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Video Games #3570
Video Games
Just bought pic related, what am i in for?
Is Urgot a support?
Admit it, Sup Forums. Unleashed is a good game
TIL Matthew Perry was a huge fan of Fallout 3 and presented Ellen Degeneres with a signed copy of the game on her show...
Tfw I'm not worthy enough for Cleopatra
Who would win in a fight between SHODAN and GLaDOS?
Wow Tanks
Are there any games where I can play as a cute witch?
Horror game appreciation thread
Standing on a rock makes you invincible to all melee enemies
How easily triggered are you guys?
Why didn't she do it?
Why is he even doing it? We know what's going to happen
This is my first SMT. Why is it so hard? Sup Forums always says how easy it is for its series but its just insane to me...
Name ONE game with an interesting and fun magic system
How the fuck was Hyrule Warriors as good as it was?
Skyrim roulette
You wanted his downfall you got it
If Symmetra's sentries had 50 HP each, would she be viable in competitive?
What's so bad about hip fire?
Haha >w<
Ulillillia has moved on from video games
Why do you like the Asari?
Mass Effect
Ha ha
Your opinion on Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Daimakaimura)?
What is the the most autistic thing you have grinded for in a game?
Smash Sup Forumseekend
What type of enemy do you fear the most?
How the fuck do people play this game in first person?
Generally accepted to be the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2
Your appointment to the presidency should be finalized within the week. I have already discussed the matter with Soros
Where do you rank Sup Forums?
Level up
What are some games that always put a smile on your face? I need some distractions from real life
So with the Nintendo Switch impending, it means a new Smash Bros
Oregon trail
Call me an edgy faggot but I enjoy dark and creepy themes in video games
Makes you think
What does Sup Forums think of va11halla? Thinking about getting it since its on sale
What's the best game of the last 5 years and why is it The Last of Us (Gaming's Citizen Kane)?
Whaaack-hoo! Another lovely day on Sup Forums!
Name me one game that can beat Xenoblade Chronicles X when it comes to gorgeous scenery that you stopped playing more...
Why is corpse party so expensive? Went sheik hunting and it was 49.99 instead of 39.99 like all other 3ds games
Can you really build a $399 PC that outputs visuals of a PS4 Pro? Not trying to meme just genuinely curious
Has OoT met its match?
Are there any video games out there that have random events like a 1/1000 chance of you witnessing something unusual in...
What are some games that look great from the outside but are actually terrible when you play them?
Tfw videogames are boring
What am i
What are some video games where I can play as a business man?
ITT: Games only you played
This fucking game
Just a quick reminder that if you invade someone in a souls game and dont bow before you attack youre a fucking turd...
What does Sup Forums think of ys?
It's another main character voiced by Nolan North game
Was it any good?
What are some games with really satisfying endings? Besides the big ones like FF 7 and OoT...
This girl wants to form a guild and go on an adventure with you. Your response?
Was smash 4 a failure?
Why is there so much hate for the best Lara?
I know culture threads are insta-delete nowadays, but I feel this needs to be addressed
Why is no one talking about this? One of the best JRPGs released this year
Kat is without a doubt the purest of all vidya girls
Pick one and only one Sup Forums
Let's discuss these games. Will they ever be remade? Did you only buy one of them? I did and regreted it...
Games where I can bully people?
What games let me bully people?
Is it just me, or are more "elitest" people playing this game than before? After every game, people type "??" and "ez"...
SC5 > SC2 > SC1 > SC3 > SC4
Danganronpa V3
Garbage games Sup Forums tricked you into buying
What am I going to do with this Rosalina Amiibo?
Bayonetta and its sequel or DMC 3 and 4 for best action games ever?
WiiU emulator now has a decent comparability list of playable games...
Smash Summit 3 Melee Finals
Most powerful entity in the entire Warcraft universe
Halo MCC
Any of you faggots play VR?
Roguelikes are videogames
Necromancer class
Mods deleting Battlefield One threads left and right
Really makes you think
Ever felt so passionate about a game that you threw a temper tantrum and broke hundreds of dollars of equipment over it?
Name a female vidya character that is made for breeding
Alright lads, what's better?
Resident Evil Thread
Video game walkthrough is written in paragraphs instead of bullet points
Why didn't you buy Tsubasa's game?
What videogame girl you want to be?
This is your mother
Is this any good...
Is smooth ps2 emulation possible? Why won't this work for me?
What does Sup Forums think of the project diva games?
Anyone else miss DAH! ?
Why the fuck are there BLACK GERMAN SOLDIERS DURING WW1?
Dead or Alive thread
That guy who wrote a college paper about video games
What was his endgame?
Yooka Laylee
Modern 2D platformers worth playing:
Titanfall 2
Was this the Banjo Kazooie of PS1?
Does Skyrim belong to the Nords, Sup Forums?
I hope you're including Barik in your party
Why the fuck do people STILL play consoles? PC is objectively superior
ITT Challenges/Megaprojects/Novel ideas for Dwarf Fortress forts
S or M?
Is there any video games that include large feminine penises
Choose 3 stats. You are allowed to pick one multiple times. Show me how you build your characters
Smash Summit 3 Top 8
Is Jaina the best written racist in video games?
What are some other great PS3 games?
Has there ever been a better video game character than Shadow the Hedgehog?
What is the best race in TES and why
Just a reminder
Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?
MBTI personality type and favorite video game
Metroid has never been about the multiplayer!
Waiting to get haircut
How should 3D be done in Sonic games?
What can change the nature of a man?
Now look at this thread, that I just found
ITT: Games you loved once, but have gone to shit since
I just realized something
How is this legal? hello? i payd for it and then ban me?
Any games where you fight communists? Plenty where you fight nazis...
ITT: Judge your year's full priced purchases
Your opinion on Descent I and II
Name of this game
Started playing Stein's;Gate recently
I enjoy things
Why is she a loli in the third game?
Are giivasunner fans autistic?
Should vidya be aware of the memes based on them?
Your opinion on Quake
What was the biggest mistake in gaming?
How's that traffic coming along, Sup Forums?
Gigantic Open Beta Weekend
You have ten seconds to name a more hype battle theme than this
Anybody else hype for this?
Post enemies in games that as soon as you encounter them, you know you won't have fun
There are no good female stre-
This is Pixie the most loyal demon in SMT!
Play any other healer
My desk chair broke
Friendly reminder that you don't own anything since the seventh generation of video game consoles
Anyone else watch ENB's (Epic Name Bro's) play-throughs of Soulsborne games?
Why is this game exempt from the WE WUZ meme?
Objectice : Survive
What you playing handhelders?
SFV Red Bull Battlegrounds new thread
AI can read inputs
All this fat fuck does is unbox shit now
The Witness
New digimon game on Steam and PC gaming
What is HDR in games like?
The game was in development for like a decade, it's been hailed as one of the most perfect video games ever made...
"user! Dinners ready!"
Can we finally agree on something?
Why the fuck did videogames just stop caring about graphic art for their boxes?
Smash Summit 3 Final Day
Moments in Vidya that made you cry
TF2 is ded
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
It's really not that bad
So where do I start in yakuza?
Anyone picking up a PS4 Pro this week? If not why?
Got Skyrim Special Edition for free since I had the legendary edition from a sale, so I decided to start a new file...
When will we get Elder Scrolls 6 and where will it take place?
How can I help you King Sup Forumsv/v/?
Danganronpa V3
Nioh Translated images
What the fuck is Kirby?
Is it just me or are diablo clones really boring?
Boot up das1 after years
Legion is literally the best expansion of WoW ever
Why do people play RPGs?
Playing kotor 2
First Tomb Raider game: emphasis on exploration, platforming, and puzzle-solving...
What are some good monsters I should level up?
Digital or physical games?
What did he mean by this?
What was better, nintendos last console or segas?
Hot Coldman
ITT: Comfy soundtrack
Does anyone still play dark souls 3...
Daily reminder these IPs are dead and Capcom could easily outsource most of them to a hungry studio
What do you guys think? Will Saurian be shit? Or could it be alright?
Cast Bloodborne movie
You told me it was good, Sup Forums
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
So now that N O S T A L R I U S is coming back 100% hosted in Russia with DB + Code, exactly where we left off...
Blizzard on suicide watch
So? Did you guys find the other sanctuaries?
Legend of Zelda Thread
You're a necromancer who's about to go on a quest. You can only choose one of these options. Which will it be?
This is the most videogamey vidya I've played since 6th gen
Is anyone playing remastered on pc? is it any good
Tales of Berseria
What does Sup Forums think of open pro-LGBT games like Transistor and Last of Us?
What was this expression trying to convey?
PCucks indeed
Why the fuck did nobody ever make a game like this for the Wii-U?
Is there any way they can make Shodan a serious villain again after 2's ending?
Hey guys Sup Forumsk/ fag here
Having to solve puzzles with a creature that has a mind of its own and might not do what you want him to do
This is the worst thing ive ever "played"
ITT - Fuck you, I liked it
Debate this fact:
Real lives
Just found a free 3DS. What do?
What constitutes a "slav" game (not necessarily an actual slav game, but one having the atmosphere, gameplay etc...
Smash Summit 3 Final Day
Completely, utterly...
Game tries to be funny
Name a single jrpg that doesn't fall on the melodramatic territory
Comfy game music thread
Do you actually still enjoy videogames or do you just play them because you've got nothing else to do?
What are your thoughts on fanservice games? Games like DOA, Senran Kagura or Onechanbara?
"it has ps2 gameplay" meme
Horror game
PS4 games
Dice has not been capable of making a good battlefield game since bad company 2
OpenXCOM thread
R-remember me?
Buying games from MS shitty store
I just got done getting my fill of Mega Man Zero 2 (all ex skills, elves, and forms, hard mode completed)
The main problem with cod
What did he mean by this?
This game is fucking garbage, how do you even kill the monsters if you dont have a healthbar to see them die...
Stuffing your face as usual
Holy shit, Westwood...
ITT:dead series you want to come back
DOOM protected by Denuvo
Can anyone explain why even the newest games, running on i7 and triple Titan X look nowhere as good as Crysis...
Any love for Underrail in here?
Should I buy a Wii U? Thinking about picking one up for a secondary(primary PC). Is it still worth it or what...
Pirating kills the industry
So what is the final word on this game? I bought it on release...
Half Life 3
Has anyone noticed that games haven't really fundamentally changed from the last gen of consoles to this one?
Dark Souls 3
Final Fantasy XIV
Metro Thread
This is FUCKING unacceptable. This is everything wrong with Japan
Le arrow to the knee aside, is this game 50€ good? Particularly the PS4 version
TotalBiscuit Breakdown?
Why aren't you playing what is now accepted to be the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2?
Friendly reminder that you can hack your 3ds if you want with no drawbacks to it. Every firmware is possible...
Games you wish were more successful
LoL Hate Thread
TF2 is still one of the top games on Steam
What was it like owning the original game boy for the first time
Have you masturbated while playing a video game
Space Station 13
So, I finally stopped avoiding Fallout 4 because Sup Forums says it sucks. It turns out you guys were wrong again
Are there actually any games except heavens sword where transgender person is important to the story?
Real Lives Thread2
Game dev
I will buy Overwatch the second it gets a campaign
The Prodigal Son Returns
What was his problem?
Real life thread : Moya
Name me 10 good exclusives for the vita
Forgotten Videogame Characters
Final Fantasy
Why do you Sup Forumsermin never respond when I ask what some good modern games are to find on Steam? Fuck...
Name a comfier handled
ITT: Video game food you've eaten/ would like to try
Paladins and Overwatch
Why aren't you guy playing the Best MMO in 2016?
/grg/ Game Recommendation General
Are pcucks mad they won't be able to play this masterpiece?
Sho Minamimoto did nothing wrong
Subtle vidya clothing
Oh no! My balloon!
Symmetrical sticks are clearly superior,who honestly likes asymmetrical sticks like for real...
So I just played this. What am I in for? Did I like it?
Fans Declare Nov 12 "Battleborn Day"
No Filename thread?
Do you ever get bored of a game, but you still feel like you need to finish it? Like...
How is this game? Need something to keep me going for the meanwhile
What is your
Comes out next week
Have you ever attempted techniques from vidya IRL?
Got a $20 steam card, what should I buy based on these?
Am I gonna need any sort of special cables or something for a Japanese PS4 Slim to work in Burgerland?
I unironically liked undertale
Name a better video game based on a film
Games that got you to switch permanently to PC
Worth playing or not?
Will she return in Andromeda?
Yfw the Switch is only the first part of a line of system that will share architecture and game library
What would a kiss from mario feel like?
Playstation, an underdog story
Daily reminder that microsoft entering and sega leaving the console market is one of the worst things to happen to...
4 months from now
Oh boy, what's this?
Dishonored 2 uses Denuvo
What did Todd mean by this
Nostalrius being transferred to Elysium
Mother/Earthbound thread
What do yout think about game piracy ?
Screenshot Thread
75 reviews
Sup Forums complains about speech checks like pic related in FO3
Why haven't more companies realised that Smash is the natural evolution of the fighting genre...
Do you wear video games related clothes?
Real Lives Thread?
Man children playing smash at best buy get btfo
Game set in the future
What's the male equivalent of a christmas cake called Sup Forums?
Why do Sonic characters have one eyeball?
Name ONE game that has an underwater level that is not complete shit
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Why is Sup Forums so tsundere for this game?
You're a sociopath, no two ways about it
ITT: Sup Forums makes their own vaults with some gimmicks
Arena Shooters
Anyone else getting the Pro ?
Legion best Expac
Overwatch to reveal the first LGBT story in their lore
Is it the best ace attorney game? It's the only one without shitty filler
Does Pokemon SuMo have the best trainers in the history of the franchise?
Can we have an old school MMO thread?
FFXV - Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Detailed, intricate, complex cosplay of female character that doesn't show skin
Careful Traveler, the chasm cannot be jumped by mere mortals
Getting Dobson back
SMT and Christianity
Are you guys still playing xenoverse 2
Let's get rid of this little shit
So this is the power of Blizzard
What would make ARPGs more fun. PvP? Free roam? Combos? Not top-down, click move?
Arkham Knight
You were born right in time to enjoy a N64 as a kid
Video games are dead
Spam like an idiot
Is there anyone on gta v PS4 that can mod me some money? Also looking for friends to play the game with
I'm looking for almost dead F2P MMOs
Why are dinosaur games not popular anymore?
Zelda Timeline
This is Dallas from Payday 2
Why has no one copied fallout's RPG FPS genre?
USA had the best Sonic & Knuckles cover
What's you favourite ending credits music?
Hello Sup Forums
100% OJ thread
Does Gameplay Matter More Than Story, Characters, etc?
That game that you KNOW existed but you've never been able to find a single shred of evidence for
Just bought this, can't wait to try it. What kind of mouse do you own Sup Forums?
Is the GOG version of this game still floating around somewhere? I'm itching to play this
Is Star Fox Zero the most underappreciated game this year?
Hanzo is so sexy
How would you fix her?
Smash Summit
This game, along with Star Fox Zero, Federation Force, and Codename S.T.E.A.M bombed!
Why aren't you playing the best multiplayer game this year?
RIP Nostalrius
Tfw no Ace Combat HD remake
What's his fucking problem?
Many hundred years old
Got MM new for 15 Huckabees and its good shit. I just have problem, I dont understand how you progress in this game...
Just bought pic related for $13. Did I do good?
Why do gamer's tend to have weird fetishes?
When was the last time we played ace of spades? Does anyone know of a .54 server that's up?
CD Projekt Red preparing for a hostile takeover
Why do people love this game? It fucking blows. I don't have a lot of time for games...
If you could choose any video game character to be your roommate, who would it be?
ITT: Worst CastleLudos ever
That user is right, Final Fantasy XIII is good
Name 1 (one) game that won't make one abandon gaming forever after the abomination this generation is
Last game you played has been genderswapped. What changes? Do you still enjoy it?
Why is this game is better than Infinite Warfare?
Tfw you get the platinum trophy and wonder why you went through all that effort and frustration
Be at school walking at the hallway
Toaster PC gayming
Criticizing someone for playing on easy difficulty in a single player game
Which vidya boys you'd fug?
What make early 3D games so unsettling?
When was the last time a game disappointed you?
What does Sup Forums think of gameplay?
Does this game deserve its own Remaster?
Pirate game
What's the appeal?
Is there a program to play online vidya like Fightcade but for console games?
Everyone must play _______ before posting on Sup Forums
Thoughts on this game?
Giant Bomb Extra Life 2016
Will Boogie ever recover from being BTFO'd by one of the best SF players?
Pokemon killer
I missed out on the psp, what are some good games to revisit. Also psp vs psp go?
None of you boys pirate video games, right?
Will it be good?
This shitty meme almost won the banner contest
Which faction are the good guys in Skyrim, the Imperials or the Stormcloaks?
"Hey user, you totally need to play this game! It has an AMAZING artstyle, story, and soundtrack!"
If Blizzard screws up...
Who the fuck would have guessed that the greatest successor to call of duty 4 would happen to be call of duty 4
Federation Force is the new Jungle Beat
Can you IMAGINE the emulation on this thing?
Which Metro game did you enjoy more?
Confess your gaming sins
Is this what VR does to Autists?
ITT games only 5 people on Sup Forums played
Your opinion on Shin Megami Tensei if
Even Uli is quitting video games. What's your excuse?
What the fuck happened?
Your mind is as dull as your sword, user-dono
Frame drops
4X games get me arroused
SFV sold less than 100k copies since May
This is a Half-Genie
Gaming is dead. prove me wrong
Public when?
Game Recommendations
Can lolis win against oppai lolis?
This design in a kids' game
Game OST has lyrics
Tactical game that takes only time to beat the mission as rank evaluation factor
I don't know a lot about this subject and won't pretend to know enough to form a conviction about it...
Will the multiplayer be dead in a month?
Not being excited for the PSX
What's your opinion of The Sims 4? Do you hate it or love it? What's the best Sims game?
Western developers can't model attractive female characte-
Oh no! Dr. Strange is on his way right now to kill you!
What was worse. Meagan 7 or Meagan 8
Anyone look forward to Nintendo Switch but Nintendo fan
For me this was the only game i consider kindom hearts
The PC version is always the best ver-
How does Sup Forums feel about leveling?
Why was Ashes Of Ariandel poorly received?
Games that do a "muh family" plot correctly
5 days to go,lads
Does D.VA have the nicest tits?
So which game was better? Wolfenstein or Doom 2016
What's the best stealth game you've ever played, Sup Forums?
Is magic good in this game? Would it be a good choice to go Breton Mage?
What's the hardest Megaman Game and Level?
Beta's ending soon. Did you enjoy it? Who's your favorite character? Map? Creatures? Gigantic thread
Windows 10 Store Refunds ‘Call of Duty’ Player Because Nobody's Playing It
Are you excited for the Switch's launch?
Left or right?
Won't patch the one glaring flaw of their one worthwhile exclusive because "60fps would be unfair :(" bullshit
ITT: Things that people claim are hard, but really are piss easy
Official Game Art that Looks like Fanart
Tell me
Now that the memeing has down a little bit, tell me Sup Forums:
In The Elder Scrolls VI, You Will Voice the Protagonist Yourself
Do you feel bad for talented writers who are stuck working on dumb shit like video games?
What went wrong?
Play game
Shadow of mordor
What are some games with god tier minigames?
How can someone be so retarded to pay 20 bucks for this pixelated shit in 2016...
Is my gpu dying or what?
Sup Forums tells you that this game suck
What was the saddest moment in vidya for you?
It wasn't that bad
You have 10 seconds to post a better intro movie than this:
This is the PlayStation Vita. Say something about it! Anything!
What games do girls play?
What did he mean by this?
What should I do with this lil piece of shit?
Sup Forums terraria server
What game has the best graphics?
What a fun game
Genetic engineered soldiers created to fight giant monsters
How old in average is Overwatch playerbase?
Final Boss's strongest attack is the name of the game
What wud u do
How can nu-Lara even compete?
How do we save TF2?
3x3 thread
10 years ago
Coming from a time where video games were mere mb in size, if not a few hundred kb
Excellent plot, although main character was a bit of a fuckwit
I have literally never had less fun playing a game. Am I missing something?
Is Tracer a virgin?
Tis a good game
ITT: Things that people claim are hard, but really are piss easy
Will the king of gets ever return?
Winter is approaching and there is no Jill next to me to get comfy with
Le "I hate romances" Sup Forums meme
Will her next redesign just be a string bikini?
Giant Bomb Extra Life 2016
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Perfect intros don't exi-
Guys, I fucked up
What's the best and worst KH game, Sup Forums?
What video games would he like?
ITT: games you won't play because of the protagonist
Tfw rarely beat games because lategame is always boring
SFV for $15
You little niggers, why is my daily FFXV isn't up?
Game has a deep and philosophical story that makes you reconsider your life choices
Why don't you have a 1000 dollar chair Sup Forums? Don't you worry about your posture while playing games?
Post the greatest pair of big breasts in vidya history
Game ends with a cliffhanger
Hey, 35, check it out! Star Wars vidya thread!
Definition of a HardCore gamer
Is͏ sex better than video games...
What class is everyone in this shot?
Does shilling really exist?
How come the "Witcher 3 is GOTY!" Sup Forums meme didn't save it
Mirror of Fate thread
Aliens land outside your house and demand the last game you played
Redpill me on Neptunia
How long till CD Project will be taken over by EA?
Why aren't you going to preorder Mass Effect Andromeda Sup Forums?
Were have you been when MMOs confirmed saved by Project W?
Just started playing this, got to Klamath. Give me some basic tips for new players
Will actors in game cutscenes ever return in the glorious future?
Tell me this, Captain. If birds are so very important, then why are there no good games about birds?
Filename thread
Medieval game
2016 was awful
Remember when I first came out?
Tell us about that time you met your favorite e-celeb. Did you spill your spaghetti?
I love you Sup Forums
Incase of HOTS fail, Bribe OW players
Is it worth playing Okami on the Wii? How are the motion controls?
ITT we laugh at nostalgia babies
Le Sonic '06 is bad maymay xD
God tier retro games
Is this GOTY yet Sup Forums?
A pissed off Eva 01 in God Mode has invaded the world of the last game you played and wants to destroy it...
Is it worth having two separate systems for gaming and school/work?
You! You're trying to ruin the happiest day of our lives?!
No late nite cosplay thread?
How can we stop Steam before it's too late? It feel like every video game imaginable is available here
Just finished this, what an amazing game
Game has malebot + female relationships
Defend this
Final boss is on the box art
Retailfags btfo?
Sprained ankle
Name a better home computer
How do I quit gettin' mad at video games?
What the fuck was their problem?
Say you play overwatch and play as a male character
Is Resonance of Fat a good game?
Now that it's november, what do you think is the blunder of the year?
Did Monster Hunter ever get passed this?
Yet more whitewashing in the game industry
The fuck is this shit?
PC """""gaming""""""
Okay Sup Forumsirgin boys, I challenge you to name ONE good modern jrpg :)
Xenoverse thread?
So any of you gonna buy this?
What went wrong?
ITT: virgin video game characters
Turn on the router
Team is losing badly
Are you ready for the steamkiller?
Skywind is going to release eventually, r-right guys?
Steam friend thread
New trailer for Space Hulk: Deathwing was released recently:
Games you can't play without a walkthrough/wikia
Sinc the Gunner himself is back from the dead, it's time to share your favourite High Quality Video Game Rips
Since there are many people who played fallout series here on Sup Forums, I need to ask you guys
Skeleton Boss
How do we fix him?
Giant bomb extra life
Why do people say this is a good game?
So, what's the best element in any video game?
How do we improve her?
ITT super comfy games
How do you like your mecha senpai?
Horror Thread
The campaign really is better than Titanfall 2's
Is this what World or Warcraft does to people? Elliot may not've snapped if not for WoW
What would a kiss from Mario feel like?
Guys, do NOT be homophobic in Overwatch
Was he right? What would you do?
Oh boy I'm sure in the mood for an overrated videogame
Is there any game that wouldnt be improved by replacing the main character with a cute girl?
Tfw I got a trojan off Sup Forums
Reach max level
Can a normal human beat Sans the Skeleton?
Overrated Garbage
Game has anime graphics, therefore its automatically bad
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...