Just a reminder.
Just a reminder
really depends on the woman
Jokes on you I wet my bed constantly.
Made me chuckle
>pissing the bed past the age of 3
I came here to post this.
Bitches think they're so special, but I can simply buy one for 100-200 dollars, no problem.
Pussy is nothing.
yeah ive done that.
some plump crazy bitch
wet all over, all the time. everywhere
that looks fucking disgusting
Maybe she should have wore a tampon, baka
I sleep in a bed every night
I don't get this image. Do most men not take a piss after sex?
In a strange way I miss when I could get so drunk that I pissed the bed.
At least put a fucking towel you fucking disgusting pigs
Squirting is a meme made up by porn and people with poor bladder control. Girls get wet when you have sex sure but they don't leave a puddle like that. It's the sort of dampness you'd get if you kissed your bedsheets.
But I ain't doing anything
Thread's over boys. user sacrificed himself to have OP get BTFO.
samefag, the post wasn't even funny
But I haven't wet my bed since I was 5.
No need to be so bum-rustled, OP.
>virgin detected
never had sex for more than 10 minutes at the best I guess?
You get fucking sweaty as fuck... it is like driping slipery shit of pheromone bath with good sex all the time...
>That puddle screams missionary position
squirting isn't real, its just urine
Fuck, Sometimes i think about cutting off my balls.
Could you imagine what men could accomplish if we didn't have to release cum from our balls everyday.
We'd be literally living in a utopia right now.
I'm a 33 year old virgin, so it took me a while to understand that pic.
everyone can see the ip count you know
Sorry, man. Due to medication we were both dry as fuck.
While squirting is a thing it is often simply a cover up for piss since urination porn is illegal in many places they simply call it squirting instead.
I've made my gf cum numerous times with my fingers and she hasnt squirted a single time.
>if we didn't have to release cum from our balls everyday
I'm sure I'd accomplish less given how good it feels to have to fap at least once a day.
>sleeping in cum like a goddamn animal
>not changing the sheets
>not showering
grounds for divorce
sounds like she's faking it
Not everyone is fat like you & starts sweating as soon as they move a muscle.
I knew the beds that claim not to spill glasses were a lie
or pills, I haven't had pre cum in years, masturbation requires an hour to myself rather than 15-20 minutes.
Why would she fake that my fingers feel good you stupid retard?
she starts moaning like crazy and gets really sweaty.
She is not faking shit, senpai.
>Implying I don't always make the woman sleep in the wet spot
What does this have to do with video games?
we couldn't have survived another century, since there'll be no more babies
but don't worry we are reaching that point
>urination porn is illegal
Fucking what
I have regular sex (That including foreplay lasts like 60-90 minutes) and I can honestly say neither of us have been that sweaty we'd leave a sillouhette. Maybe it depends on the country? I'm from England so it's pretty much always cold, if you live somewhere hot I imagine things might be much sweatier.
>Not making your girlfriend get out of bed and stand in the corner so you can change your bedding and appease your OCD.
>video games
>on Sup Forums
Yep, in some places direct pissing porn is illegal. But if you claim it as squirting it circumvents this, I think it may just be the UK with this rule, probably don't want people finding out that Carlsberg tastes like piss.
Shut it, Sup Forumsirgin!
Man, UK is fucking weird. How do you even function with all those retarded restrictions
I'm 31 and growing up I never heard of squirting ONCE until I was in my early 20's.
Then EVERY other fucking grill seemed to be able to do it.
It's fucking disgusting grill maymay and if I find out a grill squirts then we fuck on HER bed because I'm not washing my 1800 thread count Egyptian Cotton sheets.
lmao no
I'm not sure watching porn of people pissing into someone's mouth is that big of a barrier to my life.
As I said, I can just buy some Carlsberg.
They also banned porn where woman sits on man's face.
I understand this completely.
I mean sure, pissing the bed is disgusting and there was nothing quite as bad as waking up with chapped skin in a wet bed and a grueling hangover. But it was a byproduct of simpler times, far fewer responsibilities, and some really fun nights the evening prior.
Shit, that means what I asked an girl dressed as Asuka to do was illegal, oh no.
Is this what sliding into degeneracy is like? Good heavens.
Thank God for our classy and tasteful British cousins.
Bob's your uncle.