What is good?
What is bad?
What is good?
2 and Black Flag are good
The rest is meh.
Who is the last guy?
Rogue is essentially Black Flag without all the filler missions
AC2 and AC4 as well as Brotherhood are the best ones.
AC1 and Rogue are great.
AC Revelations and Syndicate are meh, ok.
AC3 and Unity are abominations.
This is the truth, you know that in your heart.
1 on pc is great because there's more mission variety added
ezio trilogy is great but starts to crack with revelations which by then you'll only want to finish to see how it ends.
3 had some decent ideas but the story is awful and conclusion is just terribad and 5 of the sequences are a god damn tutorial. if you like the little boat parts get 4.
4 could have fun little pirate game all its own but it slapped in some assassins shit you'll never give a shit about it and is riddled with shitty tailing missions. if you like boat parts get rogue.
unity has gorgeous interiors and cutscenes, rest of the game is utterly forgettable
syndicate is the game that finally made them stop doing yearly turds.
This guy's father.
AC Wiki says, Arbaaz Mir from Assassin's Creed: Brahman.
I can't even remember why 3 was so bad. It was just boring
Ruined the plot.
Shitty main character.
Half the sequences are tutorial missions.
Shit setting with a huge map filled with fuck all to do.
No charm like the games before it.
Shitty mission design.
No ambient music.
Boring as fuck.
From the top off my head. Or you can just say that basically EVERYTHING except the naval parts sucked. That works too.
> It was just boring
exactly that. it was crammed full of new stuff to do and all of it was just boring. one of those things that sounds amazing on paper but turned out like shit.
I'd swap 3 and Revelations. Revelations is by far the worst in the series, and 3 is a lot better than the meme would have it.
Otherwise superb taste user, would marry/10.
I thought Unity was good (after patching), what with the improved combat and stuff?
>and stuff
you see? combat is the only thing that improved in Unity
it's shit
I wouldn't bother with it or Syndicate
Black Flag
I wish they took the same gameplay but applied it to something more fantastical.
Would be interesting.
Good: AC2, Brotherhood, AC4, Rogue, Syndicate
Bad: Revelations, Liberation, Unity
Complicated: AC1, AC3
WTF: Chronicles
Trouble is, even the "bad" ones have lots of good parts, just some awkward design choices.
AC 2/Brotherhood, Black Flag, and Syndicate are the best
Unity is trash, and Revelations is only really good if you want more Ezio, but otherwise forgettable.
Rogue is worth a play through if it's at a good price (15 bucks or lower, personally)
Everything else is pretty whatever. If you can score 1 for 5 bucks or less, might as well play it for some back story.
AC1 was good
AC2 trilogy was great
AC3 was garbage and it hurt to finish it
Black Flag doesn't work on my computer but it's generally praised
AC Unity is my favorite since AC2, it feels like a return to the roots with a beautiful setting and improvements to climbing, which is enjoyable again. I expected the co-op to feel tacked on but it was pretty good
They were all pretty okay as time wasters until 3 when they killed Desmond. Then I just dropped the entire franchise for good.
AC1=worth a shot but it's very different from the sequels
ACBloodlines=minisequel for AC1
AC2=Pretty good. Draw distance is bugged so Venice looks awful in the morning.
ACB=Expansion-tier for AC2.
ACR=DLC tier for AC2.
ACIII=Only for the persistent ACfans. Not worth it even if you're interested in the colonials vs redcoats war.
ACLiberations=Again, only for persistent ACfans.
ACIV=Worth it.
ACR=ACIV DLC tier with better item collecting.
ACS=It's shit.
What about AC:U?
Oh yeah that.
It's actually pretty alright but it's just so buggy and extensively uses power.
I'd say passable, tried new things, you actually felt weak in terms of getting to chose fight or flight instead of the old combat system where it was piss easy without upgrading anything. The most customizable AC game and pretty to look but again, it's a mixed bag for me.
I'd say worth a shot if you have a good gaming PC.
It's really pretty I guess
Rogue and Black Flag are the only good ones.
The games would be better if they got rid of all the shitty future missions/stories.
The time periods are great in a lot of them, very cool to look around, however they also run very poorly with bugs and shit out the ass.
Present day for BF and Rogue were top tier, right next to Desmond's missions in AC3 and Syndicate's cutscenes..
They were all shit and took me out of the game.
I just want to play games set in interesting time periods.