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Video Games #3576
Video Games
What was the point of this character?
Trying out the first game of the Soulsporn franchise
Shadow Yukiko
Be a kid with a cool as fuck younger brother
So i completely skipped this era of Tomb Raider and i was thinking on give them try
What went wrong?
Did you prefer Mario 64 or DK64?
The breasts get bigger in the sequel
This DLC would have been a fine section of the main game but as a paid separate additional content type thing post...
Are there any games that have predicted the future?
What is the most Jewish video game you've ever played?
19, live with parents
3x3 Thread
Is this the GOAT Mario Kart game?
Pokemon Go!
New info on new alien enemies
Series of more than 5 games where the second is the best
I will return to Motherbase victorious!
Sup Emilyfags
Hey Kid
Afghanistan is a big place...
I've never played a Souls game before. This is currently on sale with all the DLC for $20
Do you think he'll be back in Blazblue 2?
What are the biggest and most replay value rich games you've ever played?
Tops out around 42° celisus
What is the In the Aeroplane Over the Sea of video games?
Hey, is he okay?
How's your game going, Sup Forums
Reminder that every game will be on PC...
Ace Of Spades Thread
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Bought Yakuza 4
You guys remember this?
Buying games
Did Sup Forums help Notch make Minecraft great?
What went wrong with this gen?
Have you ever fallen in love with a character from a video game, Sup Forums?
You down with the cyber or the steamy?
Is this guy the greatest criminal in videogames?
ITT: Vidya redesigns that are good
Should I buy a premium sub to giantbomb Sup Forums? Is the content worth it
Besides WayForward...
Reminder that red mage will be a healer
This shit is so fucking fun. Why did it get reviewed to averagely? Are you hyped for the sequel?
ITT: Video game tropes you hate
What videogames does he play?
Which console was the most impressive technologically (for it's time)?
The Caesar has marked you for death, and the Legion obeys! Ready yourself for battle!
What killed them Sup Forums?
Why do people still to this day choose to believe that consoles are holding graphics back on PC when it's literally the...
Come up with 8 unique worlds for a platformer that haven't been used before or have been used very rarely...
He thinks video games are art
LMAOING at poorfags crying because of Dishonored 2
PLaystation All Stars Battle Royale was a flawed game.. We know that. But not bad at all...
About to start this game for the first time
Is Tyranny the GOTY for 2016? It was for me. Great writing, great combat, and a return to form for the CRPG genre
It's been 10 years
Evil character
Video games are not art
Why are English voice actors in games better than most American voice actors?
What went wrong?
As a lesser used status, some games have a drunken status effect, and they're typically varied in design
Did you like Pillars of Eternity?
What are some other cool visual novel games like Danganronpa?
It's shit
Have videogames been a catalyst to your autism?
What the fuck Nintendo
When was the last time you upgraded your videogaming computer?
This is a Hidden Gems thread
Really makes you think
Liara is looking at you Commander. Quick, say something nice to her!
Winter Ball thread
ITT purest girls in vidya
It's gonna be great, guys. R-right?
Where were you when fighting games were saved?
Terraria Update 1.3.4 TOMORROW
Where were you when Sup Forums was utterly BTFO?
How bad was Dark Souls 2?
Metal Gear Solid 4
Let's make games great again !
If Japan developed Overwatch
This is Buzzwole, ask him for gains
I'm happy that I can now have all of my favorite DQ games on the go...
So I'm playing Papers, Please, and it's established that Arstotzka is an oppressive, soul-crushing dystopia...
Has a game ever legitimately scared you?
Pillars of Eternity
PS4 Pro only sells 40K in the UK
Touhou is fun!
Warcraft lore and predictions for what the next big thing in Warcraft games will be, lore wise
Former Core Designs Employee here. 1993-2001
Why do so many people on this board pretend to hate overwatch? It's objectively fun, you contrarian faggots
Ps1 games that aged the best?
Game series that will never be good again
What was the last game you played that you achieved 100% completion in?
Webm thread
Do you know anyone in real life that plans on buying this?
Sup Forums told me FFXV was bad
Thanks to an unique hardware architecture developed by a joint effort between Nintendo and Nvidia's engineers...
So this is the power
Filename thread
Clothes for gamers thread
Watch dogs 2 on track to be a flop
Who wins?
Any trailers or anything for this yet...
What do you think about Sup Forums as a plattform to discuss videogames?
Remember when dark souls 2 babbies got utterly btfo
Are fanboys seriously this delusional?
Thank you for buying my game, user
Sup Forums tells me not to enjoy a videogame
Is this the best GTA ever?
What went wrong Sup Forums?
What're the best/worst/most terrifying enemies in this game
Deciding between Xbone and PS4
Favorite game as a child
Serious question, why only 30 games? Why not every NES and Famicom game ever made? It'd still be less than 1 gigabyte
Wuld ya fancy a little fok in me bumhole
The deepest lore
There isn't a single fight against a bear in any video ga-
A prospective PS4 (Pro) buyer here
Game devs make character/weapon broken, stupidly op
How come there's no talk of Quake champions? I haven't seen a thread on it at all on this board...
Is she the most realistic character ever created in a video game?
Admit it, it turned out great
You and your garbage anime games
Seriously, what was his fucking problem?
Games you thought were great but everyone else thought was shit
Rank AC games' stories from best to worst
What headphones do you use for vidya?
What are some games that promote terrorism, reckless endangerment, theft, and destruction of public property?
Who was in the wrong here?
Who is the best operator and why is it Sledge?
Why did this installment of the series get such a poor reception when it came out...
Reconquest RTS
Bannerlord when?
Why hasn't this replaced monster hunter as Capcom's flagship?
Watch dogs 2 is even greater disaster than your sexual life
Terraria Thread
3rd birthday
Are you getting Sun or Moon?
Where were you when Riot threatened to permaban someone for playing a hero out of the meta(Support roaming Singed)?
Which of these characters would win in a fight between all of them?
Ok guys, I love rpgs, installing Tyranny right now, what am I in for?
Is Skyrim the worst Elder Scrolls game ever made (save for Online, of course)?
Tfw no rich maiden gf
Project Zomboid thread?
Planet Coaster Thread
ITT: Vidya nerfs that were way too harsh
Va-11 hall-a
Why do we hate Bethesda so much? Most of their games are good
What other games are set during Winter?
Says that his motives are complex
What's your honest opinion about bulbasaur?
Buy the collector's edition
ITT: "villains" that did nothing wrong
""""Villains"""" who did nothing wrong
Why do people keep on playing Mobas?
Have you ever 100%ed a videogame user?
$250-300 Switch
I just bought this baby for only 50 bucks. Played Overwatch...
Zelda! Duke Onkled is under attack! I'm going to Gamelon to aid him
‘This Will Be The End Of Sony’s Reign,’ Says Increasingly Nervous Man For Seventh Time This Year
You're going to buy my next game when it comes out in the spring, right, user?
Is there a single game that has ACTUALLY aged well?
What the hell is this guy's problem?
*Game Title* community
Check your emails!
Yikes. Over 10 years for this?
Metal Slug
Why so few female villains?
Dishonored 2
When the sequal uses a different voice actor for the MC
Superior RE girl
Are there any games that let me be a warewolf except Skyrim and elder scrolls?
So, what is the best indie game to date?
Rust Stories
Where were you when Sup Forums got BTFO?
Drink beer with best boss
Holy shit this game curb stomps Dark Souls 2 and 3
Trips decide my gamertag
Games that deserve to be played in the hardest difficulty
"Frank is back!"
Sora finds Kairi
When you're playing a game and think you just got to the end after beating a boss and then realize that you've barely...
Why Manhunt got so little attetion?
Sup Forums is BTFO again
Need toilet
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
Locking support as a role in Dynamic Queue...
Brb milk break
Pick Pharah
Feels thread
No good vidya gaems to play
ITT: ace of spades
>Game has niggers
This game is seriously fucking amazing...
Game opens with a Niche quote
All right, guys, the only way we're gonna make it out of this alive is if we stick together
What did Valkyria Chronicles do to deserve this?
FF 15 is DEAD
This is your (non blood related) little sister for the upcoming game, Persona 5. Say something nice to her...
When he dies, will you attend his funeral?
Are beat em ups dead?
What did Gamefreak actually mean by this?
Will Macs ever be a viable gaming platform?
This guy is OP in pubs
Ragequitting in fighting games
The Witcher 3 looks incredibly and runs at stable 1080p/60fps on ultra settings
Game has different multiple endings based on arbituary shit like which girl in your party you want to be your personal...
This is modern SMT
So this is my first time building my own gaming rig and I wanted to check with Sup Forums to see if I've done anything...
Video game quotes. Sup Forums tries to guess where it's from. Let's start with an easy one
use mod manager
Now that the dust has settled
Makes you think
That does it...
After years I started to play this yesterday with my buddies
Perfect games don't exi
tfw you updated to 11.2
"hey, dude, lets play again tomorrow"
Speedrunning is stupid. you don't get to enjoy the game if you just speed through it
Picking a processor
Tie 20% of game content through preorder bonuses
How should I build my character?
This is an unedited Watch Dogs 2 screenshot
Dishonored 2
Can any other camo even compete?
What should valve do with Team Fortress 2?
Patch 7.1.5, yeah see all this stuff we fucked up? WELL WE ARE FIXING EVERYTHING
You know what time it is
Any exemples of fucked up release ?
Nintendo Switch thread - price leak edition
Why the fuck didn't you faggots tell me about this gem?
User what do you want for din dins?
I run a GTX 1080 + Intel Core i7 and yet the game runs like shit. What gives?
"We need a healer."
Overrated developers. Dead or current
Nothing to see here, fellas
Point out obvious game flaws
What did she mean by this?
This is modern BioWare's idea of good alien design
Immersive Sim
Game is over 12 hours long
Health regen
Perma b& for not playing the meta
Post your favourite Overwatch skins
What was Sony's plan with making games run worse on PS4 Pro?
Why aren't you playing a video game right now?
Can we all agree that's the worst RPG released in the last 10 years, even worse than Pillars?
I miss this game so much. Hard to believe its already been 4 years
I hope this garbage flops harder than the first
No Hitman thread?
How is this possible to fuck up that hard ?
Shit that pisses you off
Titanfall 2
We got a new Melia doujin a few days ago
Gomenasai, my name is William-Sama
PSP General
Are you getting Watch Dogs 2 Sup Forums? I have a feeling this will be good because the second game is always good...
Snow/Winter-lvl Music
PC gaming is a cancer
Can tomboys be pretty?
Are there any games where i can expierience going to prom?
So this is the power of DRM
Perfect Flawless Games
Option A
Why don't they nerf this piece of shit
Bonesaw: Banned until 2018
What vidya related customer support stories do you have?
Whenever the Witcher is discussed, why does this game get the short end of the stick constantly?
Battlefield 1
What's your favourite Vampire moment?
Is that what he looks like? Anyway, who cares, form your own opinion
Squad or Arma?
Would you a Catherine?
You have ten(10) seconds to tell me why your 3ds isn't hacked yet
Final boss is a god
"Did you just call me a Blueberry?"
Well, Sup Forums?
Grove street
Women make up 52% of the gamers
Is Lego Star Wars the complete saga the best lego game ever made?
Tfw my logitech m100 just died after almost 5 years of daily use
As someone who enjoyed nostalrius and is awaiting its return...
Why is nobody talking about this?
"OK, you go tank, you go DPS, and y...oh never mind, I see user has already picked the girl character like usual."
Underrated girls from underrated games
Just marathoned these for the first time
Western game reveals gay character
Can we take a moment to admire what a GOAT-tier handheld the PSP was and still is?
Nintendo Switch possible $250 USD price
Goddamn, Sup Forums
Final Fantasy
Lvl 1
ITT: Best games in their respective series
Thoughts? Will it be good?
Does anyone remember this game?
You bought Miku's game right?
Mario Parody
Everybody arguing about graphics and framerate and resolution
Trying to play online FPS
Name a single character in video games that can beat Saitama
Game with multiple romantic options
Vidya Dad
Why is he such a shit MC?
Has a game ever done body possesion as a gimmick?
Why do they ruin everything they touch?
Why didn't they just use Donkey Kong?
Final Fantasy XV
Sup Forums Will pic related kill Overwatch
What are you downloading tonight?
New Games are shit?
ITT: Greentext a story from the perspective of a vidya enemy and others guess who it is
Orange Juice
New Vegas Thread
First BLUE REFLECTION trailer:
Dwarf Fortress Thread
Hey Sup Forums, I am going start playing an MMORPG, FINAL FANTASY XIV:Online. I need help...
You will never get back the feeling you had experiencing older games as a child
Which team would you rely on to save the world?
Why is Shantae so fuckable?
Why does Sup Forums hate the NCR?
Japanese level
How you guys like this?
FFXIV Heavensward
New Pokemon is just as har-
ITT voice actors everyone pretends are good
I want to hold hands with Jeb!
Objective: You're on your own kid
What have you done for your favorite video game girl, recently?
ITT we discuss yoshi without using the expression "ha"
Yoshi and Midna
You're not a real Silent Hill fan unless you've played Born From A Wish
Clingy friend that always talk to you when you login
Dark Souls
So, are you making your own game, Sup Forums?
FFXV looks bad
Give me a good comfy game to play. FUCK
Happy day...
Winter Ball thread
Is he back bros?
So I just finally beat this
This is a South Corean Fighter
Why are Blazblue lolis the best?
Is Klonoa a dog or a fox?
Watch Dogs 2
Recently found that video again when I was cleanning my hardrive
ITT genuinely bad games that neo Sup Forums insists are good
What streamers do you follow?
Proof that BotW will suck balls
Name one (1) game that everyone likes
Tfw they never explained why sephiroth became evil
Is 2016 the worst year for gaming?
Name 10 good NES exclusives. No seriously, you can't
Never played an Elder Scrolls game, and I'm about to start Skyrim
Play game 1
How did Nintendo hide so many secrets in this game?
Can I get some images showing awful translations of games? Bonus points if it also shows what was originally said...
Vidya ideas guy thread
ITT: Underdeveloped Characters
So what are your hopes and expectations for the third Red Dead game, Sup Forums?
Look at this puppet
Fighting games are just button mash-
E3 2017
ITT: Shitty characters
What went wrong?
Is there a good video game set in Florida?
This is a Japanese super soldier
Do you remember your first PC game, user?
Kingdom Hearts Thread
Should I get a 4k monitor or Oculus Rift?
What does Sup Forums think of Sonic Lost World?
How would you make a good Justice League game?
Top 10 favorite N64 games?
Final boss just wanted to be happy
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Free
Go to GameStop
Can we go back to a time when everything was new and amazing, games genuinely made you go WOW...
Its mid November but fuck it, winter draws near. Post some cozy tunes to welcome the season
Name a more overrated game
Explain this to me
Who are Sup Forums's favorite streamers? Mine are Inuitinua's tits
ITT: Worlds you want in KH3
How does Sup Forums feel abut fast travel?
Anyone else miss Gen I?
Well that was incredibly unsatisfying
ITT: Japanese covers of western games
How are you enjoying Dishonored 2?
Just finished it. what's the hardest fight in the game? I thought they were are pretty easy
Videogames are better than se-
This motherfucker just scared the living shit out of me while I was trying to sneak around Nipton in the dead of night
You did side with Nohr and pick best girl right?
Awful HP
How do I get into this game? I really want to enjoy it but always lose interest around act 2-3
Considering starting a youtube channel for thoughtful analysis on games in a video essay format or videos exploring...
So now that we all played Squad, could we agree that this is the best FPS ever?
ITT: We create the best Avatar The Last Airbender vidya
Daily reminder that Pokemon Moon is shit
Jesus fucking christ, Sup Forums
Post the last game you played and your opinion of it
Im getting reaaaal fucking tired of seeing Bloodborne enemies in this fucking game
Capcom collaboration
Game is great
Okay user you can have 1 video game, 1 snack, and 1 drink, and 1 movie
Is this good design or is it just my dick telling me it is?
Gobygobygoby (Twitch)
Alright Sup Forums, dont let me down now, im buying my 1st handheld console ever...
Let's talk about this bitch
Which is your favorite fighting game Sup Forums?
He buys nintendo consoles
-two, count 'em, TWO disables one of which is instant
Metal Gear Solid V is the highest rated, non-remastered game this generation
Feel like playing a wild west game
This lovely young lady just asked you to impregnate her. What do you do?
What was the best game released this year? Did anything stand out?
Why is it still the best Souls game?
Work retail in electronics
Didn't get an NES classic? Worry not friends! I have complied all 30 NES games and uploaded them here:
Just started playing this, just got my first pawn
What do you think of this game Sup Forums?
Risk of Rain = Host When Edition
ITT: Good vidya antagonists
Would Sup Forums a Quiet?
I need a 15$ Steam Card, so I can play with my best buds, but I feel fucking left out...
Do you think Red Dead Redemption 2 be able to fix the lack of diversity present in the characters of Red Dead...
ITT: We most un-deniable facts
I'm buying a PS4
The first person who can create a functional Xbox emulator, I will literally suck your dick and swallow...
How Is Your YouTube Channel Going, Sup Forums?
Dead Rising is dead
Meanwhile, in Inaba
Turns out they're actually pretty good. I'd even say 9/10, maybe 10/10 if they included more Pokemon
I like movies
Are video games art?
Emotional vidya moments
Sup Forums in 2002
Why should you even play a Japanese video game if you can't even talk about it in public...
I have access to downloadable content for the latest Rhythm Tengoku. Will post other pics later
Build high-end PC
Vidya Game Music
Reminder that Zhuge Liang & the Shu-Han did nothing wrong
Which one of you losers was this?!? 3 fucking banners and guy still loses to fairy healer/well deck
What are some really good non fighting games that have satisfying hand to hand combat specifically satisfying punches?
What's your opinion on Warframe?
Just got a PS3
Does Baldur's Gate 2 get much better than this? Can I just skip 1 and play 2...
Ever been to a barcade before, Sup Forums?
Lore Thread
Find a flaw
Can Sup Forums stop being hostile to girl gamers and just accept that they can play video games too?
Steam profile picture thread
What are some games that allow me to cheat?
Thoughts on Stellaris? Might buy it
Post hours u no life neets
Is Mother 1 worth playing? How is the story/humour compared to the sequels?
That one poor sucker who preordered Moon
Chie is the best Persona girl of all ti-
What do you think of this game ?
What are some games that basically play themselves? To leave on in the background while I write essays
FFXV is going to be shit
Overwatch vs Team Fortress 2
Does Sup Forums even play games?
I like this game with the pretty girls on the beach with Dead or Alive girls
Gamerfuel thread
Shame the Japanese Ace Attorney community is so turned on by yaoi. She could have had some really nice fanart
Hows that rust base going? ;)
Gaming PTSD: musical edition
Name a better WW2 FPS
I just bought a ps vr. Now what?
How's weeb Hearthstone, Sup Forums?
3x3 Thread
Zamasu has invaded the last video game verse that you played
Had enough and checking out
Do you fully expect autism to fuck this story up
What games take place in a small town? I've already played Persona 4
Sonyggers BTFO
10 Years
Work at gamestop
What are some games where it all comes tumbling down?
Must own Xbox 360 games
Favorite oper8or?
Nvidia CEO - Switch is 'groundbreaking design', 'like nothing the world has so far'
MMO/Everquest Thread
Playing mgs4
What are the most fucked up games you've played?
Pee Bee
Are you doing all you can to help battleborn on battleborn day?
The Canadian Toys 'R' Us website has the Nintendo Switch up for pre order, and the price for it is $330 CAD...
Anti-Aliasing or no?
Still haven't bought this because of AI concerns...
Comes out this month
Does Halo 6 have a chance?
What's Sup Forums's expectation of the upcoming PlayStation Experience event...
Tfw to intelligent for another games than league of legends
Why can't v make a smw collaboration hack
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Smash Bros. 5
Post your favorite villager
ITT: Games you'd gladly give up your first-born for to get a sequel
What's your favorite Dragonball game Sup Forums?
This pic is to show that material things are not the most important thing
Consider me a fucking shill
Whats your favorite era of sonic?
Verdict on cyberpunk?
Splatoon thread
The villain is killed by his second-in-command
What are Sup Forums's best meme's?
ITT post a movie or a book or some shit like that and other anons recommend a vidya similar to it
Went to a 10 year old kids birthday
Such a dissapointment
Daily reminder that you were the villain in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Lets have a Vidya Wallpaper thread
Use a guide while playing
I know its going to be very difficult to get an unbiased opinion but is there any reason for me to get a ps4 to go...
Anybody ever try the PS3 reflow YLOD fix? How successful was it? I want to bring my Thicc PS3 back from the dead
Series where the 7th entry's multiplayer is the best since the 2nd entry's
She looks sad user, will you comfort her?
'member the NES? Yeah, I remembered...over twenty fucking years ago
Was there any vault where people had a chance to live a normal, happy life?
Final Fantasy thread
Who's your main?
Texturing Kirby, part 2
What is the best gimmick method of finishing an opponent in fighting games? I'm talking about the fatalities...
Is it worth playing the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series?
What do you think GOTY 2016 will be
What went wrong?
Which one are you, Sup Forums?
OpenXCOM thread
Why isn't this game ever discussed on Sup Forums?
Is there anything funnier than Sup Forums talking about fighting games? I highly doubt it
ITT: The Last Good Game of the franchise
Ubisoft teases space cowboy game in watch dogs 2
What has this country contributed to the video games industry?
Join server
How do you feel about Voxel?
Don't mind me
What are some good western games in the last 2 years?
Whats he telling him Sup Forums?
6 buttons
Scary Enemies
Valkyria: Azure Revolution
What do you think of small characters in japanese videogames?
Why is Meridia a Daedra and not an Aedra? She's literally a good guy. Holy and anti-undead
Pick Necromancer
This game really doesn't look that good
Blasted Vidcons
Steam profile picture thread
How stinky do you think heathers feet are near the end of silent hill 3?
How come they haven't made not a single good game?
Miiverse thread?
Games for (really) shit or obsolete PCs
Reminder that Overwatch is free to play next weekend
This is now the final boss of your favorite video game
Name the most normie video game
How can one list be so right?
What's the best way to ask a gamer girl out?
Is there such a thing as a good remaster?
Game has a hidden screamer
V8 improved performance
Why didn't you buy Tsubasa's game?
Imps are for ______
How the mighty have fallen
What's your favorite Final Fight game Sup Forums
If you could resurrect 1 dead game and restore its playerbase back to its former glory, which one would you pick?
How do we make gaming great again?
Where's the ace of spades thread?
We can put robots on Mars and build machines to collide sub atomic particles, but we can't build an Xbox emulator?
Vidya Buyfag
This may sting a bit
So we just stopped talking about this now? Do we like it?
Anyone else miss EGM?
What's his name again?
Return to Texture Land: Gates to Infinity Edition
Why do 99% of modern games have terrible gamefeel?
Bet you can't find any console that has more underrated gems than the first Xbox
After seeing Conor McGregor cement himself as the greatest UFC fighter of all time last night...
What do you want to see in the next Smash Bros.?
Why do you hide your power level in public but rather embrace it
Why isn't Analog stick + Mouse more popular
I am stuck on Ruin Sentinels
How do I get good?
Nostalgia thread
Vampire the Masquerade
Terrible Cosplay threads
This is a good game
So I played Underrail when it first released, I want to start another playthrough but I can't decide on a build to use...
Can't replay chapters/no new game +
What the fuck is this game?
Original Xbox emulator when?
ITT: things that blew your fucking mind as a kid
Early 2000s thread
Kratos vs. Geralt of Rivia
Have you tried the Steep beta? Do you like it?
He's about to what?
Can you please give me some "good mood" games
Lore Thread
What are some good
Xbox One S
Enemies can climb ladders
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
ITT we propose how to fix this guy
Alexstrasza or Ysera?
Am I playing this wrong? I'm 3 hours in and it's boring as fuck...
ITT: Casual Filters
What video game has accurately depicted lonely outsiders?
Do you think people going to college to learn game design and animation is a good thing...
What went right?
Hmm, every NES game ever made, completely free without even having to leave my chair...
Daily reminder not to pre-order based on promises
Sup Forums's unbiased opinion on this game?
Final boss battle
Die to the final boss multiple times
What was his problem?
Rejected cuz ugly character
Mario World too Low
Which Company/Developer hates money the most?
Street Fighter Alpha 3
I bet I'm the only one here who remembers this shit
MMORPG suggestions
What game currently has the best graphics on max settings?
If you had 2 billion USD, and you took care of your family and shit...
Friends new gf joins guild
User your computer is really good at playing games
Why do most of Video game characters are some sort of special snowflakes?
Group of friends I consistently play with
The ONE THING they had to so to guarantee a sale was to get their shit running at 1080P/60
I need some cyberpunk vidya. Preferably something that feels alive and very dystopian
ITT: Dead MP games you miss
Obsidian will never make another Fallout
Dark Souls II
You can juggle enemies
Redpill me on hitman Sup Forums
Say something nice to Rise
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...