I love you Sup Forums...
I love you Sup Forums
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Love ya too, Champ.
eat shit and die faggot
i love you too
How are you guys holding up?
I love myself too.
AND llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU
I love you
me too, but only because i haven't seen your steam profile and your epic youtube channel full of memes
I love you too
Consider suicide, you unemployed fat virgin fuck. How many people would mourne you if you died? 2? And for how long? Everybody would forget about you after ONE week. You waste of resources. I cant help but feel sorry about your parents. Think about your life decisions for 5 minutes.
I, for one, hate every single one of you fuckers.
do you love my shirt Sup Forums?
thanks for saving Sup Forums, user
everyone shut up and post your cat.
My cat died in august
i dont have leeches that carry parasites, sorry.
yeah, its cute
im sorry user..
>leh epic Sup Forums pessimist meme
haha, good one my dude
ty i got it from target for like $5
No I don't
Take it off
mama no!
No honestly, how do you feel about the parasite inside your brain cause of your cat?
>the photo scrolled to the right
my fucking sides
b-but i have gyno
i want to pet that cat
>Up to half of the world's population are infected by toxoplasmosis but have no symptoms
You're probably infected mate
you can pet my cat bb
>projecting this hard
it's also pretty easy to treat once you know you have it
Sup Forums, what is the point of living?
I did it for you, user.
Unlike you, I don't huff kitten poop.
Playing gaymu and eating
I feel like I'm almost at the end of the road.
love you too
cats are the most fucking heartless cunts ever
You mean women.
Now who is this semen demon
Nice, I bet that controller smells like cat ass and has hairs fucking everywhere now.
My landlord poisoned my cat.
I don't think he's made enough life decisions to last 5 minutes mate.
Fuck you, I hope my landlord poisons you.
Bad parenting is a reason for fuckups too, you know.
Here you go
Oh...well that's unfortunate.
That cat is fat.
Not really, she's fluffy af
You're fat.
I bet that what your mom says about you too.
Why is the webm so hot? Why is this so sexual?
Nigga you serious right now
A-user! This is so sudden!
I... I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way...
This bird would fuck your cat up big time.
My cat comes with bonus dogs
Wait there's no way to get legally Cod4 Remastered without paying 90 bucks?
>Every halfa year I migrate to another board or chan.
>But I always wind up back here.
I fucking hate you people.
Because you never had a woman and extremely thristy?
Its an average looking girl talking into a cam.
There's something else about it, but I can't place my finger on it.
Nah she is definitely above average cute and there's something vaguely naughty about the way she's talking to that camera.
maybe it's the wink
dani tantucci or something like that. Italian actress.
how do you feel about the parasite in your brain because of someone else's cat, cuck
why is it everytime i see a kitten or cat, i can't help but imagine them getting a gruesome death or torture. Am i just traumatized by the fact i've witnessed over atleast 32 kittens and having to throw them away by order of my mother?
>craaaawling iiiin my skiiiiin
Who is this sperm wyrm?
I-I hate you too! Baka...
does she do any nude scenes?
I meant Denise Tantucci.
And no, the closest to nudity was shaving her head.
She is proof you can look good bald if you have good facial structure.
you forgot the most important part senpai
That looks exactly like a kitten I had that liked to sleep on my hands and the controller while I was playing the vidya.
I miss the little shit ;_;
Let's not let this nice thread die.
It's hard to have nice things on Sup Forums. If we bump it too much fag mods will delete it.
You have a high cute potential
Hold on, user
Don't die user ;_;
I only love the weebs and anime/hentai posters on Sup Forums.
Porn posters are okay too I guess.
this desu