entirely buy that James can move on and improve himself. His suicide makes the most sense.
the game ends before we see if the ceremony is a success or not though. James sounds more than a little nuts as well. Who's to say that ceremony would work as intended?
>some nip who barely speaks the King's English says she's on the back seat
Oh well butter my dick and ram a code red up there. I guess that makes it true!
Everyone in this thread claiming she was in the trunk is memeing.
The only thing that bugged me about the Leave ending was how easy it was to get.
It's technically the good ending, so you'd think that it would require the most effort to get.
Rebirth pretty much has the same cyclical message as Maria, albeit it's presented in a much darker way. James is repeating his past mistakes, except in Rebirth he goes an extra step and brings actual black magic into the mix.
Does anyone else think SH2 should have had at least a few more monsters? There is so little monster variety in SH2. It's still a fantastic horror game of course. The GOAT in fact. It just would have added so much more if it had more monsters. There is pretty much only 5 designs you will see for the vast majority of the game. One of those designs being the roaches. The hanging monsters are very rare and easily dealt with so it's hard to say they count.
>lying figure
>door rapists
And that's it senpai.
>Everyone in this thread is memeing
compare the in water conversation with the leave ending conversation. The point is that james tells himself that he killed her out of mercy. But the truth is he didnt just kill her out of mercy, but also since he couldnt bear her anymore. Thats the entire crux of the story. He feels guilty because the mercy kill was actually in part a murder to get rid of her.
In the water ending he says so and marry tells him he should stop suffering. He commits suicide.
In the leave ending she says its okay that he was a bit selfish as well and he should move on.
that's why he gets triggered when Laura implies it's been less than a year.
>implying I am drunk enough to believe you are actually stupid enough to not know who that nip is
Nice try reddit. I know you're dumb, but not THAT dumb.
That's the thing though. He is very delusional even though he "appears" to be the most normal one in the game minus the kid. He seems like the type of wack job that would do something very delusional like go with Maria or try to resurrect his dead wife.
I guess if I had to for sure choose what makes the most sense I would go with Maria ending. I'm sure time constraints were a huge issue but if some of the cutscenes changed depending on what ending the player started to lean towards it would have improved each ending that much more.
I literally made the same post like 30 minutes ago.
Rebirth felt more like an extra to give some replay value as well as connecting SH2 more to 1
>implying I am high enough to think that you think that I think you're drunk enough to believe what I said about not knowing who that nip is
Pretty much. It's the only nlack mark against it, dealing with the same enemies isn't scary after a while, whereas coming across something new is always frightening.
>30 minutes ago
I didn't read every post itt. Calm down senpai I'm not trying to hijack your post or anything here. Glad we both agree.
pls: i was just noting that some people DID argue for it.
How else did he get her body without leaving Sly Hillz for the Resurrection ending my friend.