ITT: The Last Good Game of the franchise

>introduced armor abilities (basically perks) without ruining the gameplay or changing the feel of the series
>multiplayer was great and made playing as an Elite tolerable
>soundtrack continued to be amazing
>best Forge mode of all time
>meaningful campaign and interesting story
>the DMR was an improvement over the BR
>the Falcon was an improvement over the Hornet
>better covenant weapons
>firefight was more customizable and you could have Sgt. Major Avery Johnson as a voice without some pre-order gimmick like in ODST
>in general was just a huge improvement over ODST, which wasn't a bad game in and of itself either
>everything about the last mission was GOAT

Where did it all go so wrong, though? How do you go from Reach to that "game" they call Halo 4?

What are some other games that were the Last Good One?

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>You will never be pinned down and stripped of your power armor and raped by a squad of 7ft tall sangheili

>implying Noble "big dick" Six didn't rape those elites

>mfw nobody else wants to talk about Halo Reach or any other good games whose franchises are now trash

Halo Reach was my second favorite Halo. Had around 800 hours in it and 2200 hours in Halo Wars

I'll tolerate you, but only because you're the only other person here.

>people actually played an RTS on a console
The storyline and cutscenes of Halo Wars were absolutely amazing, however.

It sucks though that I cannot honestly even call Halo Wars the worst game. That's how bad 343 is.

Halo Wars' gameplay was completely fine you autist.

>playing an RTS on a controller
>completely fine

Surely you see how ridiculous this is?

How can Reach be the last good Halo if Halo 5 has the best Halo multiplayer since halo 2?

>doesn't have an argument, just says it's bad


>any Halo from a year greater than 2010

>2200 hours in Halo Wars

But Halo 1 was the last good one

The argument is pretty obvious- real time strategy is meant for keyboards. I liked the storyline but the RTS aspect was too much of a shift for me.

Also note how there have been basically no other console-exclusive RTS games, with possible exception to Brutal Legend.

>real time strategy is meant for keyboards
That's nothing more than your opinion.

>he cares what strangers do with their time

Are you really arguing rts works well on controller? It's gimped as hell.
Halo Wars isn't even the best RTS on xbox either.

It works fine, if you aren't going to come up with an actual argument and just say "hurr it's bad" then i'm out, bye.

>vastly slower camera movement
>vastly slower unit selection
>limited support for hotkeys and shortcuts
>not accurate enough for micro

>best Forge
I hear Halo 5 tops it.

Not him, but I could easily make the argument that you can't play shooters properly on console either.

Anyways there's never been a good Halo game. First three games was Doom for Snails with Starcraft lore copypasta and the new games since are COD and Destiny rip-offs.

Pic Related for the real game that they will never improve on

But can you prove it? I mean Halo 4 introduced a vast number of new things but it was still more limited than Halo Reach's forge.

And why did the overall style of the game change as well? Granted, Halo Reach was also a style change in that it created a larger number of new armors and helmets, but it just seems so goofy in the new Halo games.

>with Starcraft lore copypasta


>But can you prove it?
Ain't played it. That's why I said I hear.

>the new games since are COD and Destiny rip-offs.
They play nothing like COD or Destiny.

Halo 5 Forge is better than Reach's.


Third-person shooters work extremely well on console compared to first person shooters, and it's a downright crime that the only Halo game for PC was the first one.

He's not wrong, the stories are fairly similar at first glance. UNSC/Terrans vs Covenant/Protoss vs Flood/Zerg.

Still a great franchise, until of course the new ones.

>tfw you will never feel that sense of vulnerability like in ODST ever again

And SC is a rip off of WH40k.

I fucking loved Reachs story. I also loved Six. They couldnt have picked a better character to be the playable one in Reach. This dude is basically the second greatest spartan ever. Next to Chief. Only him and chief are the two people to ever be labeled as Hyper Vector.
I also like to think of hoe awesome Carters death was, and how they gave you a quick moment to be like aw shit that sucks after you finally escape.
Then I love to think about the idea of like, what if Emile didnt kill those Elites that dropped on him on the cannon at the end? I like to think th at those elites would have shot at the Pillar of Autumn, but since He managed to kill them as he died, they didnt.
Also finally, I fucking ove how Halsey and Cortana pick Six as the one to carry Cortana. Six of all people, to carry what could be considered the single most precious cargo of the war. And Six did his job.
He was one of the last people to be on Reach following the immediate Glassing of it. Not to mention it took a couple of some the HIGHEST ranking Elites to take down Six at the very end.

>it's a downright crime that the only Halo game for PC was the first one.

I guess Halo 2 never came out for PC?
Or Halo Online?
Or Halo 5 Forge?
Or soon to be Halo Wars 1 and 2?

And even the shitty Spartan Assault and Spartan Strike games?

There's PC compatibility, apparently... so that's an advantage.
>only about half as large as Reach's Forge World

>this much passion
You're too pure for Sup Forums.

Sorry, I meant the only good Halo game. :^)

>it takes them THIS long to put the RTS on PC where it belongs

Reach was the peak.

I feel like this is pasta but I like your enthusiasm.

More like Autism desu

Halo was never good though, so you also got that wrong too.

343 Industries took over. And Bungie made a watered down easy mode online only Halo game.

>no botched forerunner designs
>improved graphics and animation
I'd actually resub to xbox live for just this game.

>muh forge world
Halo 5 forge kicks shit out of Reach's forge. Also forge word was shit since it had set terrain you had to work around and everything ends up looking identical and ugly.

It isnt. Its just that Reach seemed to perfect everything in my mind with the story. Idk what it is.

>liking something is autistic
Stay gold, Sup Forums.

are you here from HBO?

armor abilities ruined the core gameplay and didn't make sense chronologically since they're not in halo 1 and don't come back until halo 4
but other than that
forge and campaign were 10/10
armor lock alone ruined MP for me
>winning a fight
>he armor locks
>teammate comes in
>both of them kill me
every fucking time, dropped MP all together and only did customs with friends after that


>it's a reach fag thread

>I know, I'll go to a thread about a game and talk about how I don't like it muhahaha

see pic related

I agree with you, Reach was great. Storyline was perfect.

Bruh just throw a grenade :^)

>not jetpacking away

>more control and options for terrain and aesthetics
>more fx like weather
>higher budget
>item welding and groups
>vehicle welding
>weapon combinations
>gravity volumes

>Campaign was GOAT
>Firefight was GOAT
>Forge and Custom games GOAT
>Mulitplayer was flawed because they introduced loadouts...

But this was a great fucking game.



>it takes them to get to the current year in order to provide us with what Far Cry 3 had... minus all the AI

Can you make floating structures in fc3?

Everything but flight and racing games are superior on kb+m. Stop being a whiny faggot. HW had a decent control scheme which worked well on the system's limitations

Heh, at least you didn't deny me that Halo isn't good. :^)

>LT speeds up camera movement
>Shortcut buttons for selecting: all units, all units on screen, all units you draw the cursor over, single units, all identical units

Try playing it and getting gud

get out, autismo

And yet, there are nearly zero people playing Far Cry 3 customs.

Nice argument. Thanks for the win, kid. Heh, too easy,

>some stuff floats but there's still no AI

>you disagree with me so you are whiny
I didn't have to, it's just an objectively wrong statement. :^)

>click on thread hoping for Reach nostalgia and feels

>it's just a bunch of retards arguing over nothing

I'd say "never change, Sup Forums" but I do want this to change.

>LT speeds up camera movement
Still way slower than mouse or mouse + minimap.
>Shortcut buttons for selecting: all units, all units on screen, all units you draw the cursor over, single units, all identical units
Still as fast or slower than mouse with less control over what you want to select.
I know you're invested in this argument since you played Halo Wars for 2k hours but console rts are gimped as fuck.

How can it be wrong when you proved me correct?

Directional pad instantly set you on your base or units. Faster than moving the cursor over a minimap and clicking. You're supposed to hotkey that shit on PC RTS.

>why won't people let e circlejerk over my shitty game
>having nostalgia for reach


We're gonna be OK, bro.

I'm aware, and m+kb does hotkeys better than a controller.
Halo Wars is already consolofied with set build locations, low unit caps, etc.

Reach wasn't shitty and only a jaded, disgusting excuse for a person would say that it is.

You have my pity.

Reach was shitty.
>unequal starts/loadouts
>shitty armor abilities
>shitty maps
>30fps motion blue out the ass
What was your first Halo, I'm curious?

>All 343's armor designs are unmemorable, over-designed garbage
Just fuck my franchise up, senpai.

Not the fag who keeps spamming threads, but Halo 5's MP is fantastic, so no.

Also, 4, is still a good game. It's just all the other halo games are a lot better then good

He's right though

5's is a lot more powerful and robust then reach's in terms of map editing functions by a gigantic margin (limited texture editing, more robust scripting tools, placable sound and particle effects, weather and time of day options, object grouping and savable prefabs that you can upload and download, multiple forge world sized canvases, etc), but 5 is still lacking a lot of game modes that pas entries in the series has had. IIRC, it still doesn't have oddball and assault for example

So, for right now at least, i'd say 5's is better as a map creation tool, but Reach probably still has a slight edge in terms of crazy game modes. But that can easily change since 5 does have more game mode options per game mode that you can tweak, so as soon as it gets those missing modes it will be the best fore customs by a huge margin

It has assault and oddball.

The first Halo I played was CE, but the first I purchased and beat in its entirety was Halo 3.

This is the correct opinion.

The REST of Halo 5 is essentially garbage, and it is not worth whatever price tag they attach to it.

Crotch or no crotch?

Crotch, of course.

it's a fan site

>unequal starts/loadouts
bullshit, everyone could pick any loadout
>shitty armor abilities
some of them were shittily balanced, yes
gotta git gud faggot, it only takes a few hours to get used to it, or a few months if you're a scrub
>shitty maps
they were fine, a couple were bad but most of them were fine
>30fps motion blue out the ass
it's called temporal antialiasing, and it only looks shitty if you're moving too fast and/or sitting too close to the TV

>in summary
kindly go fuck yourself with a gravity hammer

>bullshit, everyone could pick any loadout
Yeah unequal starts.
>gotta git gud faggot, it only takes a few hours to get used to it, or a few months if you're a scrub
It's just a shitty mechanic lol, at most ranges you'll engage at on Reach's maps spamming beats pacing shots. And spam vs spam just leads to coin toss over who has the better random bloom.
>they were fine, a couple were bad but most of them were fine
Nah they were mostly shit.
>it's called temporal antialiasing, and it only looks shitty if you're moving too fast
Maybe they should've made the game slower then, cause it looks like shit.

Reach is garbage and it wasn't even made by the real bungie team that made CE-ODST.

>this is what Bungiefags/Reachfags think


I actually don't think the campaign missions for 5 are bad, they are just short.

Like, mission 1 would be one of the better missions in the franchise if it was like twice as long.

Promethean soldiers aren't very fun to fight unless you're running over them.
Blue Team is a good level though.