This DLC would have been a fine section of the main game but as a paid separate additional content type thing post...

This DLC would have been a fine section of the main game but as a paid separate additional content type thing post release, I expected something different.

Everyone did. Enemy-wise it's pretty meh, item-wise very meh, atrocious bosses, a very shitty gimmick tacked on, and absolutely awful lore addition.

But hey, Miyazaki made it, so that means automatically better than anything in SotFS.

Bloodborne > Demon Souls > Dark Souls 1 >>>>>>> Dark Souls 3 >>>>>>>>>>>Dark Souls 2

Nigga you already gave them your money. It's too late.

Meme opinion.
Here's a more sane one.
Bloodborne>Dark Souls=Dark Souls III>Demon's Souls>Dark SotFS

I really wish people would stop bringing up DaS2. It's shit.

As far as the DLC goes, underwhelming to say the least. I used to think Snow areas in Dark Souls would be cool now I'm really over them.

I actually thought giant dudes with antlers and the trees were cool. Wolves were a pain in the ass. As far as bosses go, the NPC with the giant wolf was okay. I didn't hate it but I didn't think it was particularly good either. It's clearly bottom tier in terms of bosses though.

Friede was cool imo. Not my favourite but the fight is up there. Saying that I played it on NG+5 so I'm not sure how hard she is if you play the game on a first playthrough.

But yeah, it feels like something that should have just been part of the main game. Hopefully there's a lot more to offer in the other DLC.

Why does everyone hate Demon's Souls nowadays?

>pick up the DLC not long after it came out
>got bored and frustrated with how irritating DaS3's combat felt in general
>dropped it
>tried to pick it up again yesterday
>dropped it again in less than an hour
If I wanted to fight Bloodborne enemies, I'd actually play Bloodborne. Which I did once I removed the DaS3 disk from my console.

I don't hate it but it was clearly the prototype for Dark Souls. You can't put it above DaS.

Hate is too strong of a word but it simply does nothing better than any other game in the franchise. The gameplay is bad compared to dark souls, the atmosphere is meh when you look at bloodborne and it has the worst bosses in the franchise. It's good as a first step but it got obsolete quickly.

>Hopefully there's a lot more to offer in the other DLC.

Hopefully you didn't buy the season pass

I heard the special edition didn't come with the season pass

I would've been satisfied with the dlc if they had at least given us a few arena maps, which doesn't seem like it would've been hard at all, it just reeks of laziness.

This is correct.

I enjoyed it

The whole bridge/canyon/cliffside village was something that we hadn't really seen in Souls before.
Turbosif was fun and the final boss was one of the best in the series.

Overall I'd say:
The Old Hunters > Old Iron King > Artorias of the Abyss > Ivory King > Ashes of Ariandel > Sunken King

I did. I never do for anything but for DaS3 I did. Not that I mind, it wasn't very much money. And it's something I'll come back to in a few months and replay.

People who hate Sotfs that much is just because their noob fingers couldn't git gud for the second game in the dark souls series and had to cry and make DS3 a complete ripoff of Dark souls 1. Congrats, noobs from ds1 made possible a shitty final game.

Demon's = Dark = Bloodborne > Dark II = Dark III

DaS2 is shit you contrarian dweeb

Better than the linear fancfition that is DaS3.

Dark souls > Dark souls 2 SotFS > everything else >>>>>>>>>DS3
Couldn't be described better.

>hating DaS2
>calling anybody contrarian

I'd rather play a fanfiction of a good game than play an original shit game.

>DaS2 consistently voted the worst souls title

k e k

The easier solution would to stop being a whiny bitch whenever someone likes different video games than you.

Lots of newcomers have never played Demon's Souls and never will. Obviously they want you to believe it's shit

Stop whining about whining

Honestly this is probably my biggest pet peeve with Dark Souls 3. Bloodborne's combat is fast and fluid, and enemies give telltale signs of attacks which you can use to your advantage by staggering them, plus you always outmaneuver them due to how fast your dash is. Dark Souls 3 on the other hand, has the same problem as 2 did where they throw a fuckton of enemies at you without giving you much of a way to effectively deal with them. It's not nearly on the same level of the artificial difficult of 2, but it's still not much of an improvement, not to mention you're still slow as shit, but at least there's no shitty Agility stat to worry about, which was probably the thing I hated the most about 2, aside from the terrible enemies and level design.

>FromSoft wanted to make Bloodborne 2
>Namco wanted Dark Souls 3

Look what happens

The only real problem I had with this DLC was the price to be honest.

You mean the fact that it had a price?

They should have sold the Archdragon Peak as pre-order DLC.

It was okay. I still enjoyed it but it could have been a bit longer. I explored everything and it took me 4-5 or so hours. Gravetender took me 3 tries and friede 5. If it had 1 extra boss with its own boss weapon, another ring or 2, a new gesture, and maybe a second arena map it would of been 10/10 for me. instead its more of a 7.5

because they never played it and haven't experienced the atmosphere

>Demon's Souls wasn't my favourite game in the series
>somehow this means that I hate it

Why are DESfags such triggered little cunts?

>Hey let's take one of the like, two optional places in the game
>And make one of them DLC

How 'bout no.

why would you think he was being serious?

do you have autism?

I'm 100% sure he was being facetious.


1. Stop samefagging.
2. Stop backpedalling. You pre-order idea was retarded and now you're just embarassed because I pointed it out.

The fuck are you on about? I'm not. That guy was a reply to MY post, .
Are you feeling okay dude?