If Blizzard screws up...

If Blizzard screws up, The Necromancer class in Rise of the Necromancer then they will show that they are no longer the blizzard that created Diablo 2 and Diablo 1.

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They brought in Brevik so they wouldn't fuck it up though.

>David Brevik
Maybe there is still hope.


Months of weekly necro-shilling all makes sense now. Assume first post in pic related is fabricating minor details of the project to cover up the fact he works for Blizz. It will be interesting to see if D3 Necro includes functionality/features similar to those described in one of these OPs, about commanding 4 armies at once.

And it's still on-going. In the archive right now are several cookie-cutter, "What games do necromancy well?" threads.

I haven't been monitoring the frequency with which such threads have occurred in the time between pic related and now, but I fully expect they have continued at about the same rate.

But he's a meme. His work ethic is appaling, his philosophy is literally no planning and Diablo only succeeded because the technology was simple enough back then so they could waste more time. The team went through a year long crunch for Diablo 2, only Anachronox went through more shit than that to get finished.

Actually it goes back than just months, years..


From what I see, he's the president of a indie company

Necromancer threads are old.

>People unironically believe this hard in shills.


The fact that they're bringing in the Necromancer at all shows they've finally realized that the Witch Doctor was a mistake.

Blizz damage control shill detected.

They already showed that they are no longer the Blizzard the used to be when they decided to charge money for a class

thats a lie though.
they only brougth in brevik and bill roper to get one sentence each into the dialbo 20th anniversary video.

newfag detected. Necromancer faggots plagued this board for years

Brevik is NOT on the Diablo team, his tweet was about pushing the genre. He's on PoE


D3 is dead to Blizzard, if you look at the screenshots of the inventory at Blizzcon that they showed, the D1 image had items from D2 (a modified image), and the D2 image was a D2 mod, not the original. They literally google imaged 'Diablo 2 ui' and grabbed the first image.

Please keep going.

It's to good.

What is Lord of Destruction, Diablo 2's expansion that introduced classes that you couldn't access without paying. What is Diablo 3 RoS that introduced a class that you couldn't access without paying.

You're a fucking moron.

They've always charged for new classes, and well beyond the Diablo series.

Here are the screen shots. Sad, they don't even know what their own game is.


>they will show that they are no longer the blizzard that created Diablo 2 and Diablo 1

No shit they are dumbass, where have you been for the last 5 or 6 years?

the game itself is flawed. the core of it was character development and they made it as normy friendly as possible wich basically disembowled the whole charm of creating a character.

i could go on and on what is wrong about this game.

putting a nice hat on a rotting corpse doesnt make the rotting corpse pretty.

>they will show that they are no longer the blizzard that created Diablo 2 and Diablo 1.

They aren't. They never were.

And modern Blizz is a shit tier dev.

If this is the case, Brevik is literally the only original guy from the Diablo team left. Samwise is the only OG still in the company at this point, and it's becoming really, really apparent.

shills are a real thing but necro threads have been around long before the idea of bringing back the necromancer was even a real thing.

user you're a decade late.

RIP Blizzard North.

>blizzard that created Diablo 2 and Diablo 1.
considering blizzard north no longer exist and that all the people working there are no longer working for blizzard, I can tell you right now that it's no longer the blizzard that created D1 & D2. No need to wait for the necromancer.

Just look at D3, seriously. That game got nothing to do with D2. It was done by a bunch of faggots that never played D1 and D2 and had no clue why we called some games Diablo like

Let's face it: OP is underage and never played D2.

it will just be a copy paste of Diablo 2 necromancer with some changes so they can pretend they made up something new worth $15

Good riddance.

Hellgate London was absolute shit.

And I bet you didn't even play the first game, you fucking nigger.

>release necromancer as dlc
>forget to release meaningful content in the form of an expansion to go with it
>implying i'm gonna do all the d3 and ros shit again just because a new class got released
>implying the gameplay is gonna be any different

what the fuck was blizzard thinking with this shit??? they couldn't be bothered to make a proper expansion with the necromancer so they just didn't even try?

Reaper of Souls wouldn't be as bad if they had the Necromancer to go with the Crusader to fulfill that death theme expansion.

>diablo 1
>dark gothic fantasy setting

>diablo 2
>dark fantasy setting

>diablo 3
>fantasy setting

here you go shitters
straight from blizzard's mouth

You mean WoW setting

D2X is a dramatically overrated game and the Necro class was pretty lackluster aside from spamming CE, and no version of the Necro will match the idealized version in your brain.

Not even memeing. this is how Blizzard advertised Diablo 1.

And Diablo 2


What bothers me the most is the way the skellies behave (0:59 to 1:08). I feel like I'm watching the preview of the new LoL character with the skellies walking behind the necro and attacking on command. D2's handling with the free roaming skellies was more comfy and also more fitting as they we're potrayed as mindless wandering undead.

You realize "What games do necromancy well?" threads have been going on for literally years and years, even before Diablo 3 was announced in the first place.

If they announce a water-based expansion for one of their games does that mean all of the deep sea threads have also been shilling for it for the past 10 years?

>and the Necro class was pretty lackluster

most of his skills were complete garbage for years and years

While I agree, I only need to look over at the Witch Doctor to know why they felt like they had to go this way. To be honest, they should have just deleted the Witch Doctor and replaced it with the Necromancer, with no shackles binding the process.

The D3 team has stated before (I believe it was Wyatt Chang who said it) that they don't want "passive" gameplay to be a viable option. Hence the voodoo mask for poison dart spam with the fetishes.

To have a "kill command" skill for the skelies and the golem for the Necro was obvious to me the moment the concept art leaked.

I already see the "pet" build for necro is going to be complete ass and not viable because this is nu-bliz and they have no fucking clue what this franchise actually meant to us.

See: Jay Wilson and what he did to the foundation of the game. And John Yang (previous lead item designer) not knowing wtf the Herald of Zakarum was.

>they are no longer the blizzard that created Diablo 2 and Diablo 1.

We already know that.

All the original staff is long gone.

What's worse is that nobody on the D3 team has ever played or gives a shit about the series. But that is how this industry works, no nostalgia or respect only shekels.

They showed screens from what they thought was diablo 1 and 2 at blizzcon but it was actually screens from a mod for diablo.
They don't even recognize their own game anymore

Well I have no way to prove it one way or the other do I? But your own outburst speaks volumes.

>they should have just deleted the Witch Doctor
I guess it's for the better that they didn't drag the necro into this pile of shit (and now only via a scummy char package).

First I was kind of uncertain if I should buy RoS and the necro, but the more I think of it, I just want to stay away from D3 as far as possible and not support this company anymore. I hope the normies have also lost all interest in D3.

>Hellgate London was absolute shit.

I've never played it but I bet it was better than Diablo 3

some of those are for shilling Dominions 4 tho

How these niggers get jobs to ruin games??

I'm mad as fuck that everyone is sucking the dick of D2 without ever even recognising the original game that started the goddamn franchise. It, if any game in the series, had goddamn atmosphere.

No, it wasn't.
And Diablo 3 at its current iteration and expansion is one of the best hack-n-slash games on the market besides PoE.

>then they will show that they are no longer the blizzard that created Diablo 2 and Diablo 1.
Well yeah these guy left long time ago and founded Anet

Yes, you should. It's depressing as fuck, and as much as I'd like to say Blizzard sees the fundamental problems with D3's engines and is moving forward. It's clear that they no longer make games that they want to play. They make games that the low common denominator can play to the highest level while giving the "hardcore" a skinner box to get addicted to. See the RNG only legendaries of Legion.

It was. It didn't get a fair shake because Flagship got in bed with EA and Koreans. It sucks that it's gone in all forms, because it truly was a step forward for the genre in terms of evolution from isometric to FPS/3rd Person.

>And Diablo 3 at its current iteration and expansion is one of the best hack-n-slash games on the market besides PoE.

opinion discarded, I think I'll try and get a hold of Hellgate: London now

Why do so many people ride D2 cock all fucking day? It was a fantastic, groundbreaking game WAY THE FUCK BACK WHEN IT CAME OUT.

D3 is hands down, objectively a much better game by comparison (in it's current state) despite it's rocky launch. It has many QoL improvements over D2 that made D2 a pain in the fucking ass at times. (skill cycling, 600x800 res, no stash upgrade or shared stash, etc.)

I will always love D2 - it was a huge chunk of my teens, but I also enjoy D3 nowadays and I really don't understand why so many people get assblasted over it.

It's just a never ending cycle with this board. If the sequel changes anything and doesn't make a 1:1 copy of the game it's based off then you faggots lose your shit.

What makes you think that no one appreciates D1?

>The Necromancer class in Rise of the Necromancer then they will show that they are no longer the blizzard that created Diablo 2 and Diablo 1.

That was already confirmed with the release of Diablo 3.

>D3 is hands down, objectively a much better game by comparison


>he thinks necromancer threads were shilling

How new are you?

>Put Diablo 3 on my boycott list because it has no necromancer
>it has a necromancer now

Sorry gents but I'm obligated to buy it now

By being yes-men and listening solely to the business psychiatrists to promote as much instant gratification and be as shallow as possible to let everyone get in the pool?

Just look up the early build D3 pics (not the aborted Blizzard North ones) they were on the cusp of giving us a new updated D2. Skill trees and interesting gear etc. But to appease the masses they allowed in town respeccing that didn't cost anything, so people didn't have any attachment to their character or build. Much like now.

Then the heavy skinner box development mentality started to show up when they had the skill runes become item drops that also rolled random stats and skill bonuses. They dropped that and then the skills and runes just turned into Call of Duty load outs.

This is the first time they're releasing a class without any other content though. RoS and LoD were both expansions with a new act and a lot of other new shit.

I see you have absolutely 0 counterpoints or input at all. Next time just post the standard anime reaction image as your reply.

D3 is objectively a fucking garbage game.

It's fucking broken, desolate and lonely. It's in dire need of systems reworks. Just look at the D3 reddit, the top posts are all about games other than diablo.

So I haven't been on the internet the past few days, does this mean the Necromancer is gonna be introduced in Diablo 3? How? New expansion like the Crusader? Stand-alone patch? Will he have minions? Doesn't the witch doctor already take that place? I never thought I'd see the Necromancer in D3's setting honestly, but I'm kinda hyped

By all means, go ahead. They shut down everything regarding the game and it was sold to some chink company and made into some Korean MMO shooter or something. Then it died again.

It's worth trying out and giving it a playthrough, but don't think that it has any of the quality of either PoE or D3.

How can you even think it could be looking at that armor?

>buhu why won't you fall for my bait


To be fair, near in the same breath they talked about their free updates that are adding actual content.

Paid DLC for the class. It comes with a weird diablo 1 esque map I guess. But yeah paid dlc.

Just as a class pack. Will problably come with a new tileset or something.

Gameplay in D3 is godtier. Smooth as fuck, great sound, easy to use, it's fun as fuck.

And yes, a lot of shit is broken. Breaking down difficulty into 16 stages was dumb as hell, and all the numbers in the game are inflated. Lategame you have several million in DPS, and enemies have billions in HP. Shit's insane.

I wish you could combine PoE and D3. Everything of the former with the gameplay of the latter.

We don't have much information. But its going to be a minor patch with some tweaks. But from the skills posted on the website it seems...

>Witch Doctor emphasizes temporary summons and faux summons like the spiders
>Necro will constantly have 10 summons at all times (he passively generates 1 per second until he hits 10) and has some abilities to direct them to which target to attack

>badass necromancer armor
>most RPG's still have mages in shitty robes

I want this trend to end. I want cool looking armor like the warriors.

>not wanting to be in stylish robes enchanted to be better armor than actual armor

Being a mage is not for you. Considering battle mage, spell sword or black guard

>most of his skills were complete garbage for years and years
That goes for most if not all of the classes desu.

This actually made me reinstall D2 as we speak. Why is it so good bros?

Necro threads have been a staple of Sup Forums for years. Where do you think Blizzard did their "extensive market research" on what Diablo 3 fans wanted?

BTW the next DLC character added after the necro is the druid coming in early 2018 because Blizzard is convinced people want furries in Diablo 3. Go ahead and cap this I have information on the inside.

Piss off shill. SHOO SHOO. GET GET!

Diablo 3 has potential IMO, but its just.. flat. Might be the lack of PvP, lack of real storyline and quests, not really sure.

The necromancer is a nice addition, but without things to do to keep interest it isnt going to change much.

>coming in early 2018

>It, if any game in the series, had goddamn atmosphere.
This holy shit. I was a shitter for a long time who started with D2 and never touched D1. But because of these threads I went in and tried D1. It's a bit rough around the edges but I just finished a couple hour session in it and it was great.

any class can solo all of the highest difficulty tier content. Unless you're a leaderboard faggot, that's really all that matters to 95% of the player base.

maybe try playing online if you're that desperate. People do still play this game, and it's not hard to get a random party together at all.

>dire need of systems reworks
It's much much better than it used to be, but I do agree. It's been a common theme in D3's life cycle and very unfortunate, but it's never been so bad as to render it utterly unplayable.

>they will show that they are no longer the blizzard that created Diablo 2 and Diablo 1.
Anyone that's not a drone knows this.


That's what proves to me this is a skeleton crew keeping the ship endlessly floating in the sea until D4 releases. If they aren't lying and Necro dev started earlier in the year, and yet it isn't due to release until the second half of 2017? For real guys. Jesus.

At that point I can't imagine the interest or hype will be remotely close to what it should be if it released in like Feb or March.

>Any opinion that isn't mine is bait


I don't get it. Wasn't the witchdoctor supposed to be the necromancer-mage class?

Is this just an update to diablo 3 or a new game?

There are few games that let me play as a necromancer and fewer that let me play as a werewolf. Diablo 2 did both and I would suck a dick for a diablo 2 re-release.

awww yiss, who is ready for it?


>It comes with a weird diablo 1 esque map I guess
This is separate. The anniversary D1 dungeon comes in January as a free update.

Necromancer DLC is due sometime in the second half of 2017.

was CEO of Gazillion entertainment
This. He made the Marvel Heroes 2015 (formally Marvel Heroes Online) but he was terribly incompetent. He's a drunk with no work ethic

Yeah, and I suspect this is partially to appease the hordes of people screaming "bring back the necro!".

I actually liked the witch doctor, was a cool shift from the necromancer of Diablo 2. I predict that when the D3 Necro is released, the screaming will soon become "The D2 necromancer was better!". They should have just developed something with shapeshifting instead.

>until D4 releases
They aren't going to bother with that.

The thing that kills me about the new age necros is they miss the point. Nu-Blizz said it themselves that they can't do the D2 Necro because the D2 Necro too perfect. And other ARPGs try to tell us, Hey guys! We're doing Necros too! Enjoy having 6 limited duration spawns as your army and spam shitty as spells inbetween! And have to gear up pet specific stats instead of just bolstering their skills themselves!

Fuck this shit.

>They should have just developed something with shapeshifting instead.
The D2 druid was better!

They should have made a game that improved upon mistakes in D2, added new items and skills and stayed true to it's root's lore, setting and graphics.

He's a programmer, not a businessman/ceo/producer or anything like that.

I still look for fucking necromancy games to no avail
age of conan was decent

Diablo 2 will be the only outlet for that experience ever again and diablo 3 will only echo that experience in a format that is already shitty

This is amazing.

I'm just trying to keep hope alive.

Honestly I already know that another company is going to have to step up and create the game we "nostalgia fags" want. While we've gotten a lot of ARPGs the last couple years. They still aren't exactly /it/.