Watch dogs 2 on track to be a flop

>watch dogs 2 on track to be a flop
>dishonored 2 on track to be a flop
>infinite warfare is a flop
>titanfall 2 is a flop
>gears 4 is a flop
>desu ex mankind divided is a flop
>Uncharted 4 is a flop
>Overwatch started out well but is now dead
>PS4 pro is a flop
>Nintendo in general is dead in the water

Are video games finally over?

Will a "crash" force developers to abandon the large normie market and start catering to neckbeards and basement dwellers like the old days

No, but we kind of collectively realized that producers can't just keep shitting out the same unfinished garbage month after month and expect the world to eat it up. I have high hopes next year might be better, but this year was certainly underwhelming. It had a few good games here and there and a couple more promising ones in the next few weeks, but nothing I would really call "great"

Let's Make Games Great Again in 2017

I hope so.

But likely not since there's just too many games from too many studios.

The crash was only recoverable becuase they were all for one console and Nintendo controlled what happened.



Good lord. You're like that little 12 year old kid who tries to fit in with the older group of teenagers.

>Will a "crash" force developers to abandon the large normie market and start catering to neckbeards and basement dwellers like the old days

It happened to D&D. They went full normie in 4e and got dumped. OSR was born out of it. Then they came out with the excellent 5e which is IMO the best of both worlds.
Maybe a parallel will happen with vydia. Indie games were supposed to be the vydia OSR, but they are just too shitty.

I bet you play legion and think it's good

>Dishonored 2 sales are down 38% from the first one in the UK
Damn, I guess Dishonored 3 is never ever going to happen.

>tfw have no fucking idea what to play because already played the good ones and the rest is shit

At this rate i'll be forced to waste my free time on productive shit just to chase away the boredom somehow

Uncharted 4 flopped? Source

>No one gives a fuck about watch dogs, is shit anyways.
>first person whatever are shit.
>FPS are utter shit
>xbox is shit too, and no one gives a fuck about it.
>wrpg, that explain it.
>Uncharted series needs to die.
>FPS are utter shit
>Giving a fuck about PS4 """pro"""
>It will get a new console and a constant flow of popular games (Zelda, Monster hunter, splatoon, Mario, etc.) Nintendo is fine.

Video games are nowhere near to be over.

This guy has autism. I confirmed it.


incomplete list
>mafia 3 flopped
>mirror's edge catalyst
>bf1 flopped
>no man's sky flopped

we're missing more

It's happening already. We're in the early stages of it now.

Only developers who work on Switch will survive.

Half the shit you posted isn't a flop.

Try harder moron.

Mafia 3, BF1 and No Man's Sky are all commercial successes, though.

it wont crash but you can use this time to get the attention of publishers and developers that you're who they should make games for and hopefully they dont end up making nudoom again in the process

No one knows what anyone wants anymore.
Back in the 90s, you got maybe one advert of an up and coming game in your issue of games master, and then the next you saw of it was when it came out.
The game was new and exciting. No early access. no beta, no DLC, no micro transactions.
Hell it feels that when a game finally comes out now, we have seen everything it has to offer already with all the promotions and crap.
Look at FF15.. how many demos and things have been spoiled already, the game isnt even out. Save the excitement for release!!


2016 was just a shit year for video games on the whole. Nothing worthwhile came out this year.

The only thing OP is wrong about is Overwatch.

how is Uncharted a flop

>>Overwatch started out well but is now dead

The open-world, and fps bubbles are popping. People are tired of generic ARPGs with bland open world settings. People are tired of fighting uninteresting bullet sponges while dying themselves in two seconds. Thats why games like Titanfall are critically praised buy buried under the latest Microshit shooter (regardless if its an fps) and CoD.

I think we'll start seeing more games like Titanfall and Soulsborne, that seems to be the way AAA games will survive. I see either the AAA industry crashes and indie games on PC being our savior, or the AAA market adapting (which is doubtful, only a handful of devs will survive)

This hits the spot, I would prefer a developer to announce that they're making said game, then don't even show anything until a few weeks before release, like one trailer or something and then release it.

No hype, you buy and you try just like in the 80/90's like you said. I remember just being able to walk into a store, and you had a huge selection of games to pick from that you didn't even know existed. It was how you found the hidden gems.

slash vee told me video games were going ti crash 6 years ago

Uncharted 4 didn't flop. Nintendo has new console/whatever coming out soon.

I sure hope so. I hope Sup Forums actually memes something into reality like other boards. Sup Forums memed KS, Sup Forums killed musician with memes, Sup Forums memed Trump to presidency, Sup Forums memed 4u airlines. Now's your chance you cucks


Just because its boring doesnt mean its dead. Everybody and their mother is playing Overwatch. You did get a reply out of me though, even though you were memeing.

2016 is the Year of delayed games

Is it the worst year in history of vidya (or at least from late 80s)?

no, normies buy games, "us nerds" pirate most games


Normies buy fifa and GTA. Nerds buy everything else.

go back to tumblr faggot

The business-minded product managers are no longer getting results. We're on the cusp of a pendular swing placing control of vidya back into the creative developer's hands again. That means more game designers leading the charge, and the next era of Schafers, Will Wrights, and Kojimas will come from it.

Assuming the business managers don't slash and burn the whole thing first. That's just as likely. Investors don't and never did trust creatives with money.

>Nintendo in general is dead in the water
But they keep getting millons from pokémon

How do you know those are tumblr expressions? It's the first time I see ocmment like yours. You must be a tumblr generate I guess. Insecure one at that. Still angry with Hilary losing? Cuck.

I know KH3's story will be dumb as fuck, but that is probably the only game on the horizon that'll make me want to quit playing games if it's not even fun.
>implying kh3 even comes out in my lifetime


i bet it gets half as less creative now when they think they´re doing a job that is worth a lot of money

meaning its not fun anymore everything just gets more hd textures with same playstation 2 brand titles + mechanics and more cinematic shit

about fucking time. i've been waiting for this crash since the ps2 died. they manage to delay it by porting things to steam and effectively increasing the market by a lot, but now that's not enough anymore either

bring on the fucking crash and let the incompetent westerns working on derivative turds to to meet checklists get destroyed


Mafia 3 and No Man's Meme completely flopped.

Nah. They will crash even harder.

How is mankind divided a flop?

They sold part 1 of 3 a game at full price.
No matter they didn't reach Human Revolution sales, they have a second one being finished and a third one in the works.

Development never even stopped

Titanfall 2 was very good, I don't know if it would have sold THAT much better if it had a better release window though.

But EA put it like right in between BF1 and COD. What did they think was going to happen?

As long as I can find matches easily in Titanfall I'm good though.

>GOTY was a perfect indy sim game for PC only

Let them live in their bubble..
Losers always want the world to end cause they are a complete waste in the current one.
This mindset apparently sips into gaming markets prognostication.

>it's another "Sup Forums tortanic doomsayers dictate the state of the market" thread

>GOTY is DLC of a game

Dishonored will only flop if they don't get out the patch in time. Everyone keeps saying the game itself is great.

>tfw LoL is the still the #1 game

>Nintendo in general is dead in the water
And this is why Sup Forums is retarded

Could you define "flop"?

>overwatch is now dead
How can a game be dead if I'm able to find a game in less than 30 seconds?

are people learning?
we must comemorate

for not playing with legos and childrens games that are almost exclusively nintendo products?
3-8 year olds use nintendo. that´s what class you´re in.

they never left in japan

civ6 is fun
desu sex was entertaining provided you ignore the microtransaction shit, not as good story-wise as hr though
enjoying the new wow xpac

honestly it's more than what i got last year (aka nothing)