Says that his motives are complex

>says that his motives are complex
>they're not complex at all

Other urls found in this thread:

He just wanted to appear smart.

He just wanted to misguide you

did he die?

He only said they were complex because those SHITTers wanted him to boil his reasons down to one word when he needed at least five.

What was his plan with the snails though

Young Sigma > Old Sigma

PC port when?

Explain the DO NOT PRESS ME self destruct button


We've gone off-topic.

He did it for lulz.

Humans' decisions are fascinating, user. You see a button that tells you not to press it. The warning may be true, or it may not. What will happen if you press it? Will you try to find out?

You know nothing about complex


No OP, they are complex, they are so complex that you cannot understand the complexity and merely perceive it to be simply.

But he mindhacked people into pushing it
That wasn't a decision

>all 3 Zeros in the series are completely justified in their actions

What other series has this kind of track record?

He didn't mindhack you, the player.


Remember back when ZE/Infinity games antagonists actually had complex motives rather than just telling you they were complex?

This rings hollow when you remember the entire game was driven by


>Impliying you don't control Delta's MINDHACK ability


Is Delta really a virgin?

No. He mindhacked his virginity away.

Can he mindhack it back?

Bitch you know I pressed it faster than I noticed the long timer.

>The only relevant things Siggy did after training for over 50 years were just fugging Diana and sending his ginger son and daughter to WW2 Germany
>People still think he is the best MC

Once it comes to PC you will understand how superior the prequels were. I think VLR (second game) is the best one. Best plot, best funny moments, best pressure from participants.

And Junpei didn't even fug Akane. Sigma is the best.

>And Junpei didn't even fug Akane
>He didn't read the extra files where Akane was on Jumpy's dick 24/7

Post them.

>Impliying I didn't uninstall this shitfest the second the words MIND HACKS were uttered

Complex = Uchikoshi didnĀ“t have enough budget and also got cornered himself with the story.

No Kyle, no Snake, no Clover and no Alice.

The sad part is that Zero Escape ends with a document explaining how Sean, Mira and Eric are gonna fuck everything up to avoid loli Mira kill a person.

>say their reasons are beyond human comprehension

>find out their motives, and they're actually just retarded


>in case of danger use this shift button

Delta is a Reaper. Or Reapers are Delta?

Friendly reminder

That videogame (((journalists))) are plebs?

VLR's ending soured me so much since it was sequel bait of the worst kind. It showed you the horrible future and left you with that dark image for the ending.

>the only thing i didnt like about the game was jumpei and akene hair
>the rest was perfect
>people keep shiting on the game

Is MGSV all over again.

They're not wrong.



The series should have ended with 999, desu. VLR didn't add anything new (apart from a shitty cliffhanger) that Ever17 didn't already do better.

ZTD's Delta and "same location" twists were pretty awesome IMO (plenty of people obviously disagree), but the conclusion had nothing that people were hoping for.

I'm still mad btw

It's not necessarily shit, it's just disappointing. And plenty aspects of it were definitely shit:
>yandere akane
>alcoholic junpei
>"complex motives"

Young Sigma is pretty good looking.

>ZTD's Delta and "same location" twists were pretty awesome
How? The same location thing wasn't really hard to guess since the map layout would've been retarded as fuck if it was split into different wings like that. As for Delta, it was not only poorly executed, but made incredibly obvious. Things like the fourth thud when Q team is put to sleep, Q's death announcement when Sean is alive, etc. It will forever bug me that there's such a glaring error in the study with the 9 pictures. Nobody questioned why Sean, someone they don't know, was up there while Q, the leader, was not?

Why couldn't the lady just walk OVER the snail? Did she really have to take a different path? Fucking hell.

Damn I wish I could get ripped after a few AB games

Betraying people is a hell of a drug

>>alcoholic junpei
after the first game i'ld be a alcoholic too

lol no


The same location twist was stupid and you could see it from a mile away. I generally don't get these things right, but that one was just too obvious.

>mindhacked his virginity away.

The best kind of rape

Why don't snail hunters exist again?

>It will forever bug me that there's such a glaring error in the study with the 9 pictures. Nobody questioned why Sean, someone they don't know, was up there while Q, the leader, was not?
I didn't think about that and now it will forever bug me, thanks

It's no use, you were born a shitter.

Shit taste

Why the fuck did Uchikoshi throw away the original script of ZE3 and come up with the meme filled bullshit we have now?

>Nobody questioned why Sean,
eric did that the entire fucking game

the mensage in the wall was " with me we are 10"

Eric talks , when they think its all a prank, "that would explain the old man in the wheel chair"

they gave tips about it the entire fucking game

He's got some complex motives.

Multiple reasons
-Not enough budget for enough talking animations to explain the original story
-To appeal to a wider audience that doesn't know what happened in the previous games
-He was bored and wanted to write something new

I don't know why you'd admit such.


2017 Q1 as a bundle with 999 called "the nonary games"

>we will never play ZE3 with the original script

It hurts

what was the exact moment you lost all hope in ZTD?

Mine was the moment the words "Mind Hack" were uttered

Is there not going to be a Q&A with Uchikoshi like the previous games had?

the tayym machine

When they announced the game would have cinematic cutscenes instead of dialog boxes and how they wanted to appeal to a wider audience.

I think he's trying to avoid criticism from western fans, his English Twitter is barely active.

Well, it's not as if it's a reddit AMA, questions get sent to Aksys, filtered and sent to him. They could very easily take out every overly critical question.

When they showed the new artwork.

When it was announced.
The hackfraud writer clearly hasn't learned his lesson after VLR.

Can we all agree the English Dub was better? The memes alone made it great.


So that they wouldn't feel as guilty about shifting to the timeline where they won the coin toss.

Dog was the terrorist

>ZTD made the series a big meme

Same reason people were fucking creaming themselves over Bioshock Infinite's story.

Pseudo-intellectual hipsters get fucking rock hard for 2deep4u shit like paradoxes and time travel that makes them feel smarter than they actually are.

It's deeper than most shit they think about in their shitty mundane day to day lives, but it's easy for basic bitches like them to grasp these "abstract" concepts because whatever is actually too deep for them to understand or explain can just be dismissed cause like, the universe is full of infinite possibilities maaaan.

This was actually what made me hyped for a leak. Fuck me it was not worth it.

should I even bother with this series anymore if I have yet to play any of its games?

ZTD is shit but it's still worth a play. 999 and VLR are great, so yes.

Did you even read my post? I said they hinted at Delta's existence.

I'll spell it out for you, what I was complaining about was in the study, the picture of the "9" characters drawn in different ways, had Sean instead of Q. I didn't say nobody questioned Sean being on the team, I said nobody questioned why Q team's members where on the portrait except for Q. Why would Q team be on there while Q was not? Why would some random little girl be on there while their leader was not? It doesn't make sense and nobody brought it up.

dude aliens lmao

why was this the only decision game where you could listen to the other characters argue over the choice? i thought it was very entertaining listen to sigma and phi argue over whether to press the button or not

it really needed to be in all the other games

I was cool with parallel universes and morphogenetic fields existing in the series since they are theories that have been studied before.

But this mind hack and alien technology bullshit was just too far. Uchikoshi wrote himself into a corner.

>tfw I made this image
If only we fucking knew

>We're finally gonna tell you what happened to the rest of the 999 characters

>Junpei explains it for 30 seconds in a filler segment, no real new info ever

the only good thing about ZTD were Junpei and Akane deniers getting BTFO and Carlos' shifting shenanigans

Phi and Sigma were my favourite characters from VLR but somehow they became so boring. every character from team Q sucked and Diana was not great either.


It was in vlr before every ab game

i wouldn't say lost all hope, but i was pretty skeptical once they showed the first gameplay trailer with the very low quality animations, because i mean if you're going to try to make your game into a movie it'd help if it at least looked good. it's kinda funny looking back at that since there was a ton of doomsaying over how PCfags were going to ruin the threads.

>character has complex motivations
What's his name Sup Forums?