Game has different multiple endings based on arbituary shit like which girl in your party you want to be your personal...

>game has different multiple endings based on arbituary shit like which girl in your party you want to be your personal cock sleeve
>game developers expect you to start from the very beginning to get all the endings

Name one (1) game, OP.

>trying to go for best ending possible
>turns out that there's way to much shit to do and most of it doesn't make sense

*insert any JRPG with a harem of waifus in it here*

Well, there's the problem.

I really should start playing more, though. Any good places to start?

What game is that, user?

Fallout 1+2

>Game has multiple endings based on various factors or ways of completing the game
>You DON'T have to play through it all again in order to get these

Yeah Drakengard is a good game I don't care what anyone says..

Thanks, user.

You want a weeb pandering JRPG or a JRPG that's actually a good game or one that's a little bit of Column A and a little bit of Column B?

Go for Persona 4, or if you have a PS4 and wanna go straight to next gen, wait til Persona 5 comes out next year.

What other systems do you have?

Oh sorry.

Fallout 3+4 with mods.

on the other hand
>your actions don't matter at all so you can see all 3 radically different endings just by loading a save and pressing a different button in the final area, this button pressing is the very last action of the game

>Persona 4
>Not just plain Column A

It even has honorifics in both text AND speech to further the autism.

why do people say Persona is bad when it's better than SMT?

wow I never realised deus ex was this shitty
t.someone that beat the first level and then never played more after that

>your relationship with each character influences the ending.
>to get the best ending you have to group with a bunch of annoying gay brits

>a JRPG that's actually a good game or one that's a little bit of Column A and a little bit of Column B?
Either of these is fine to start off with. I've been meaning to try Trails in the Sky for a while now after seeing people talk about it, but I keep forgetting to check for sales, and I was thinking about starting Persona 4 via an emulator.

>What other systems do you have
PS4, PC, 360
Should I just wait for Persona 5? Either way, some other recommendations would be nice. Thanks, user.

it's a great game but goddamn the endings are a letdown, both how you get them and the endings themselves, they're like 30-60 seconds long and clearly rushed as hell, very disappointing payoff considering how long and immersive the story was.

There's not a lot of phenomenal JRPGs out on the PS4 now, but there's Omega Quintet, Neptunia or Disgaea 5 if you're into SRPGs.

Or wait til Final Fantasy XV comes out in a few days

Alright, thanks user. I'll probably just wait for FFXV and avoid all of the threads, but Omega Quintet looks interesting.
If you think of anything else, or that I can emulate, pls reply with them, I'll check the archive. Thanks again user, have a good night.

>Kusoge looks interesting
Stop and think, my friend.

It's fine for what ir is

Star Ocean?

Which one?

>your actions don't matter at all so you can see all 3 identical endings just by loading a save and pressing a different button in the final area, this button pressing is the very last action of the game

the second story



>your route and ending are determined by who you choose to be your partner in the first 5 minutes of the game
>the game never gives any indication this is the case

Dark souls 3

>very disappointing payoff considering how long and immersive the story was
Fucking this. Everyone shits on Mass Effect (and rightfully so) but no one ever fucking mentions Human Revolution. Mass Effect was definitely the greater offender but Human Revolution still did the same thing.

Say what you will about Deus Ex 2, at least the last level was one giant area with all the factions throughout the game in different corners. You can kill whoever you want to get whatever ending but at least the factions will react appropriately (such as betrayed or surprised) depending on your actions. It's also a lot more fucking interactive than talking to a few NPCs and then choosing button 1, 2, 3, or 4. OH BUT BUTTON 4 IS HIDDEN IN THE BACK ROOM SO SNEAKY fuck off.

Sounds like you're the one who needs to play the game.

Porn VN where one of the girls is teasing your cock under the table. If you resist, she dies.

And yet, you don't share the name of the game. Fucking evil.

Also Deus Ex Human Revolution... all them buttons.

Just a guess, but I think he is talking about a drug that makes you dream.

Ah, I've heard a lot about that game. I haven't played it but it seems pretty fucked up. I should try it sometime,


your fault for not making multiple saves for every situation