Buy the collector's edition

>buy the collector's edition
>the game turns out to be shit

what's her name, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd still buy it. Looks sick.

GTA Online (PS3/XBOX360)

Dark Souls

i have that ps4 and didn't care much for the game.

Not really a collector's edition, but Goldeneye 007 for Wii that came with the golden pro controller, game was hot garbage, but at least I got a sweet controller out of it.

Oh dear.

There's a typo on the PS$ if I recall correctly

Star wars:battlefront

That game about being a detective that was really just stupid boring TPS with Oblivion-tier facial cues.


The evil within?

Duke Nukem Forever

I mostly regret it because that same edition was 5$ in bargain bins weeks later

I have the Arkham Knight PS4
PS4 turned out to be shit and PS4 Pro is out
Arkham Knight was a disappointment and the thought of the game makes me feel a little empty in comparison to how incredible Arkham Asylum and Arkham City were

I bought the Dragon Age 2 collectors edition. Still mad about it.

Rise of the Tomb Raider
Hitman 2016
Deus Ex Mankind Divided

After a spectacular few years, squenix decided to shit the bed.
What a bunch of arseholes.


Don't worry user, at least you have the collection to look forward to

>Buying the collector's edition of a game
At least wait until the scalpers try reselling them to Amazon, due to lack of a demand.

Yes, but unless you're a chemical fag like me and stare at the ps4, it looks sick.

>Decide not to buy collector's edition for that very same reason
>Game turns out great
>Sold out everywhere

Mass Effect 3

Toki to Towa. Also the God of War 3 LE was kinda shit because it didn't have the OST and the Death & Metal CD

I have that too OP, I don't give a fuck, that console is incredibly sexy even with the spelling mistake..

I loved the controller too. I even thought the game was okay.

The Niggerfield collector edition doesn't even include the game. Can't get more cucked than that.

I'd defend the 'remastered' versions and say that's from the early trailer when it looked awful, but the latest trailers don't look much better
I wish they didn't outsource these things to incompetent fucking teams, I would love to replay the first two again, but PS3 conked out

I typically don't touch collectors editions since they're the statues usually look shit and they're still trying to pass off a cd sample of tracks as a collectible. Sonic mania is gunna be the first one I get in a long long time, we'll see how that goes.

Nah, i can't remember the name but it was set in the 1950s you work your way through cases but each case is literally standing around in an alley waiting for objects to light up then questioning witnesses then boring TPS segment then new case.

It was a big deal about the facial software, had loads of actors and shit as well but wasn't too well received. Rockstar funded it.

La Noire?

>Buy special edition
>It's great and comes with a decent statue and a bunch of lore, clearly lovingly crafted by the team

Ayy lmao


Stupid controller color.

I much prefer my blue Uncharted ps4 controller

>USB drive

these were the stupidest special edition thing to have.

there was a craze for this shit at some point, even the goddamn sims got one

I have a normie friend who bought the most expensive Watch_Dogs collectors edition possible.

He regretted it almost as quickly as Sup Forums found out it was a shit game.

I didn't buy it but why the fuck is this thing so expensive on ebay these days? $500 fucken dollarydoos, and even the statue alone will set you back $350 at minimum.

I don't buy CE/LE often, but Mass Effect 3 hurt me.
FE:Fates and Metroid Prime Trilogy did me well though.

This one was one of the best I've ever seen, I regret not picking it up.

>Mfw none of the various editions had all the same stuff inside so you had to buy two if you wanted it all

my fucking autism

This was a mistake

>Mfw I bought it but the fucking code for the flaming helmet wasn't included for some reason so no one ever believed I had a day fucking one copy of the it

i'm still mad, years later

>Avoided all previews for years because I didn't want to spoil it for myself
>Sprint to store, get there before employees
>Slam £55 down on table to get Spore Galactic Edition

So unfair. After Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1, it seemed like there was no stopping the From Software train. I was so close to buying that special edition and I'm so glad that I didn't.

oh user

i'm so sorry

Knew an autistic dude in college who bought pic related and threw the statue in the trash because he "didn't like the game".

Witcher 3

>Special edition includes soundtrack CD
>In 20 fucking 16

fuck off with this shit

Oh dear.
I bought some major special edition of Spore for a few dollars when Circuit City was going out of business. I figured that at such a low price it might be worth it and it still wasn't.

I like the soundtrack CDs but only when it actually includes the whole soundtrack, or at least more than 5 songs. Don't tell me it comes with the game's soundtrack and then the whole CD lasts 8 minutes, I know there are more songs in the game than this you fucking asshole.

I'm sorry man, that's rough. On the bright side, at least it wasn't No Man's Sky

I bought the stupid Saints Row 3 one.

If I remember correctly the soundtrack that came with it only had generic main menu music on it

Fallout 4

The only Collector's Edition I regret not getting was New Vegas. That was a genuinely good one.

You can hate on Bioshock Infinite all you want, but Songbird was fucking awesome and so was the statue of him that came with the CE.

Songbird was a fucking gay enemy design and barely had any impact on the game.

I thought the game was appalling and you should have been able to fight him, but damn that is a really nice figure

Fates was shit but the N3DS XL is pretty alright in aesthetics.



I'm still mad how they announced UMvC3 a few months later.

Man, thank god I'm not a nostalgiafag so I don't have this autistic problem.

the worst part about this is all the "exclusive content" you got with this edition was made available to everyone on the next gen release.


Fuck me

>tfw all of the special editions I've bought were amazing with the games themselves being great too

I do feel sorry for you, anons

Dark Souls II ;_;

Duke Nukem Forever Balls of Steel Edition. $90

I don't regret anything.

I would have been mad

Diablo 3

To a lesser extent ME2.

I demand sauce!

>whats her name

OP's pick.

Nah just kidding I'm a casual shill who fucking enjoyed it.

My brother got it at a local gaming store (new) for 20 europoors a few years ago.

I worked at 3 different Walmarts in 3 differnt states over the course of 3 years. There was about 4 of these at each store. No excuse.

Hell they probably still have em.

Overwatch. AKA TF2 by Tumblr.

They shill "love LGBT" so fucking much I feel my balls receding into my body.

Also it has shit MOBA mechanics.

Same here.

i hated how we could never get those DLC again

>I'm still mad how they announced UMvC3 a few months later.

same here. it made the first version obsolete

>Liked 13
>Say to myself "why not"

>buy collectors edition
>it doesn't have the game

>3DS special edition
>it's only a 3DS with custom plates and doesn't include the game


I still have that lunchbox. I don't think mine says 360 on the side though. Just a lunchbox. I actually use it for work, it's not a bad lunchbox.

I think it's better that way. Nintendo usually just puts a digital copy with them which I hate, so seeing them just release a special edition console without a game so you can get a physical version later is a great thing to me.

oh man. I bought the balls of steel edition for $15 from a gamestop near me a few weeks ago. Statue was still in tact and everything.

I'm so sorry user.

I once had an argument on this site with a guy who said only casuals got upset at the announcement, he got his money's worth with the Mvc3 and Ultimate is considered a completely different game to him.

Rome 2 Total War. Game is still shit for the most part but at least it runs better.

I fell for the Star Ocean 5 meme. Collector's Edition.

I thought they were going to make the series great again. I was so disappointed I could only play 3 or 4 hours of it.

Elder scrolls online.

The book and statue are awesone though.

You tell me which was worst

>Fallout 4 Pip Boy Edition
>MGSV arm edition
>Xenoblade X with flash drive
>Fire Emblem Fates

I was huge into rfom too. FUCK INSOMNIAC. NEVER buying another game from them.

Pipboy by far. Buddy has it. Biggest plastic piece of shit ive ever held.

yay, no one put The Division

my collector's edition game is The Division

At least it looks nice on my shelf

I'm a little salty Todd was like "FINALLY, AN OFFICIAL PIP BOY" so I buy it, only to find out they're gonna release a better one a few months later

There is literally no point in buying collector's editions. It's like burning your money.

>bought max payne 3 and AC3 collector's edition
>statues weren't bad but the games were

What did they end up releasing? I did get some of those sodas people were jerking off about from Target on release.

>love series
>want to support devs
>also get cool collectible, usually

Digital collectors editions are retarded, I'll give you that

Dark Souls III


$350 working model.