It's cold outside so that puts me in the mood for some comfy RTS's.
You know the drill. Feel free to post things like
>The game you're currently playing
>The best faction
>Best unit
>The quote you like
>Kane facts
>Why MOBA's ruined everything ever
It's cold outside so that puts me in the mood for some comfy RTS's.
You know the drill. Feel free to post things like
>The game you're currently playing
>The best faction
>Best unit
>The quote you like
>Kane facts
>Why MOBA's ruined everything ever
Do tactical battle simulators count as RTS?
at least I have job
Been playing Stronghold Crusader recently.
Nothing like building a comfy Fortress for my lads.
>Combat mission
Hello brother
Has the latest Combat Mission - Battle for Normandy ((((upgrades)))) been cracked?
Wc3 tft is best rts ever
Prove me wrong
Pro tip you cant
No idea. I buy the games.
>I buy the games
the DLC's and (((upgrades))) together with the base game goes probably over 300$£€ in prize because these turbokikes can't resist trying to leech shekels from everything possible.
Pitiful is the fate of the poorfags.
It's such a niche game that they have to be complete Jews. I can accept that.
They refuse to sell their games on steam, they have absolutely no excuse.
I like in particular the useless placeholder units that have no role in the game.
I like how Undead are forced to make Death Knight+spiders every single game. I like how for every race half the hero pool is relegated to secondary support roles, with only one or two viable starters.
Blizzard is really good at balancing games in general.
>They refuse to sell their games on steam
Why though? Because of the sales?
Its real time tactics but they are very close anyway
It's real time with a wego pause system. Well, I guess it does have real time, but playing it like that is a complete fucking chore that only allows you to maintain a visual on a single unit at a time.
>C&C Red Alert 1/2/3
>Supreme Commander
>Age of Empires 2/3 + Mythology
>Company of Heroes 1/2
>Dawn of War 1/2
>Homeworld Remastered + DoK
>Cossacks 3
>Warcraft 3
>Planetary Annihilation: Titans
>Plus all relevant expansions for the above
How much of a pleb am I if these are the only RTS games I've ever played? I only started really getting into them early last year and I've been just trying to play catch up with them since then.
Are there any hidden gems or genre defining classics I should play? Keep in mind I'm a pleb only interested in campaigns and AI skirmish
Dunno man, wanna try Transarctica? It has trains.
Also, I've recently been playing Maelstrom. I like how one resource in the game can be acquired by harvesting survivors and plopping them in freezers.
Rise of Nations?
Its like playing Civilization in real time
I'll look into them, cheers.
Make the shift to total war, it's an rts at it's core and the new warhammer game is 10/10 comfy and fun for single player dweebs. It's the only shining beacon of good real time strategy in a sea of bland wannabe has-been shit that's been releasing in the last few years
Most games turn to boring shit at a competitive level, wc3 is better off than most old rts games in this regard.
>>Cossacks 3
Get American Conquest, better in every way that matters.
Rise of Legends is fun.
Heroes of Annihilated Empires is ambitious.
Armies of Exigo is a fantasy clone of Starcraft that is better than Warcraft and Starcraft taken together.
You're not a RTS fan if you haven't played Battle for Middle Earth 1/2.
>Rise of Legends is fun.
My Negro
I don't know why that game flew under so many radars, everyone I know who has played it loved it.
Act of War had a cool Tom Clancy like SP.
Especially the expansion.
Oh shit, Kane lives.
No longer will the world be dominated... by the legacy of these fools!
because "muh niche playerbase a-bloo bloo bloo" they literally don't want any more customers because they have already a small stockholm-syndrome playerbase that sucks their dicks 24/7 regardless of what they do
Sounds good. I get my games, they get their money.
This. They don't have to since they have so many addicted to series such as BF or Sims. Those few are lost cases which then buy every damn shit "product" they are spilling out thus keeping company in good finance. Cycle goes on and ride never ends.
[Spoiler]Soon, my brothers, soon.[/spoiler]
Would you take the second great coming of RTSs if the first major RTS was set in the League of Legends universe?
Company of Heroes 2 is on sale right now. I loved the first game and put a couple hundred hours into it online. Is 2 worth picking up now? Is the online alive?
God bless the modding community
The fact that they block so much content behind the commanders really triggers my aspergers. It's worth it at this price though.
And what's up with all the """stand-alone""" expacs? Does it have unified multiplayer?
I wish more RTS had "interactive campaign map" like Dune 2000.
Commanders? If I buy the "Master Collection" do I have access to all content?
From what I read it seems like you have access to all maps and can play against anyone else. You can only play as the factions you own though.
>From what I read it seems like you have access to all maps and can play against anyone else. You can only play as the factions you own though.
Okay, that sounds reasonable. I was afraid they'd fracture the community.
New releases of Dawn of Tiberium Age, Mental Omega and Twisted Insurrection, all in autumn. It's a good time to be a C&C fan.
>tfw Gearbox STILL owns the Homeworld IP
Kill me.
>tfw loved SC2
>SC2 general is filled with cancer and anxiety keeps me from playing multiplayer
I even bought Legacy of the Void but hardly played it ;_;
>tfw they've done nothing but good with it so far
Well, Kharak was light on multiplayer content - but besides that I really liked it.
>Frank Klepacki remix
what the fuck
I want underage fags to gtfo
It's a HD re-upload of a several years old interview
Based Kane (Joe Kucan) is the longest recurring actor in any video game franchise
We were lucky, since it wasn't developed by Gearbox. It was handled by ex-Homeworld developers.
I am terrified to see what they will instruct them to do in the future.
>Homeworld: The pre-sequel, set before the events of Homeworld, explaining how the evil Hiigaran Empire struck the poor Taiidani POC with their toxic-masculinity.
>yfw Joe Kucan is doing some arthouse kino nowadays
Dunno m8, League of Legends is an assfaggots right? So it's gonna be nothing but heroes. Unless they expand upon the LoL setting, then no. Then again I've never played it, so I dunno, guess you could show me a pic of the creeps and then make variants of it as the units for the RTS
Add Metal Fatigue to this.
>No sequel where the Corponations reverse secretly Hedoth tech and free themselves.
>Not seeing the dumbfounded faces of the aliens when they realized that they gravely underestimated humanity.
>No Jonus redemption arc.
(not really Westwood is kill)
Dammit. Forgot pic.
They turned into Petroglyph Studios.
God i fucking miss Kane. Why did CnC has to die horrible fucking death. KW multiplayer was damn fun.
You can't kill the Messiah!!!
So one day he'll come back. He'll do so and it will be awesome.
Anything Homeworld will go to Blackbird because Randy definetly will want some free money after the failure that was Stillborn.
But EA owns C&C ip, no?
Based off what I know of the LoL lore, before the league was created the world was in total war. This is where a game would be set.
Yeah. And the worst thing is that after Tiberium Alliances they did nothing else anymore.
The only thing one would do is to buy it from them, but it's like Herakles pulling off his 12 stunts...and you don't have his superhuman strength. Hence it's impossible sadly.
It will be shit because rito ruins absolutely everything it touches. I still don't understand why no one played KW muliplayer comptetively, it was decently balanced.
New CnC (Generals 2 basically) was in development back in 2013 but it was cancelled.
Soulstorm with UA
Yes it does and that's why C&C is lost forever. One fucking franchise I wanted to be spared but no it's fucking EA title.
LoL is a badly coded mess of a game but it sells like gangbusters. A bad LoL RTS would tell all AAA devs that there is money in trying to bring back RTS
On one hand I'm sad, but on the other it's probably better this way since it was supposed to be multiplayer only and with some things that made the fans rage incoherently.
This would suffice.
But the other dude said something. Is Riot really that bad?
but a lot of the champs are military commanders
It sells like hamburgers because it's piss easy to play. And you can't blame your teammates for losing so ladder anxiety is a thing.
Yes, they are a bunch of greedy jews that caught lightning in a bottle. Like a worse, even more SJW-infested version of EA.
What was the best C&C game and why was it Tiberium Wars?
Its RA2 or Kane's Wrath.
C&C games are overrated. They're only good with mods, otherwise they're just horrible spamfests.
Kane's Wrath ramped up the experience further (YAY FOR SUBFACTIONS).
Go back to SCII.
Oh yes Traveller-59.
>>The game you're currently playing
Emperor battle for dune, i'm playing ordos because i'm a rampant edgelord
>>The best faction
Though choice, but i would say Heroes of Anihilated empires Undead, and the fallen from armies of exigo.
>>Best unit
Zerg Hidralisk, definitely, the design, the usefulness, the way it attacks, it's perfect
>>The quote you like
"Carrier has arrived"
>>Kane facts
>>Why MOBA's ruined everything ever
Eh, i want to see it more as mobas just took the players who weren't interested with the RTS part away from the playerbase.
Fuck you you massive pile of shit you need to learn good gaming etiquette
Who hype for Mental Omega?
Me but I'm starting to lose hope it'll ever be released.
I love how he always gives different answers to how he got the role. I wonder if we'll ever see him again--
First three:
Cossacks 3
No idea, maybe Ukrainians
Fucking Shebeka
Too butthurt over AI to continue.
Too much tiberium, user. Too much tiberium.
Shit's more dangerous than we ever anticipated.
SpringRTS is great
Tiberian Sun + FS
He just needs to shave the hair off and he still looks Kane
Aged like milk. RA2 was much better.
MOBAs are basically RTS, but they need faster reflexes, more skill and better teamplay. The genre evolved.
Anyone have played Wargame?
What decks are good for US?
I made US general deck, but it has less power than expected
I'm 24. I own every C&C, Starcraft II, and I played WC 2 adn WC 3. I feel like I am part of a dying breed. Newfags just can't into RTS.
What's the latest big RTS? SC2? And it's dying...
The genre just doesn't seem to work on mobile and consoles, and that's 90% of gaming these days.
This bait is getting stale, user.
Indeed. Also Steel Talons and Marked of Kane.
Seriously I'd love it if RTS games included the whole sub-faction idea more frequently.
Imagine StarCraft or WarCraft if Blizzard had sufficiently enough brains to do something like implementing something like that into a campaign or multi (the co-op mode doesn't count).
That would've caused RTS games to be even more fun.
I used to play a lot of RTS, but honestly I got bored of them. The whole gather resources - build the same optimal base in 10 minutes - rush the hard counter of whatever the enemy is building got old.
Nowadays I play simulation and autistic builder/engineering games. Things like Dwarf Fortress, Factorio, I even build my bases in Space Engineers.
I guess I feel more comfy if my bases have more longevity than classic C&C / *craft / age of* games, where a match can last from 10 minutes to 2-3 hours tops.
Go play FAF then, second best RTS ever made.
KW community is still kinda alive, they fixed the balance, like giving ST EMP nades.