Is the closed beta over? Either way I'm looking for riders since I never use uplay and have no friends list. Add me if you want to schrop the gnar - LFchinatown on uplay

also hype thread for the open beta which starts in 4 days

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yep it's officially over

It was a good game...just not 60 dollars good.
I think it's worth 30 at most. But I don't particularly like sports games so my opinion is poop. The wingsuit was cool, and snowboard tricks were really fun to do, so it has some really big potential.
Now if they would just make a Skate 4 I'd be happy.


Last snowboard game I played was on PS1.
How are the controls?

>Open world
Why do they bother making games?

I've been snowboarding forever so I fit the niche for this game. I think it's worth $60 because of the level of control it gives. The best snowboarding game for years now has been amped 3 and its garbage

Steep actually lets your carve, control your speed, it's incredible. Turning is separate from slashing so you can control the angle of carving as well as your speed. It's a really clever control scheme and the animations are beautiful if you have the patience to learn it. If you look up demo gameplay you'll find tons of idiots who try to bomb the mountain and it looks stupid as fuck.


So you you have a full mountain to have fun on, without freezing your ass.

Found the game extremely unpolished and clunky, didn't find it fun at all.


have some patience to learn the control scheme. It has a steep learning curve no pun intended. It can be the most polished and smooth looking game if you play it right. Just watch some Travis Rice videos you'll get there

The first flop of 2017.

Kelly best girl

Oh gee, a 45 minute treck up a mountain to the next race. That sure sounds fun.

Well it releases December 2nd so...

Why does everyone fucking suck at this game? I don't understand all this butthurt. Literally every complaint just comes from people who don't know how to play the fucking game.

Start with just the left stick, turning. Then add the speed control forward and back. Then introduce slashing with right stack. Practice controlling your speed. If you get good, start trying to go off jumps. Then practice grabs. Then spinning. Then flips.. etc etc

If you just throw yourself down the mountain scrambling to understand all the controls at once of course it's gonna feel like shit.

i gree

learn to paraglide retard

Is it just me or can anyone ever land with instantly bailing on the really steep races, like how am I supposed to land right after doing spins, on pc btw

>Why does everyone fucking suck at this game?

Because they're SSX babbies who can't deal with non-easy controls. It's intuitive after about 30 minutes, much like Skate.

How much are they paying you?

you have to control your speed with slashing all the way down. when the open beta starts just don't even do spins for a while

the pillow/glacier sections are kinda stupid cause it's impossible to just bounce down the caps like in the movies.

why do the casual scum want to ruin gaymen for us

tree fiddy

no euphoria for this kind of game is dull. i have seen e3 gameplay and it looked kinda dull because no complex animations. felt like tony hawk.

learn to play the game before commenting on the animations

you won't trigger the right animations if you can't play the fucking game

dude, extinguish your asshole.
it's not about gameplay. it's about feel. i don't feel steep, it looks like ass. if you have low standarts then it's ok.

Do anyone know if the progress will be whiped? Got every challange in the beta on gold, would be gay to have to start over


>Is the closed beta over?
>yep it's officially over

here take this donut to sit on, I know it's tough being that much of a faggot. Next time I would suggest getting better at the game

you mean for the next beta? we don't know


I ment for release of the game, I guess its whatever, it only took me like 5 hours to get gold on everything in the beta.

>animations look dull
are you retarded?

I really enjoyed it when it didn't crash. I played SSX music in the background and it really enhanced my experience. Would I buy it full price? Hell no.

what has every beta ever done

if you don't understand the controls you'll never get the animations to look good. Just get better at the game you fucking neanderthal

someone who gets it. try not to crash

I had no control over the crashes, the game just couldn't handle my sick grabs.

You would be supprised of how many times devs havent wiped after open beta.

I loved the game, but every time i jumped off a cliff or something my character started screaming for help and god knows what, am i just shit or do they just go full retard when its a long drop?

were they too steezy?

this is new to me

play as a girl, the voice acting is actually cute and not fucking "WOAAA-HOH!!! SICCCKKK!!!!"

the girl riders don't do the "no no nOnO NO NONO" thing

Seems like a niche $30 game at most.

$60 plus Ubisoft's retarded nickle and dimming for DLC and shit is a retarded proposition.

the DLC is alaska and it comes with

there's no word of paid DLC for this game

I'll pay $60 cause I really appreciate this game

It's alright. I wish there was more move variety and the ability to swap from snowboard to wing suit or parachute on the fly. Also, I really don't like how you can do many jumps before your rider gets overwhelmed and falls over from a heart attack.

it seems like there's not variety because it doesnt give trick names so you end up doing the same shit all the time.

The problem is they've gone for a realistic snowboarding game rather than a semi arcade one, so it really limits what you can do. For example, in ssx you can take your feet off the board at any time, adding a huge amount to the tricks you can do. Walking needs some work too since its basically worthless right now

>get the beta
>can't even start it (immediate crash)
>go to forums for advice
>"uninstall all microsoft c++ redistributables and reinstall them, disable your av and all your startup programs"
yea, no.

walking is for getting to the other side of the peak, you should paraglide if you wanna go any real distance. I prefer it not arcadey, thought it would be cool if a snowboard game let you take you back binding off for footplants and shit

man that game looks like ass

is it better than the early access f2p steam game SNOW?

G-force basically kills the game for me, on top of the gold medals feeling ridiculously easy for everything I did (even stuff that was 2 and 3*) which kinda kills my enjoyment.
Also, the trick missions fell into the same trap as SSX 2012, where you don't get any kind of bonus for speed so all the top scores are just going to be lamely going down the mountain as slow as possible.

Seems like a pretty fun game to play casually, but I can't see myself caring enough to go for competitive rankings. $60 is also a little too steep for me.

G-force is a shit feature and just serves as a method of killing your fun. Also, WHAT KIND OF SNOWBOARDING GAME DOESN'T INCLUDE GRINDING Jesus fuck just because you're being realistic doesn't mean you should restrict it like that

>no grinding

what the fuck were they thinking?

It's a pretty shit game.
>gforce meter aka fall meter is a mess
No way to reorient yourself because of how tricks work. Little jumps sometimes take away half the meter and huge jumps sometimes are flawless.
>using sticks for tricks is a nightmare
There is no middle ground for tricks, you move analog sticks in the air and you will do a full 180 or flip. This makes trying to level yourself out near impossible.
>limited range of movement.
There seems to be preset range of moment making analog sticks useless. This is most annoying when using the squirrel suit or trying to slow down when bombing down the side of a mountain. Either full on brakes or slight turn. Good luck trying to stop if there are bumps, the combination of the gforce meter and instant spin/flip will cause massive headaches.
>camera angles what the fuck?
Automatic camera adjustments don't make any sense, sometimes the camera will move to some obtuse angle making it buttfuck hard to steer over little jumps or do basic navigation.
Did I mention how fucking annoying the gforce meter is? But I guess having it adjusted properly will stop people from having to redo a run multiple times and they realize how shallow the game is.
Overall not worth a buy. Steep finds itself trying to be a simcade but fails hard on both. Don't believe me? Open beta starts this weekend try it out and you will be bored before it's up.

t. someone who has played every day since closed beta started.