What was the best game released this year? Did anything stand out?

What was the best game released this year? Did anything stand out?

Dark souls 3


King of Fighters
Dishonored 2 so far
Stranger of Sword City
Titanfall 2
Tokyo Mirage Sessions

DOOM was fantastic for sure, probably my best of 2016.

Aside from that, VA-11 HALL A was good, Hyper Light Drifter wasn't fantastic, but good, Dark Souls 3, despite being the weakest of the series still stands out.

kirby robobo planet and taiko 3DS3 were good
i'm assuming persona 5 will be the best game of the year but as an EOP and poorfag i have yet to play it


Baldr Heart

Was shit

>DOOM if you're into shooters
>VA-11 if you're into VN's and waifus
>Rabi Ribi if you're into shockingly good gameplay buried in horrible moe anime
>HLD was pretty good
>Dark souls 3 was pretty good

Not much really came out worth mentioning

Furi was really good,kinda short,but good

This nigga right here

Space Invader Extreme 3 when?

It's worth a playthrough if you don't care about the multiplayer

How does this compare to CEDX+?

for me

Titanfall 2
Dishonored 2

funny that i am not even a big FPS fan either

The Witcher 3 - Blood and Wine.

All i can picture is a group of delinquent yourhs in hoodies with "FART" written on them, swaying towards sonic, hands in pockets, to kick fuck out of him


The Witness was nearly perfect to me

I just realized that the only AAA game I bought this year was DOOM.

The only game I played that came out this year are Star Fox Zero+Guard and Overwatch. I'm too cheap to buy games the year they came out, only got Star Fox due to a coupon I had.

Both are great games, even if Overwatch is just a worst version of TF2, I still have fun with it.

>Worse than TF2

Yeah man crit rockets and instant kill turrets are the epitome of great game design

It's the same premise wise but a 180 in execution. I like it so much better than the first one but a lot of people have mixed opinions on it. It's basically CEDX+ with inverted mechanics, but I think it makes it much more competitive and skill based especially when you get used to the new ghost eating mechanics. I really have to say it's something you have to try yourself and see if you like it, but you gotta give it like an hour at least for things to set in for you.

I've seen this picture dozens of times, but is that store really called "Meme Aids"?

Overwatch killed TF2 once and for all. That was really nice.

I definitely had fun, the only thing I found sub-par was the world design and links between levels.

Forza Horizon 3 was my game of the year

>Look up space invaders extreme
>handheld exclusive

I hope to god they make a PC version of this shit. I'm too lazy to bother with emulators.

Of the games I've played, so far Persona 5 is my favorite.

I'll give you random crit rockets, they're bullshit.
but the sentry is only a problem on 2fort. most levels are too open for them to do anything

I think the first one is also on XBLA but it's not as fun and hectic as the second one

come on

the shoop is obvious

probably said mermaids originally which is why the other m is different but the e is exactly the same

I don't know, I haven't played all of them

Only game I could finish. a little sad because I used to love videogames.

GGXrdR D44M and SMT4A are my picks. This year had alot of decent titles. KOF14 was also good and got patched fast. I hope SFV becomes worthwhile more so then a rushdown strike throw guesser paradise.

>these threads
Why isn't Battlefield 1 ever suggested?
Why isn't Titanfall 2 ever sugested?
Why isn't The Division ever suggested?
Why isn't Gears of War 4 ever suggested?
Why isn't Uncharted 4 ever suggested?
Why isn't Forza Horizon 3 ever suggested?

Sup Forums shitted all over the new Doom when it was revealed at last year's E3, but for whatever reason, it has universal acclaim on here to the point of extreme annoyance. The game is repetitive as fuck, generic as fuck, casual as fuck, boring as fuck, and has absolutely no content whatsoever. It's nothing but monster closet monster closet, circle strafe, circle strafe, QTE QTE QTE. What is so goddamn special about that game that makes it better than any other released?

How is Doom better than Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2. Answer. Just fucking answer. How is better than Gears 4

Cold Steel 2 was pretty good. I also enjoyed my time with dark souls 3, but otherwise the year was barren as fuck.

The best thing I've been playing this year is the... recent update to Animal Crossing.
That's all I've especially enjoyed.

You are either baiting or underage.

why not both

It's a surreal picture, that's for sure.

As someone who just bought Gears 4 its nothing special. Might as well just play Ultimate Edition since Gears 4 is just a nerfed version of 3 all the rifles feel vastly weaker and lack stopping power and the gnasher feels even more inconsistent averagely then in a laggy connection on 1 or 3.

I'm really disappointed it feels like vastly worse 3. Which is still better then most shooter this year but ill take D44M over it even for its multiplayer.
>Repetitive as fuck
Opposed to any of the suggested? D44M has barely any map design but it has more then Gears 4 multiplayer or single player
>Generic as fuck
Not really again everything you suggested hits that mark besides Gears/TitanFall2
>Casual as fuck
Multiplayer is actually very unforgiving and supports better players single player is challenging on nightmare
>Absolutely no content
>10 hour single player
>Multiplayer with good sized set of viable weapons and lets you play the DLC maps even if you dont own them
>Snapmap is a letdown but still has plenty of content
>Criticizing the combat
>Anything you listed is more advanced LLLL

D44M is better then everything you listed. If you listed Gears Ultimate Edition then id agree.

FH3 is a great game but we're not allowed to talk about ms here

Yeah, the MP is not as horrible as I thought when I finally tried it.
Could be much better, but that's what you get when you outsource them though

>Not really again everything you suggested hits that mark besides Gears/TitanFall2
Name 5 triple A World War 1 games.

Name 5 postapocalyptic New York massive multiplayer survival games

Name 5 open world Australia simcades

I can name 20 games about saving the world from aliens and every Doom game

No Man's Sky

all of those games are shit

You're either baiting or underage if you're genuinely suggesting the new Doom is the best game of the year let alone a good game.


You're both wrong. Doom is shit but so is Titanfall 2, The Division, Gears of War 4, and Battlefield 1.

Nothing but generic shit.

The new Doom is shit.

Forza Horizon 3 and probably Pokèmon SuMo.
I consider myself lucky to be able to buy a Bone for the Forza series alone, most people had to go the W10 route fucking up their W7 gaming PCs and still not be able to enjoy FH3 because of the framerate problems.
I'm happy because I was able to spend 299$(with a free game) for my Bone.
90 hours of pure gameplay on FH2, gonna double that on FH3.

All of the games you listed have generic combat and writing. Just because the setting the one thing about them that is "unique" is that doesn't mean the whole package is. Name 5 triple AAA shooters games where you go to Hell as a Mary Sue sterioded up space marine and kill Satan/Satans bitch. Not games about Aliens that are slow as shit you pussy

Honestly it could be alittle faster and have the movement in the air rune on and it'd be better. Besides that the only real issues i have is maps are alittle bland and the Demon rune is alittle too casual even though you can shut it down fast and id rather have the BFG/Gauss that spawns.

I can't see how people think its bad. Its a alright arena shooter MP its like better Halo if anything with a few gimmicks its core gameplay is solid. Nothing amazing in the grand scheme but better then most current MP shooters.

>Actually thinking glory kills are a thing on UV or up past the first few levels

Yeah enjoy those monsters moving in around you well you do so and get hit by things you have no idea the positions of after you animation is over.

Fucking retard. You can always tell someone didn't play D44M when they act like glory kills are free when you get up close since that isn't how it works.

Literally any 90s shooter. New Doom is generic as shit. You can't name a vast quantity of other World War 1 games.

>genric combat
You can't name 10 games that play similarly to Uncharted 4, Gears 4, Battlefield 1, or The Division.

>generic writing
How would you know what good writing is if you like generic oud obnoxious boisterous teenage male power fantasy shit like Doom?

Probably overwatch if only for it's interesting character design and set up.

I forgot to add Titanfall 2.

And it doesn't matter anyways. There were a million other games better than the new Doom that came out this year.

f1 2016, pes 2017, nba 2k17

Nigga it's on the fucking DS if you don't have one just go get one.

>if only for it's interesting character design and set up.
You mean rip off Disney: redddit memes edition?

That's neither original nor unique.

The game also has NO CONTENT and is casual as shit lacking competitive play.

>on the fucking DS
>handheld resolution

Into the trash it goes. It was never worth playing to begin with.

Doom might have been the only new game I bought this year. It was really good, though.