Is Skyrim the worst Elder Scrolls game ever made (save for Online, of course)?

Is Skyrim the worst Elder Scrolls game ever made (save for Online, of course)?

obviously yes

Arena is worse.

It's still not 0/10 trash like Sup Forums makes it out to be though, the series itself is very good. Just like how Sup Forums reacts to Dark Souls 2 with more hyperbole.


Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim > Daggerfall > Arena

>He didn't play Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey

no, Oblivion is


Nope, vanilla Oblivion

Actually even modded Oblivion is worse

What about the re-rated version with titty mods?

I only played Skyrim of the series and enjoyed it so much more than the first DeusEx, that game sucked ass


Modded Morrowind>Morrowind>Modded Oblivion>Modded Skyrim>Skyrim>Oblivion

Very few "fans" have played any Elder Scrolls outside III-V

Acceptable ranking

>Modded Morrowind

>Skywind is never getting finished
>and what there is so far is never getting released



You mean all those people who couldn't wait for Oblivion 2? Or if you mention Morrowind they didn't even now that Oblivion was the 2nd titel in the franchise?

Most of the fans are Oblivion babies and somehow never see "The Elder Scrolls" on the package.

It depends on what you enjoy out of video games.

Objectively, you would have to say that Skyrim is the most rounded, well made of the bunch.

But, people have different opinions, Morrowind is a much more in depth and complicated game and people enjoy that more.

The only thing that Oblivion really has going for it is questlines.

Elder scrolls games are a lot like operating systems. We all know that Windows is the most well-made of the operating systems, but that doesn't mean that Linux isn't better for networking.

From a completely unrepresentative sampling of random posts on Sup Forums I find that people who loved Morrowind tend to hate Oblivion and people who loved Oblivion tend to hate Skyrim. People who loved Morrowind and hated Oblivion can go either way on Skyrim.

Daggerfall is clearly superior to Arena, but the two games are pretty different beasts to the subsequent Elder Scrolls games.

TESO gets way too much shit nowadays to be honest

Nah, Its Oblivion, atleast Skyrim had some good sidequests/DLC.

>Elder Scrolls Online
Confirmed for not having played the game, it's much better than Skyrim you faggot

This desu

Modded Skyrim is the best open world sex simulator right now, modded Oblivion if you want a a 7th gen era of gaming sexual experience

Daggerfall > Morrowind = Oblivion = Skyrim > Arena

It's not even remotely debatable, either.


>Answers his own question in the OP
Why did you even write this, you stupid son of a bitch.

The worst Elder Scrolls game will be whatever the hell they have planned with VI. I mean look what they did with Fallout 4, they had half a decade and didn't learn a single fucking thing since 3.

Yes because oblivion has better quests and there is all kinds of funny shit like bugs and crazy voice acting.

Skyrim is just so... so shallow and shit. Its simply uninteresting and bland once you figure out how few and repetitive even the bigger quests are. Killcams don't make the combat any less clunky or "floating" than it was in Oblivion. Radiant quests.. I don't think anyone ever completed them

Skyrim is simply a bad game. It sucks balls and I hope it's forgotten some day. It also turned to be the biggest disappointment after the woah effect was gone

On the bright side, it'll be the greatest virtual hiking simulator ever released

i likd faloot forr

It won't be forgotten, it's a shallow game but the mainstream appeal is absolutely huge.

What was your reaction to Oblivion coming from spending 100s of hours with Morrowind though?

I think the reason I was fairly accepting of Skyrim is because I hated Oblivion so much.

Fallout 4 fucking sucks as a walking simulator though.

I can just hike in Skyrim, which I am, I haven't played so much Skyrim since dropping 4 after one playthrough because it's that terrible.

Elder Scrolls Online at least does stuff with the series' deeper lore, even if it is fucking retarded at times.
Skyrim just couldn't give a shit.
>You are Dovahkin, Dragonborn!
>You have the soul of a dragon!
How? What does that even mean?

>playing with the compass enabled
>playing with map markers enabled
you sicken me

Oblivion is one of the worst games ever made, not just Elder Scrolls. Skyrim was awful, but not nearly as awful as the abomination before it

>Radiant AI
>Radiant Quests

What will the next big radiant thing for The Elder Scrolls?

I hated oblivion when I thought about morrowind, but at least I had fun moments with it. Getting guards to slaughter townspeople, faggy but hilarious breton voice actor, that "dog loving" couple who suddenly started attacking their dogs because of a bug, intense guild storylines, holy shit.. Thieves guild and dark brotherhood were absolutely fantastic. Mages guild too.

With skyrim I had none of that. Only bland shit, towns populated by 10 people at max, bland quests, extremely short and disappointing questlines for guilds. That fighters guild substitute was so short and boring that I refused to believe it was actually considered a guild. I tried to find a proper fighters guild in other towns but thats when I realized how shallow and rushed skyrim actually was.

Play the Betony demo (Its free) and come back and say that with a straight face.

Elder Scrolls Online, barring the lore rape, is actually pretty good now. I'd honestly recommend it.

I honestly liked Online more than Skyrim.

Radiant Character Progression.
>no leveling system
>leveled loot only to acquire a different weapon/armor
>when you reach a certain level all your gear gets upgrades to the next tier
>when you reach a certain level you just get spells and abilities
>enemies automatically adjusted to your level and loot tier

Depends on how you measure it. Compared to arena by today's standards no.

However, if we are talking about based on technological availability of the time, then yes.

Skyrim was a step back from oblivion and morrowind in several key areas. While there was only small improvements in others, by this standard the game was a step backward and so by this alone it should be considered the worse, as the other games were generally step forwards.

That being said, I do not think Skyrim deserves all the hate it gets. It is decent fun, it is only after 20 hours or so you begin to find the game intolerable due to the lazy design of dungeons.

>Todd shows off what is literally just Skyrim's skills except they're hidden to the player
>Crowd eats it up

If there's one thing I wish they'd just carry over from Fallout 3/4 it's the following

>Absolutely no level scaling on items. If you're aware of Skyrim's level scaling you'll avoid the Thieves Guild until Lv46 because of how many leveled items are rewarded in that questline
>XP for completing quests, which will discourage the feeling of NEEDING to power game


>Solitude: capital of skyrim
>11 houses
>Windhelm: oldest human city on the continent
>rich side and poor side, lots of empty spaces, barely any houses, port is tiny as hell
>Dawnstar: one of the biggest ports on continent
>not even a separate worldspace, 1 ship in port

Dammit todd why didn't you just go the Mournhold/Imperial city route and seperate each city into different districts? Even just the illusion of size is better than what we got. Did all the budget go into blackreach or something?

Skyrim's lack in size and blatant cuts of content are all due to hitting that meme date of 11/11/11.

Skyrim is currently the best-selling Elder Scrolls game.

Shits $25 for the ps4 version on black friday. Have a 4k tv and getting a pro, should I grab it just for comfy winter playing?

>PS4 version

my Port Collector is currently not up to par.

It's really curious how they have been removing every slightly interesting mechanic since daggerfall, like procedural generation, faction mechanics, magic crafting to name a few, and finally reached a product easily digestible by the masses.

>console Bethesda


>Did all the budget go into blackreach or something?
What the fuck even was Blackreach meant to be?
Aside from a very pretty Dwemer Ruin filled with Falmer.

I can't remember any lore from Skyrim at all.

Morrowind>Daggerfall>Oblivion>Skyrim>Dog shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Arena
From someone who played them all when they came out

Even blackreach was bland and repetitive, like rest of the game. You had that feel like "woah now this is true exploring and adventure" but soon you noticed that its nothing but overly long dungeon with high ceiling and goblins instead of draugr. Nothing interesting to be found there. No lost tribe of nords. No spooky enemies. No interaction. No npc:s No great equipment (because you could craft that all). Even a fucking dragon was stuffed in there somehow, like we didn't have enough of those boring fights

I've only played Oblivion and Skyrim. Got bored in both, but quicker in Skyrim. Oblivion was at least fun because you could break the hell out of it

Honestly the Elder Scrolls series has always been rather meh. Arena is barebones, Daggerfall is fucking boring, Morrowind is the exception and is quite an exceptional RPG (too bad Gothic 1 and 2 came along and smashed it to pieces), Oblivion is awful and Skyrim is even worse.

>procedural generation
seriously nigger?
I like the idea of complex dungeons, but having them be random is ridiculous.

One thing I wish they'd bring back is timed quests.
Not as in "you have 10 minutes to kill this draugr before he steals another heirloom", but rather "visit the Imperial encampment in disguise and discuss the battle at least a week before it begins".

Also quests that you can actually fail and lose reputation for.

arena is unredeemable garbage

no. it's better than oblivion and no one played arena or daggerfall so who knows about those two games.

every feature they removed have potential for problems but they have their place and are successfully used in other games. It's just that elder scrolls developers are now just avoiding problems, why deal with an interesting but complex to implement mechanic when the masses actually prefer bland shit? I really hate normalfags with a passion.

The only thing we can guarantee in TES VI is a light/medium/heavy armor system returning. As well as head/chest/left arm and right arm/left leg and right leg individual armor pieces. This is all based on what Fallout 4 did.

Bullshit we can guarantee that

>Removes the attribute system and expands on the skill system

>Fallout 4
>Removes the skills system and expands on the attribute system

skyrim 2 will also get fallout's dialog system kek


>At 70% health
>Get death cam instakilled by a dragon

Ah yes, I remember now why I installed Violens in the original Skyrim, so I could turn this shit off.

no because Morrowind exists

What's so bad about Arena?

you suck

Why do we let underaged posters here?

By far, no.

What are the best mods?

Bought eso a week ago and I'm actually really enjoying it. Pretty good for an mmo. Only issue is whenever my buddy gets off I try to interact with the community. Can never get any responses when I try to talk to people

>Morrowind Rebirth

>Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul

Why does Oblivion get so much flak?

>didn't learn a single fucking thing since 3.
Sure they did. They just didn't learn the things you wanted them to learn. They learned how to make it more of a shooter and make it appeal even more to the average consumer while shitting on old school Fallout.

Other than having some fun questlines, Oblivion is worse than Skyrim.

something about potatoes idk


>Morrowind above Daggerfall

The only thing better about Morrowind was the map. Daggerfall was so much deeper, you could do so much more. Morrowind suffered from what Elder Scrolls is contonually suffering from. Casualisation and dumbing down in the name of "Streamlining".

Online is better than skyrim

I like potatoes.
Preferably in a stew.

Daggerfall wasn't deeper, it was wider. The character creation is about as in-depth as Daggerfall gets before you hit nothing but 99.9% generated content. Morrowind was definitely less complex mechanically, but for the most part avoided just haphazardly gutting shit for the sake of it and instead was filled with actual hand-placed content and coherent quests.

They removed a fuck-tonne of skills from Morrowind that Daggerfall had. Which is also a common complaint that Oblivion and Skyrim get.


Morrowfags confirmed for retarded children.

Half the people play it like a single-player Elder Scrolls so it's no surprise.

Can't blame them, since it's the best game in the series.

This can be applied to all Elder Scrolls games when comparing a new game with it's predecessor.

Skyrim is the best game in the entire series, hipsters need to be euthanized.

It's literally the best one. This coming from a guy who played every single on since Daggerfall. Only because of mod support obvously but the sad truth is the "best" game will always be the one with the most mod support. Arena is the worst, it was considered unplayable even at the time.

What actually useful or fun skills haven't carried over from Daggerfall to Morrowind?

Genuine question, I never played Daggerfall.

Morrowind > ESO > Oblivion > Skyrim > the other ones nobody played


Denial detected. The ESO gave it up, did you spend too much money on it to not elevate it above the other superior games?

levitation gives you the same ability and makes it restricted to a more specific build

I do like the idea of climbing and would like to see it return alongside levitation

>Modded Morrowind
is there something like an overhaul for morrowind that is about gameplay and content rather than graphics? there are some things i hate about vanilla morrowind, like the fact that without the DLCs, if you pick only light armor the progression goes something like
>Fur > Netch > Chitin > fucking GLASS, no inbetween

The character creation in Daggerfall was the best.