ITT: things that blew your fucking mind as a kid

ITT: things that blew your fucking mind as a kid

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Bump for curiosity.

This water

Turok 2's death animations

>use a shotgun one one of the enemies in the swamp
>blows a hole in their stomach
>my face when

Gen ii and the remakes are the purest pokemon games

>Blow a raptor's head off with the shotgun
>it keeps walking clumsily like a decapitated chicen for a few seconds

Seriously, they're still like the golden standard of death animations to me.

wasn't as a kid since I didn't have an N64 growing up but when I played mario 64 for the first time a few years back triggering that level accidentally totally caught me off guard. I'm not a huge mario guy but 64 is legit one of the best games out there, or at least the most interesting.

I don't get it

What did you just do? I'm so confused.

It's appearance? I think Pikmin had similar water in one of the levels.


he stepped onto the region from the first pokemon game


its rlly pretty water

Star road as a whole is mindblowing the first time you find it.

Yeah. It seems kind of small when you look back, but discovering this shit the first time is amazing. You felt like such a badass for finding it.

first time I blew up an enemy in doom by shooting an explosive barrel.

never done anything like that in a game before.

in order to get the wing suit in mario 64, you need to zoom in close to mario and look up at the sunlight in the opening room

The entire game, actually

shit wrong thread.

I remember doing special moves in fighting games blew my mind whenever I did them on accident, I could never figure out how to do them again tho

>Connecting your GBA for the first time


much better than contra 3
>dat secret ending

I'm sure something about video games blew my mind as a kid but how the fuck do you expect me to remember it?

>play goldeye and turok 2 for a good few years when a child. Get use to shooting from the hip
>Mind blown later in a game where you could aim down the sights.

It was awesome in many ways

Also, I loved how many things change when you chose diferent things

>can chase or not the bad guy from the first stage
>stages and story completly changes
>even decisions in the middle of the story opens new branchs

Games these days can learn a thing or two

>star world blows your mind
>discover the secret in star world 5


>hang around on the Special map screen for a while
>the original SMB theme starts to play

game has just been revealed to have a very prodigious postgame