ITT: Video game tropes you hate

1st game: protagonist doesn't utter a syllable
Sequel: same protagonist doesn't shut the fuck up

what game even does that?

Nigga I love tropes.

Probably silent protagonist. Basically playing as someone who doesn't have a personality.

Dead Space 2 comes to mind. Although he does grunt a lot in the first one.

Dishonored if you choose corvo

This, the quality is there it just feels forced.

>you can chose between two or more playable characters
>the ones you didn't chose appear later as bosses

except that's fucking awesome.

>assault rifle does less damage than pistol, shot for shot

Golden Sun.

Tales of Symphonia to a lesser extent because Lloyd DID do some talking in the first game, but since he lost his MC status in the second game, he's easily half of the game's dialogue.

>cyclops boss enemy
>you have to aim for the eye

tell me a better way to beat a cyclops

You could disembowel it, for example.

try shooting it until it dies.

most badguys only have one asshole but you're not expected to fuck him to death

>most badguys only have one asshole but you're not expected to fuck him to death

great ANALogy

I was going to do a food analogy, but I am feeling pretty fuckin' gay right now tbhfam

This is why I will never leave Sup Forums

If you compare Halo 1 to Halo 4/5, Master Chief doesn't stop talking in the new games

The exact reasons I made this thread

usually in jrpgs:
>talk to supposedly allied or neutral character which will give you directions for your journey
>you and your party go away
>the camera stays focused on the allied/neutral character
>dialogue balloon only shows "..."
>later in the game it's revealed that character is on the enemy side

I mean, it's usually pretty easy to know who the backstabbers are but that's just stupid.

>Game lets you use various weapon types
>Super Powerful plot weapon is a sword

thanks guys, now I remember why I come here