ITT - Personal 10/10s

ITT - Personal 10/10s

I agree

I adore DQ5.



Sim City 4

The Last of Us
Planescape: Torment
Warcraft 3






Good taste



Danganronpa 2.

Nothing fills the void after finishing it. Fuck!

These two

can we please stop with this game? Everytime I see it, I remember how awesome it was, even if I didn´t understand the whole story. And then I remember seeing them in KH3D and then I remember we will never ever get a fucking sequel.

It just hurts me guys...such a great game, such a great replay value, such huge shit to do. One time I think I played a whole story arc about this damn pins. Still don´t know how I got in there but it was fucking fun....

fuck you square, fuck this ff VII:r bullshit, fuck this Final fantasy XII:HD bullshit. Just give me a sequel to this game....

I enjoyed the game a lot, but the game world wasn't big and there was a lot of revisiting of the same old areas.

it was still a ds game, but eventhough it never felt "oh shit this again". You could still go to shops, do frog missions, do this pin games, level up your pins..heck the pins even leveled up if you didn´t play.
