What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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peasants like you hate it because you are jealous

Who gives a fuck? It does more than XBOX live and it costs £0 a year.

I'm a PC gamer and I still think steam is going to shit lately

>161 games
>95 badges
>Level 80
Literally how? Do you just buy cards?

Naw, you just need to realize as a PC gamer most of the best games from every genre have already been released so it's not worth paying attention to new releases.

>says the guy with 95 badges

Is this you?

early acess games is the strongest point and honestly you either know what you're getting into or you're a gigantic faggot


It became a monopoly

Not much, the Greenlight and early access crap can be ignored.

The DRM could be considered a low point, but nothing is really stopping you from cracking the games once you have downloaded them.

Why do you faggots always feel the need to litter your profiles with memes?


It is now objectively better than it ever was as a service.

I cannot believe I used to use Steam before refunds were a thing.

Free online
Cloud saving
Frequent Discounts

The real question is what went wrong with PS+?

So we don't have a shitty profile like you.

Memes on your profile make it shitty by default.

This and their laissez-faire policy

Steam is now just over-saturated with early access titles that are basically in alpha and may never be completed, indie titles that barely qualify as games and straight up scam shit that aren't games

This isn't facebook

He's from Argentina, what did you expect?

Then prove your point and show ous how much better your steam profile is faggot.

You are probaly the guy with 4 steam friends :^)

I have 3 steam friends, what's wrong with that?

I have 23. Since, y'know, most people use the friends list to keep people who they regularly play with instead of adding everyone they've said 1 word to so that they can bloat their list and feel "desirable"

If we put it like this, if a person only have 3 friends it means there is something wrong with that person.

If that is what you tell yourself to feel better i respect that.

Why would I feel bad that I don't have 50+ people on my list that I never talk to?