Show me a SINGLE level in any video game that is better than Forsaken Castle Cainhurst. You fucking cant, bitch

Show me a SINGLE level in any video game that is better than Forsaken Castle Cainhurst. You fucking cant, bitch.

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Find something better to do with your time

Never heard of it. Which video game is that level from?

mario 1-1

The space level in The Mis-Edventures.

Get fucked Bloodbabby.

>those bloodsuckers in the beginning
>those dartshooting fags within the cramped rooms
>the complete lack of difficulty until the boss
Nah. The boss is pretty damn great though.

not even the best in it's own game


Lol no.

Cainhurst has such a cool setting but it feels like wasted potential.

Again, cool setting but too many sack-heads. Also a bit repetitive.

Personally I like the atmosphere of Hemwick Charnel Lane and the Fishing Hamlet. I also love Byrgenwerth