SFV sold less than 100k copies since May


>In an update to Capcom’s 2016 financial report on Thursday night, it has been revealed that less than 100,000 copies of Street Fighter V have been shifted between May and September 30th. During the release of the initial financial report in May of this year, Capcom revealed that it had shipped 1.4 million units of their latest fighter, which was way under its initial target of 2 million units to be sold by March 2016. While the September update saw other figures change, the Street Fighter V sales figures has remained at 1.4 million.

>It seems that even with the release of the cinematic Story Mode, the Evo finals of Street Fighter V being televised on ESPN 2 and the continued success of the Capcom Pro Tour, the company has failed to properly deal with the initial negative press of Street Fighter V’s barebones February launch and its confused DLC plan. While Capcom did promise that they would not release a “Super Street Fighter V”, it may be their only way to increase sales figures outside of the core FGC audience and account for its rocky launch, which was styled after other esports titles like League of Legends but was not priced accordingly to match its main console market.

so now that Street Fighter is on life support, I guess that's the end of Capcom fighting games for awhile. WELCOME TO THE DARK AGES ONCE AGAIN, just because they had to rush this shit out the door and charge overpriced DLC.

Capcom will never learn from their past mistakes, fuck this chink company.

That's what they get for trying to pander to waifufags instead of fightingfags

And the garbage everything else didn't have anything to do with it?

Yeah, that's what I mean user.

They though they could make up for the lack of everything by trying to persuade waifufags to buy it.

But they didn't realize waifufags don't play fighting games cause that takes effort, hence why all the waifu pandering games have basic and simple gameplay. Capcom should have just pumped out merchandise for waifufags instead.

Honestly, fighting and sports games should not be exclusives. Street Fighter V did so many things wrong.

I also forgot to mention that Waifufags also have DoA to pander to them for the "fighting genre"

What the fuck do waifufags have to do with any of SFV's problems

How about the unfinished fucking game and the overpriced DLC user, characters weren't an issue.

>That's what they get for trying to pander to waifufags instead of fightingfags
Nah it's what they get for exclusively pandering to tourneyfags

>using DLC money to make larger pots for tournaments

No, the tournament scene is what killed this game. Not everyone is Daigo or Justin Wong you faggot

Then why is it such a terrible tournament game?

Will fighting games make a comeback or will they die off like RTS games did?

We just need a new melty is all.

Because tourneyfags are autists who won't ever like anything new

Hence why pandering to them was a bad idea

Because the game is an unfinished mess, holy shit user. Pay the fuck attention or maybe play the game?

8 frames of lag and a lot of people were still playing SFV like its SFIV. There is considerable less depth in SFV than there is in SFIV. It just feels super bland.

Good. Well deserved.

Yeah. Fucking melty of all things will save the genre.

I would've bought the game but Sony's price hike for PS+, and the Canadian dollar made me skip it. Same with Tekken 7 unfortunately.
This is sad news though, because Capcom is already hurting financially and I absolutely love their games, especially Monhun. I feel they're starting to improve their output too.

Capatcha: THICKE

You see, everyone complains about fadc and focus attacks, and shit like ultra and vortex then when they're removed everyone cries lack of depth.

SFV is just too many steps back but not enough forward

Wait, you mean all that "Pokken sold more than SFV" shitposting some months back was actually true?

>It's Sony's fault that the game failed and not me being too poor to fuel my hobby

>You see, everyone complains about fadc and focus attacks, and shit like ultra and vortex then when they're removed everyone cries lack of depth.

I don't think the scrubs whining about SF4 are the same people who think SF5 is shallow.

No FADC, Focus Attacks, Ultras and fucking heavy vortex-focused gameplay is not why SFV lacks depth. None of that shit would remedy any of the issues the game has.

Japan keeps getting greedy and trying to emulate Western Kusoge for broad burger appeal.

SFV went the nu-Blizzard "streamlining" route and so we got the Heroes of the Storm/Diablo 3 treatment of SF.

Of course normies don't really like whacky Japanese stuff, so Japanese companies just end up alienating their core fans and not winning over the normies because the game is still too weeb.

I'm gonna play injustice 2 because the population is going to be insane

>Capcom will never learn from their past mistakes

Why would they learn from their mistakes when it's the same people making them? Not like anybody ever gets fired from a Jap company for being incompetent.

SFV's development team was entirely western. The Street Fighter brand is actually owned by Capcom USA specifically now, as weird as that sounds.

basically this. They are Apple farmers wanting the profits of the Orange framers down the rivers they start growing apples not understand that the will lose all their customers wanting orange while gaining none of the apple profits because they haven't made Apples nearly as long as the competitors

The "battle designer" was that Jap who couldn't count to 2 at EVO, so that can't be true.

I still don't know what they were thinking
The brand is infamous for making repackages and enhanced versions and they thought releasing a bare bones title at $60 during the dead months of game sales was a good idea?

Not entirely, Ono's still in charge.

Maybe they need to make a switch to a better console.

>one of the best animators on newgrounds
>panders to 10 year old kids with animemes

I like the irony of using a darkstalkers laughing image here

See the thing is, first, instead of toning some of those mechanics down, they just removed all of them. Then they decided to not replace them with any new mechanics.

Focus attacks fucked a lot with footsies but the game was also made and played with them in mind. SFV feels like a combination of 4 and Turd Strike, with all of the mechanics and footsies removed

>Wanted to make the game a good entry point for new players
>Simplified mechanics a bit and a few other things
>Then suddenly pushed the game out of the door completely barebones for tourneyfags

They should have kept the fucking thing in an open access beta until it was actually finished


Those were all bad mechanics, I'm glad they're gone. There are many simple fighting games with depth, it's just SFV is bad.

Wow those sales are so terrible it seems like they would never make a Street Fighter game again.

The fuck are you fags saying about overpriced DLC? Is it really such a shame that you cannot put a bikini on Karin for cheap? Because the goddamn characters can be acquired with in-game currency, and that's the only thing that matters.

They shouldn't have been so cocky about not releasing on xbox in my opinion.

Im sure there will be people who will boycott it if it ever comes to xbox now.

Not that it matters. Its not coming to xbone.

Why do you have to win online to unlock characters.

>mfw season 2 never ever

Wait, Capcom's hurting financially? That's terrible news, they're the only japanese devs that still put out games I enjoy regularly.

Ono is in charge, unfortunately Ono is an idiot

>They shouldn't have been so cocky about not releasing on xbox in my opinion.

Sony paid for the game. If they didn't, they wouldn't have made it.

Ono was saying back in 2013 that Capcom didn't have the $ to make a next-gen fighting game.

>using a Darkstalker reaction image to shittalk about sales

nicely done

>game is ugly as shit
>they cut 75% of the fan favorites on launch
>no casual modes so people can just waste their time when they want
>the defense force still find a way to accuse the casuals for the failure
damn this is just sad and pathetic.

the game is doing fine, shut your faggot ass up

>it's another Capcom is dead, FG are dead, RIP thread

all that's missing in the OP is that Tekken is the Savior of the FGC world

Tekken is the genre's last hope though, every other fighting game sold like shit


I'm aware of that. Still, It seems a little unprofessional of Capcom to use the rhetoric they did. I remember one quote

>for people who have an xbox, we have to say that there's plenty of time to save up for a PS4 before SFV is released

Capcom still sells games on Xbox, and borderline console war statements like that might cause butthurt and lost sales.

It might sound ridiculous to you and I, but ive seen fanboys on twitter get offended at STUPID shit.

Maybe Capcom will now focus on some real video games again.


>They should have kept the fucking thing in an open access beta until it was actually finished
Japanese business models probably prevent that from happening.

Maybe Jap companies will finally learn focusing on waifufaggotry doesn't sell games. ArcShit games can't even sell a million and big names like Tekken and SF didn't sell 2 million. Meanwhile MKX comes out with core features that don't even work at launch for weeks and it sells 5-6 million.

fighting games are the only game genre that still demands skill

Blazblue has been doing great in arcades

KoF kinda shot themselves in the foot by not having an arcade version released, 13 was still decently popular in arcades when I visited last year

I'm actually really curious as to what Jap arcades look like now since V never got an arcade release, every arcade had a ton of SFIV cabinets

mkx only sold due to excessive sickdark violence and shitty gritty realism western designs

also that game had waifus too, the fuck you call cassie cage and mileena?

>fighting games are the only game genre that still demands skill

Thats what you get for taking the sony big bucks to go exclusive

What other genre does? Mobas? Lmfao

>inb4 some idiot brings up souls pvp

>RTS doesn't require skill
>Grand strategy doesn't require skill
>turn based games don't require skill

Perform this more than twice in a row. Don't even bother responding, because I know you can't

Skill doesn't convert into money very handily.

A minority that still looks far less ridiculous than Mika, Karin, Lili, and Alisa. Having retarded waifu designs is a huge red flag for a lot of people. SF didn't need it for CPS1 SF2, which sold millions more than any other version of SF, and Tekken didn't get real stupid waifu designs until PS2.

>initial negative press of Street Fighter V’s barebones February launch and its confused DLC plan.
Let's not mention the censorship, sshhhh

So when's Darkstalkers 4?

You mean like how they pandered to Waifufags by censoring the butt slap, removing nipples, and censoring Juri's costumes?

>turn based games don't require skill

Notbanymore thry don't. Games like Civilization or Total War are a minority to all the extra retard games like Fire Emblem or Persona that make games like CoD look like rocket science.

Darkstalkers consistently made the top 5 of yearly sales charts when it was a current series. More than can be said for SF5.

KoF is getting an Arcade Release and that's gonna help it a ton in its home country.
Aside from that KoF's online community needs to come back and I earnestly think a DLC update would help it a ton.

SFV is making a good, solid come back but what needs to happen is Season 2 with full on fan-favorite characters and new stages.

I'm SO glad to see this. Just goes to show how stupid you guys were for thinking SF can just sell because it's SF. They should've did something else. At least then we wouldn't have seen SF fail so horribly. So much for a new Vampire though. I still think it would've sold more but whatever.

Are you fucking kidding me here? How are the characters you listed more ridiculous than:

>miley cyrus ripoff whose finishers include popping bubble gum over a bullet wound and doing "deadly selfies" on twitter
>generic monster girl in skintight clothes with dsls despite being a fucking beast
>bug woman with goddamn tits
>asian bitch in skimpy slut outfit that fights using bladed fans

Come on now, the black girl is the only sensible female in that cast of waifu pandering shit

>You mean like how they pandered to Waifufags by censoring the butt slap, removing nipples, and censoring Juri's costumes?
They pandered to my dick with hair down Juri
I didn't get SF5 because it's not that fun to me

That's what they get for catering to FGC desu senpai
FGC can't support game development

You have a million waifufaggotry games that sell a fraction of what SFV sold. Begging for shit characters like Mika or Karin was a mistake and keeping in a retarded assslap wouldn't boost sales.

Goes to show waifufaggotry. Hopefully we'll never see Mika or Karin again and they'll stop trying to push for Darkstalkers

Why the fuck would you make a fighter and NOT cater it to the fgc?

Why do female characters bug you so damn much, you a homo or some shit? The fuck kind of nigga catches feeling over females being in a fighting game? Hold dat shyt son.

See Mortal Kombat.

Money and accessibility.

Capcom tried to grab both FGC and casuals but fucked up in ways that bother both sides.

I'm a Darkstalkers fan too but this is some shit b8 right her. The only way for Darkstalkers would sell gangbusters would be for it to have the KOFXIII level of sprite and background design, a significant shift in game play to hyper differentiate from the other Fighters, a cinematic story mode that was emphasized more than the gameplay and an expanded roster with great netcode with little room for DLC aside from cosmetics.

No we can. The problem is when you try make lighting strike twice.SFIV was a fluke. They should've did something else THEN bring back SF.

>and they'll stop trying to push for Darkstalkers

Fuck outta here my guy.

But MK is trash and not respected by the FGC
Lupe Fiasco said SF V was a man's game and MK was garbage

So they have to actually TRY to make a great fighter for VS to be good? Gee who would've thought?

>not playing third strike on fightcade

its free

>What is Mortal Kombat X?

TvC sold fine, and it was entirely full of literally whos, had substandard graphics, had no story mode, and its gameplay was the exact same as Marvel's.

Because Tourney faggots are the ones buying games.

nice reddit formatting

>But MK is trash and not respected by the FGC
>Lupe Fiasco said SF V was a man's game and MK was garbage

Neither of which have an impact on MK and its sales.

If you cater to just the FGC you are limiting accessibility and sales.
This is why they aren't the sole target.

Capcom decided to half ass catering to casuals and the price was annoying the FGC with some dumbass decisions and then pissing off casuals for not catering to them properly.

MK knows how to pander to casuals so it sells well.

If Tekken 7 sells well. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 sold like Shit.

>he likes parry strike

Yeah great game man any time you go on offence you can just get outskilled and parried into a combo

Literally turtle fighter

Being an angry woman hating faggot doesn't make you right. If the girls is really the only excuse you can find on that game to explain why it failed you really need to find a new hobby you little shit.

whats with you crying about waifus faggot, thats not why the game did bad

None of that would help it sell gangbusters. XIII didn't sell amazing and Darkstalkers has never ever sold well.

TvC sold what they expected which wasn't a lot

Then throw them

>Literally turtle fighter

Why do niggas just say shit on the internet without knowing what the FUCK they talking about?

Main reason I didn't but SFV.
I'll wait till Ultimate Omega Super Shin Budokai Street Fighter 5 4K HD Championship turbo remix Arcade Edition.


And so it is 2001 once again.
