Redpill me on hitman Sup Forums
I plan on buy it on ps4 anyway but how good it is? Since most reviews scored it 6/10
I have finished codename 47, bloodmoney and played through silent assasin, im a hitman fan but should i buy it right now? Or should aim for another tittle that is in the market right now? Also im planning buying it on a ps4 how well does it work on console
Redpill me on hitman Sup Forums
The actual game itself is Blood Money-tier, it just has some shitty business practices behind it like always online (technically you can play it offline but you can't unlock anything) and episodic releases. Though the second one is kind of a moot point since the first season is all complete now.
Overall, it's worth it if you aren't a DRM crusader.
dude this is not only an amazing hitman game (tons of hits, various more or less goofy opportunities to set up the hit, costumes that actually make sense)
but it's also a great pure stealth game.
trying out Suit Only Silent Assassin over and over until you figure it all out is a fucking blast since sneaking around is fun and the AI works perfectly fine.
i think it's by far the best hitman game.
don't get it for console, the loading times, even to get to the menus, are horrible.
>most reviews scored it 6/10
it had a tight budget, so I expected worse
>Always online DRM
>Some targets are only available at a set time. Got work? Lol fuck you, you miss it.
Besides that, its great. Genuinely great. But I refuse to buy a copy for myself on the principle of its DRM shit.
most Elusive targets give you like 6 days to get them. that's plenty time.
It's my GOTY, aside from the always online it's pretty damn good
I'm not arguing that point so much, its more that its timed content, in a fucking single player game.
Its absolutely haram to be honest family
They used to be like 48h in the middle of the week or on Friday to Saturday.
Fans always wanted this sort of thing.
the intro videos still show a countodwn from 48 hours for some reason, but the actual time runs between 4 to 6 days.
It's like a sand mandala. Everything is transient, so the deliberate creation of something only to destroy it prepares one for the letting go we must all do in order to ascend spiritually. Time content will help you on your path to enlightenment.
They made the intro videos months ago, before they decided to increase the length from 2 days to 7.
I can fucking smell the fedora and cheetos on you.
It was a joke, weeb.
Sorry bro, can't give you my opinion because I'm a life long fan of the series, so my view point is tainted.
>Always online DRM
On consoles?
>I was only pretending
It's my GOTY. Best comeback in video game industry. I didn't except anything after Absolution, but they did a great job.
Even though I didn't like some decisions they made like focus on challenges and shit - it's great.
The only level I didn't like is Colorado and it's still better then any of Absolution's.
There are some legit problems with it (AI acting weird sometimes, random fps drops, no suitcase for rifles, unnecessary always online for challenge unlocks), but it's nowhere near as bad as some people make it out to be in these threads
As a long time Hitman fan I'm glad it even had a chance to be made in the first place
In what world do you live that people unironically try to connect video game content distribution with eastern mysticism and spiritual enlightenment?
>I was only pretending!
>ironically pretending not to understand ironic pretending
very meta
>and episodic releases
Can you just kill yourself? The episodic releases were nothing but good for the game.
10/10, I enjoyed your meta-ironic shitposting! : ^ )
>Haha, we're both shitposting!
>Y-y-you don't really think I'm a federa wearing edgelord, d-do you?
I was never shitposting. I was joking, which is different.
Two more fortune teller challenges left. Getting this costume off this guy is really annoying, mostly for his long walk around the market before going back to his hut.
>I was merely pretending
I hear there is this new feature called "saving".
Completely unique idea for this gamex I understand, never happened before in the entire medium.
you can't save on contracts, I need to cause 5 different accidents, can't use Gilded cage for that
don't buy it for ps4, i made that mistake, the framerate is fucking shit and loading times suck
>don't buy it for ps4, i made that mistake, the framerate is fucking shit and loading times suck
So it sucks on a PC toaster, too?
>he's repeating himself
are you okay?
What the hell. contracts is the best. play that one too
I'd argue contracts and blood money are equal
I wouldn't.
>I have finished codename 47, bloodmoney and played through silent assasin
bro, at this point you should play Contracts and Absolution (yes, even that one) too
Next you'll say
>I was only pretending to be retarded
I remember a day after the 2nd episode came out someone linked a pastebin to Dl links where you could just download the DLC and drop that shit into your directory. You'd still get the achievements and everything, does anyone have the link to that?
The game is actually 10/10 and probably GOTY along with X-Com 2 in terms of replayability and fun. It's about as good as Blood Money, does a couple things better and a couple things worse. Get it OP and anyone else in the thread.