Final Fantasy XV
Is that a JoJo refrence I see there?
but which one is making your dick twitch, OP?
both is tan acceptable answer
Shut up.
reminder even the japanese make fun of the game
Loli x Shota doujin when?
Their look very freakish as children, especially Luna. Maybe it's that weird white/asian hybrid thing that makes it into uncanny valley territory.
does anyone even want ff15?
isn't all the hype on ff7/ff14/kh3?
> failed main hero
> failed combat system
> bloated budget
> failed movie
> failed anime
> low preorders
Total disaster
It'll be glorious watching SE go under.
>those patrician aesthetics
Who is this weenie wizard
SE'll be okay, they'll just call Yoshida up and demand another pile of FFXIV's megabucks.
Maybe at some point they can stop siphoning funds out of XIV so we can get some fucking nicer servers.
my husbando, back off
When will Nomura die? This shit looks disgusting.
Is this some epic new meme?
Between this guy and the default WoL in Stormblood SE is really ramping up their male hotness level
All the gameplay I've seen makes it look good. I'm still looking forward to it.
Agreed. Also Nyx was pretty damn fine too in those leather pants
Holy shit Cor is sexy
i pray he survives to the end of the game and rejoins the lads but I'm bracing for heartache
reminds me of reveneance
>Failed combat system
16 more days... i can hold out until then ;_;
These animations are gonna look great in 60fps
I hope
>Noct grabs Cor's katana before he can sheathe it
>Cor scratching his head at how over-the-top Noct is being with his katana
God, I love this game.
Liking the teamwork with Prompto and Gladious in the background
>everything looks bland, choppy and sometimes awkward
>people say it looks great
I can't be the only one, right?
cute angel
I don't plan on playing it but I really want it to be good.
>full service
oh yeah
It looks fantastic
have a good day, user.
I want DQ 11 perosnally.
I sunset in this scene.
What is she eating?
dat Shiva tho
>I can't be the only one, right?
You may want to get your eyes and your taste checked.
Why do they all look like fags tho?
This is the highest fag to character ration in any FF game thus far.
No, I've noticed it since Duscae. Nothing has as much weight as it should have, and the combat in general just feels floaty and poorly paced.
I'd love to be proven wrong by the game, but I'm going to continue to be cautiously pessimistic.
how do they
this is quality to PS4 players.
>yeah i'm free
>free fallin
Being gay is the ultimate fuck you to feminists. Don't you want to reject them entirely, user?
Final Fantasy XV will be Game of the Year
This is what happens when you spend years developing assets to show off in trailers without any thought put into how they'll be used in game, and then having to eventually piece them together into a package to sell. FFXV is not going to be a good game.
Shit gameplay, bland character design, and boy band!
Nothing I've seen of XV has really caught my interest. It just looks kinda bland to me. I mean I'll give it a shot eventually when it either comes to PC or when (if) I buy a PS4 once it has enough games I actually want to play, but I can't say I'm not kinda hoping for it all to crash and burn because of how obnoxious Square is about pushing XV as the next big thing.
Has anyone figured out how to activate English subs on the demo yet?
It's kinda true though.
Use the mannequin finger.
>this fruitcake had the same retarded emo haircut since he was 7
hahahahah, oh wow
he grew out of it
We better still be able to switch costumes when we hit old Noctis.
I want an old golf dad to kill monsters.
>worldwide release
>final demo is only available in Japanese
West is already in love with this game. After this demo JP preorders doubled.
I'm really hyped for XV, can't say the same for VII though, I lost all hype on that after reading something where the devs stated that they will take many liberties with the game.
>mfw they cave into deranged fan requests to have aerith be able to be revived/saved
>West is already in love with this game.
>Citation needed
preorder numbers, just go to amazon
can we trade prompto and ignis for this spunk hunk
>my name is noctis, I am of the night
Seriously, Squenix?
That looks fucking stupid, and on rails.
if only, user. if only.
what a pussy beard
>#5 for Video Games
>#1 for PS4
Suppose you're right. Not too surprising to see it as #1, though this isn't really indicative of how well sales are in general.
I just hope they learned their lesson with this FF. Seems more like it'll lead the series to its' grave instead.
I just went to GameStop today and paid in cash the total pre-order.
and Xbox owners
you know since it's coming out on both consoles
not that pre-ordering is something you should do but
why gamestop? why not amazon or something
Argumentum ad Populum.
I guess Justin Bieber is the greatest singer of all time cause he's sold a lot of records, right?
people seem to love shitting on the ps4 in these threads but conveniently forget about the xbone version which looks worse.
they're pretty transparent.
>refuel and clean car
>10 Gil
>plate of food
>70 Gil
I had leftover store credit.
Square created perfect waifu.
No you don't. You have a hard on for failure and you're hoping this game will bomb. Just fuck off.
You telling me that the last release of the year in 16 days is the most anticipated game for the rest of the year?
kek can't take criticism huh xv kun
Fuck. Off.
Never. Stop shilling this shit. It's embarrassing, even for those interested in the game.
XV is a giant mess.
helpless maiden that requires man to be safe.
Stop ban evading
That's not Cidney.
Thats womans for you. You have to protect them.
That's an odd way to spell Aranea
I hope we see her with her hair down for most of the part in the game.
so is this their fianl fantasy?
They won't go under, but the bombs of Hitman, Deus Ex, World of FF, Dishonored 2 and FFXV underperforming will make them shift away from AAA to more modest budgets, which can only be a good thing at this point. SEs biggest problem is definitely how bloated all their budgets are, leading to games running well behind and rushed out
i really hope that KG scrapped outfit will make it into the game
shit is sexy