>Oh no! Dr. Strange is on his way right now to kill you!
>The last character you played as is the only one willing to try and save you
>How fucked are you?
Oh no! Dr. Strange is on his way right now to kill you!
What was his name again?
Why would Doctor Strange be coming to kill me?
I'm a fellow student.
Mister Doctor
Remember when Doctor Strange was meant to be Vincent Price instead of this bum driller?
It's Strange
He's a mage so he's a squishy. Just put your ranged DPS on him and he's dead in seconds
Is this your first video game user? At best he can blow all his casts on defensive spells just to stay alive
Pretty decent movie.
I don't judge
>people here actually watch this superhero trash
Dont mean Marvel or DC specifically. Its all garbage
Me in the last of us online. that fucker is dead
Who's to say.
>this guys ACTUALLY plays children's games
i too only watch kino
Pencildick cummyhatch?
I just got done playing as him in Eyes of Heaven
Time for time stop battles
>Vampire the Masquarade:Bloodlines
Welp,we're boned
>this edge
Whew, kid, you're going to hurt yourself.
Dr. Strange doesn't want to kill. Pay attention to the movie instead of your phone.
Strange, isn't it?
I can fucking hear it
I've come to bargain.
Please teach me instead.
>watching superhero movies and calling anyone else kid
wew lad
Hugo Strange
I don't even know what he can do.
what's his name again?
Machinegunner in RO2. Iunno man MG34s were breddy gud
youre missing out on actual good movies. this one especially had amazing cinematography and effects
I'm pretty sure I could beat the shit out of Benedict Cumbatch without any help
Literally anything
yea im good
>I only watch mature movies for mature people such as my mature self *tips-a fedora*
Movie wasn´t actually bad, it just fucked the potential hard. Training montage, and we get almost no screentime of bonding between Strange and the ancient. How the fuck are we suppose to care about her dying then? Even if the scene was good, there was no emotional build up.
Also they hired fucking Hannibal, and they didn´t even use him, they could have used any no name dude for that role since the villain was such a boring fellow.
Comic Strange? Probably no one could stop him.
Dr strange was very meh. Marvel needs to only make Cap movies.
MAX FUCKING PAYNE i shit you not im more dead than the last man on earth
Guardians > Captain America 2 and 3 > Doctor Strange > Ant-man > all the rest, which varies from okay to mediocre
He's OP as fuck
Then why didn't he cast that magic shit for spidey again after spider island?
Daily reminder that Capeshit is the movie equivalent of McDonalds
he will glory kill the doktor by pulling his spine out
Why is everyone wanking guardians so hard? I thought it was pretty average. Ant-man was on the level of Hulk in below average.
Give me some good Dr Strange comics Sup Forums
He's fucked.
>Why is everyone wanking guardians so hard?
and there's nothing wrong with that
Appeals to casuals very well
>Jill from REmake
Rip in piss
I'm fucked
I think part of the problem was the cut, much like BvS was a decent film turned horrible and uncohesive by the theatrical cut
>>Oh no! Dr. Strange is on his way right now to kill you!
That's stupid! Dr. Strange would lose his magic if he killed anyone! Vishanti only lends out unlimited magic to those who don't kill! Once Dr. Strange kills you, then Vishanti would cut off his magic!
You gonna get delayed.
Yup I do. And there's nothing you can do about it autist.
Maybe he wants to lose his power and has decided that killing you is a good way to do so
>Cap movies
Well, you weren't exactly supposed to get attached to the Ancient One, you were supposed to suspect she's evil. Her death wasn't meant to make you shed tears as much as it was to show that the world isn't black and white.
Didn't feel like it
Ciel could take him.
But he killed like two or three people in the movie
I'm fine. Also, I'd love to see that fight.
>We will never get a videogame with a satisfying magic-based combat system
Whatever he does, i am sure to drink a lot of PEER along the way.
my dex pyromancer build on dark souls 3, its taken down literal gods i think i'll be fine.
Which is why he shouldn't be able to use Magic after the first kill in the film.
Magic works in Marvel in the way that you work for a different being who would lend you their magic if you follow their rules. Vishanti is the one Dr. Strange follows. Dormammu is another one. And then there's fucking Shumma Gorrath that fills up the space between dimensions.
Professor peculiar?
Remember the MCU is actually a different Multiverse (although part of the same Megaverse, i.e. like the multiverse where The Beyonders come from) so shit might work different
Will guitar magic prevail?
Soul Sacrifice
Batman will save my ass
He didn't kill anyone directly though. He conducted electricity and tricked people to fall through portals.
He doesn't stand a chance.
>there are people that unironically watch this trash
Fucking plebs
lääkäri kummallinen
Come here fuggboy
Tohtori Omituinen
He became a reality altering god so at least I have a chance.
Fucking 10/10
Professori Epänormaali
I'm fine.
>Takkar from Farcry Primal
God damnit that nigga can't even speak english.
Sup Forums is a bunch of tumblr faggots don't listen to them. I would recommend the Sorcerer Supreme series as it doesn't assume you know much. If you don't care for it then check out the Master of the Mystic Arts series.
Dr. Strange is my favorite comic character. I'm so happy more people are curious about his comics.
I really hate the reddit meme but honestly, is this a raid?
What the fuck is happening? Sup Forums has been especially shit this week.
All of the Dr. Strange trades on Comixology are $4 until tomorrow.
What the fuck is blazblue even about now
>went on Sup Forums after the movie to see if anyone was talking about it
>they're all too busy circlejerking steven universe and RWBY and posting old Bane memes like they were ever funny
God damn that place went to shit fast.
Take all the worst retarded anime tropes and blend them all together.
I'm dead.
Doktor Konstig
Are they all worth picking up? I've picked up most of the older stuff.
What the fuck are you talking about? Dr. Strange zaps so many wizards it isn't even funny.
But he lacks one?
Oh you're definitely fucked but at least you will be avenged.
Yeah, I just got into comics about 2 years ago and tried going though over and over only to be disappointed by their faggotry. It is by far the most tumblr infested board on this site. They just want to circle jerk about Steven universe and shit like that. Having comics and cartoons being the same board does not work.