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And your point?
One shit to the head will leave her dead
Shot* fucking auto correct
I like Sheeva, too. She's cute.
Her face is fucked, but she has a great body.
One stomp and she's done
She should have four tits
Tits are based of the average amount of kid they will birth. One kid two tits, two kids four tits, and so on
I'd fuck her face if you know what I mean
I'd like to get mkx to play online, but I'm too Jewish to pay $20 to get jobbed by people who have been playing it forever now.
>like the lore and universe of the series
>but the series is stuck to fighting games, which don't do well to expand on shit and explore/explain any of it
>only spin off to ever be even half way to decent was Shaolin Monks and even that had issues
>no sequel or hope for any other kind of spin off ever
Shaolin Monks is still the best MK game.
Did someone say Sheev?
queen of snu-snu
Multi arms but no multi tits? That just makes me sad.
Any good nude mods for her?
I want one of her dicks in my ass and the other between my asscheeks
Listen I'm not saying four tits is in any way bad, but then three heads would be the next thing.
Next would be 8 legs
So do they explain what she is doing during the timeline of the latest MK game?
seven vajanyas?
Handjobs booth.
>six vaginas.
damn, this should not get me hard, but it does.
>ctrl+f armpits
>0 results
seriously fags
> Implying armpit fags aren't lurking.
I'd do nasty things to them.
I'd still fuck her
the forest
I think
The Forest, it's some spooky woods simulator
12 year old me used to pause the Genesis and beat off to her.
In the MKX comic, she becomes the Shokan Queen after Goro's father is killed and Goro himself is denied the throne due to the loss of his arms.
Spooky hot, I'd bust a nut in all those pussies.
Why are muscle girls so hot?
Every design in MKX looks like shit. Injustass was a fucking mistake.
because they're strong, can be thick and will have incredibly tight snatches
fuck off
MKX Mileena just lacks the boobage, but i like the design
It really makes you guys seem like closet homos trying so hard to sexualize everything.
yes she does
or just being virgins makes us sexualize everything...
>we are sexualizing a four arm muscular woman wearing an hammock
the target its already way too much sexualized.
Not a virgin, just haven't had sex for a long time
coming out from your motherĀ“s vagina doesn't count as sex.
I don't understand why two of them are mostly naked
Is this some kind of Strip Carnival
Pretty much
the machine only accept clothes as payment.
as you can see, chun li already got tickets.
But going in yours does.
Between them jumping like spiders, screeching and leading herds of wailing flipping fetuses, they're hard to appreciate in-game
>I like shit designs!
nice meme
Its not a meme its universally agreed upon that the new designs look like injustice inspired garbage. I cam deal with less sexier women but not with how terrible they did with the rest of it making the women look like literal men.
Agreed upon by fucking who?
>YFW Earth gives the Shokan refugee status in Australia