What happened to Capcom? They ruled the PS2 era

What happened to Capcom? They ruled the PS2 era.

they were the big cheese

remember eating hunks of cheese in the arena?

>They ruled the PS2 era.

The fuck you want Adebisi


Poor management led to them chasing off their top talent. Only recently have new talent risen within the company to lead them back on track.

What have they even made recently?

If it weren't for the shitty stealth mission with the manlet friend this would be one of my top 20 GOTYAY titles. To me the arena combat in Shadow of Rome feels tighter and more visceral than melee combat in any game in the last 12 years. Even with only a couple buttons being used. There are so many contextual alternate animations it never gets boring.

Capcom started expecting bigger sales than their games deserved. Lost Planet 3, Resi 6, SFV, DmC - they expected higher sales than they ever got out of these games.
From someone who grew up with Capcom on the SNES when they were producing high quality games that have survived the test of time, I think that only someone of record levels of idiocy could be a Capcom fanboy today. I loved the shit they used to do. Now it's a lot more hit-or-miss.

I'm actually starting to be convinced that the stealth sections benefit the game.
They come at such intervals you're always hungry for that next battle.

Or they could have just made combat more interesting so there would be no need for that, but this ain't perfect world we live in.