Can someone seriously explain what the fuck Nintendo is doing with its pricing...

Can someone seriously explain what the fuck Nintendo is doing with its pricing? I still haven't got a WiiU because of how stupidly expensive it is for what you get. These prices are even stranger with the Switch around the corner.

Keep in mind these prices are AUD, the WiiU is $326 USD and the PS4 is $257.60 USD.

they still havent sold through the initial shipment, so the manufacturing cost never got cheaper
and they wont make any more since Switch is coming

>Got my PS4 for about $550 a little after launch

And what lesson was learnt today kids?

Nintendo is so woefully out of touch with the world and so disdainful of non-Japanese that they wouldn't see anything wrong with this.

>Buying consoles on launch

Rookie mistake.

*non-japanese markets

Stop playing video games?

>blaming Nintendo for your shitty economy
Just stop user.

How. I got mine for 399 on day one with one year of plus included

Yep, and it was even worse that 2014 was one of the worst years in video games.

Ah well, at least I know now