Just finished it. what's the hardest fight in the game? I thought they were are pretty easy

just finished it. what's the hardest fight in the game? I thought they were are pretty easy

A lot of people like to talk about the plot and the story of this game but can we talk about the gameplay department?

I mean, why do they keep thinking that BG2's combat is the second coming of Jesus? Is this literally all they can do when it comes to gameplay? Next game in the line-up is PoE2, are they going to stick to the RTwP system which most people just "tolerate"?

Say what you will about them being good/bad writers, but i can asure you 100% they are inept at making fun gameplay

pls respond

>which most people just "tolerate"?
a survey during the development of torment showed that it's almost 50/50 in terms of preference

i think tyrannys is a little better than POE maybe cause its easier? but i personally didnt mind the combat too much

Thinking of doing a second playthrough where I just BTFO Kyros from the get-go. Is it possible to side completely with the Vendrian Guard/Disfavored and still progress? Going to try revive muh buddy Cairn if it's possible.

>>Watch this, user. You can actually pinpoint the second they stop being able to ride New Vegas's coattails: The Game

I hate pausing what is going on screen, i hate how the combat revolves around "make sure all your characters are doing something before the little timer runs out" and i hate how i can't reposition without getting punished

Is like they took what is worst about turn-based and full action games and mixed it into a bad hybrid

I really think that they should start making their games fun to play instead of writing novelas

Back in the golden age, shit combat was a staple of CRPGs and WRPGs with the notion that store and role play compensated for it. Then the industry evolved, we started seeing RPGs with action combat and as a result the oldfags (like the people who work at Obsidian) got offended and decided they aren't real RPGs because the combat isn't allowed to be fun

>i think tyrannys is a little better than POE maybe cause its easier?
It's because the story is way more focused

The fight against unrelenting boredom

>i hate how i can't reposition without getting punished
but proper positioning is almost half the fun

I'm currently slogging through the ocean spire dungeon. Does the game get better? Combat & writing & voices are terrible but supposedly there is a good story in there somewhere

What CRPG has the best combat? I feel like PoE and Tyranny really missed the mark there.


None of them have particularly good combat systems. Most try to emulate the shitty D&D systems.

baldur's gate, icewind dale

Stay away from RTwP (Real time with pause)

Either go full action or turn based, don't fall for the "BUT TURN BASED IS SLOOOOW". Its not true and it feels more rewarding than shit combat like PoE's

>Remove combat
>Make entire game like the conquest segment.

what are some good modern turn based ones?

this is actually true and it applies to tabletop rpgs too. if a game tries to get too fun with miniatures or doodads the neckbeards will say that it's a boardgame and not a real rpg.

Temple of Elemental Evil for CRPGs
For SRPG, Tactics Ogre: Let's Us Cling Together

Others aren't as good.

People would just call it a VN, i'm not so sure how that pans out

I just want them to stop thinking people just play for the words, i want to like RPGs but i hate when they forget they are VIDEOGAMES. The gameplay should still be the most important thing

Underrail is all i know about modern turn-based RPGs. I guess XCOM too but that doesn't have RPG mechanics, it is just a linear adventure

If the gameplay is what was important they should have just given it dark souls combat

On Sup Forums maybe. Posers are still praising this for being well written and SJW/Tumblrinas are praising it for the feminist angle it supposedly takes.

It's bad though. So bad that RPGCodex are starting to praise PoE because of it.

Temple of Elemental Evil.

Literally the best implementation of any edition of D&D in vidya.

In term of gameplay, Underrail is pretty lackluster though.
It have atmosphere and exploration done right, but pretty bad in all other aspects.

You will NEVER EVER see a game with Souls combat and choices & consequences.

>I just want them to stop thinking people just play for the words, i want to like RPGs but i hate when they forget they are VIDEOGAMES. The gameplay should still be the most important thing
Halfway through act2 and I don't need to give a fuck about any dialogue anymore.

Half the time people I talk to just refuse to comply with my demands and I go full murder hobo on them despite being very reasonable about it

yeah I noticed this too. The enemy leaders are always fucking assholes and always refuse to reason with you, so almost every encounter just ends with a fight.

I've never seen a game that has meaningful choices. So we're half way there.

Weak bait weeb bro.

>What CRPG has the best combat?
Jagged Alliance 2, this is not even up for debate.

I've played Torment, Aracanum, BG2, Poe, Tyrannt, Kotor, Dragon Age, Dues Ex

None of these games had choices with any impact. They all resulted in flavor text or me getting to fight red guys instead of blue guys

Show me a game where my choices matter


Tactics Ogre LUCT.

I'll give it a try but I'm skeptical.

>None of these games had choices with any impact. They all resulted in flavor text or me getting to fight red guys instead of blue guys
What, pray tell, would you classify as a choice with impact?

>RNG quickload/quicksave simulator is best

Fuck off. It's shit. One of the crap games that have rabid retards because they use real gun names.
When it's the last time you actually play it from the beginning again?

It's a game that sacrificed everything for choices. And when I say everything, I mean it.

Depression Quest.
As good as Age of Decadence with less crappy graphics.

I would say something with a lasting impact through the full course of the game. If we look at Fable 2 (Yes I know its a shit game). You can make a choice early on that decides if your home town becomes prosperous or a slum. As a result, the NPCs within the town are changed, as are the possible events you encounter within it. That is a meaningful impact that lasts through the whole game

Now contrast that to say.. Pillars of Eternity where my character is always honest. As a result, NPCs will occasionally comment that I'm known for being honest which is just flavor text tacked on.

5 and a half hours in and this is the best scene so far

Sheogorath is the best character too.
Lanty and that 15 y/o bitch are decent. Every other companion is shit tier.
Kills in shadow is actually OKAY if you forget that bio

Fallout 1/2 with the mod that lets you control your party members

Even after all these years you just can't beat turn-based, AP-based, hex grid movement with aimed shots

Age of Decadence has this system which is a big reason why its so good, same with Shadowrun

>AoD combat
Laffin rite now.

man, if only this game's combat were more like skyrim, it'd be much better combat suiting a story heavy RPG, right?!?

Felt good to do that and then kill eb after.

Being edgy is fun when they deserve it.

I don't see why the same story couldn't be told with a more action oriented combat. Explain to me why.

>having good combat gameplay

Gory death animations is the only thing saving Fallout for being the worst gameplay in a CRPG with how grindy it is.
AoD is worse.

I completely agree with you, however it's difficult for devs to make HUGE impact choices like this because it would require remaking basically 2-3 interchangeable "versions" of the game modules when devs usually struggle to make one.

Why does it have to be action oriented? That's like saying Witcher would be better if it was turn-based.
It's the genre of the game, not a compromise to fit the story.

AoD's combat is actually terrible and it makes combat heavy playthroughs that don't abuse poison or nets way less enjoyable. Just because it uses superior turn based mechanics doesn't make it good.

You're making the argument that the current combat system is somehow better suited for a story driven story than another kind of combat. Explain why.

I'm not. I'm saying that action and real time combat are not superior to turn-based or slow and tactical combat.
People enjoy these kind of combat systems and the game was made for them, if you complain about the system itself instead of the flaws Tyranny's system in particular has then you are looking at the wrong genre.

So I can't quite decide what to play. My friend says the best way to do melee is also to have magic to support and give buffs.

I was currently playing a Greatsword with Javelins as back up. Should I restart as Greatsword and Ice magic or Javelin and Ice magic?

He also said Magic and Unarmed works really well.

What class combos do you guys like?

Don't see why you should need to get buffs when you'll eventually get a companion who can do it for you. Might as well keep going with what you've got now, seeing as you can always make spells later.

He said something like he has spells that make it so every time he punches someone it shoots out waves of flame. Can I have someone cast that on me or is it self cast only?

Also my Lore skill is crap so id be better starting off again. But im only an hour in so its not a huge deal.

No. Unless you're playing on hard mode min/maxing is simply not neccisary and the game is designed to be played several times. its only a good 30 hours depending on how slow you play. You can always try magic on another run

I went with a Black Guard style build in mine. Sword and board tank using atrophy to debuff people.


But im getting along just fine

Anyone know how well Javaline and melee mesh? I wanted to do some sorta soften em up with a few throws then charge in thing. Or if I split my attention will I just end up mediocre at both?

every soul game has choices and consequences, you decide the fate of all the npcs

Focus in only one school. You level up based on skill use during combat.
Otherwise you are shit at both.

I don't like that the "hardest" difficulties are easy if you just go into the fight prebuffed, mainly because
A. Prebuffing is tedious when you cascade from the 600s consumables to the 30-50 second caster buffs
B. All the piddly stat buffs require you to stack the shit out of them to receive maximum value
Seriously, buffs in RTWP just do not fucking work when they last next to no fucking time.

Who the fuck enjoys this shit combat system over turn-based grid combat?

The trade off being that you also have more utility from being able to use both.

Are there other two handed weapons or just greatswords?

Can I get greataxes or warhammers?

So is this game the linear edgefest I expected it to be? All I care about in this type of game is the story.

Utility is useful if you are a one man party.
But you are not. And you have other members to make up for your shortcoming.

The real question is why is either of those combat types allowed when Diablo 2 already made the perfect combat experience for isometric games.

Hammers, maces, axes, spears. Maybe more, I'm only like 6h into the game.


Yes. You can also get great spears which do a little bit less damage but allow you to attack at longer range. So you can bottle neck enemies at a door with your tank front in center and have your two hander DPS poking them from behind the tank

The companions in this game are so inconsequential that they might as well not even be there.

Diablo crafted its own niche genre. I would consider it worlds apart from turn-based and RTWP.

The best combat systems in an RPG is to make sure that people don't get bored by it. If you just breeze through every enemy that it becomes boring. If every enemy is a challenge with multiple layers to it people will get bored as shit very quickly. You have to strike a balance with cannon fodder enemies and stronger ones that make you think or else people will just get tired of it. Think Radscorpions or rats in Fallout1/2: Rats you just hit until they die, radscorpions you gotta think a little bit more.

The entire gimmick is the game is almost completely different depending on your choices in the pre-game Conquest segment.

>When you kick her friend off the tower and look to her. She's all afraid
>You can literally make her your slave
>Admits that serving you is repulsive to her but she'd rather do it than die

Wish her and lantry would be a little less bubbly after you enslave them but it will do

I just got it yesterday. I fell asleep 2 times, but now I'm getting the hang of it.

>radscorpions you gotta think a little bit more.

Almost all gamers who play those games don't.

Not really. The game takes place in a world where the bad guys have won. But you aren't exactly Darth Vader running around enacting the will of the emperor so much as a Sheriff just trying to keep the peace.

Thats how things start anyway. Once things get rolling you can become Judge Dread, a Rebel, an edge lord who thinks who can take on the empire by himself.

The worst evil act I've come across so far is that you need to kill a baby in order to complete your mission. But even that gives you an out if you dont want to be a fucking psychopath

Real time with pause is trash. I wish that pure turn based gameplay was more popular.

That's the beauty of BG2. The regular combat was basically you letting your fighters/rangers auto pilot through generic enemies. Every so often, a troll or small wizard enemy requires a spell or two from your casters.

Then there's memorable battles with high level wizards or dragons where you full on manage with all the spells. The regular combat was relevant but easy, and the complex battles were memorable and exciting whenever you finally run into one.

PoE's biggest problem was that you either make the whole game easy with easy difficulty or you have to micromanage every battle if you play on hardest. When you stopped gaining experience by the last part of the game, everything became incredible boring to go through.

t. everyone in every Tyranny thread

Can a CRPG have good combat? What's a good example and why do you think it's good? Legit questions. Tranny is the first game of this kind I've ever played because the premise seemed interesting. Suffice to say that asides from a lot of other problems, the combat has to be one of the worst parts. Is it because it's inherently bad or are these kind of games just not my cup of tea?

That's good. I like the idea of trying to keep the peace in an evil empire without being a psychopath toady.

Fallout 1/2? It's not exactly rocket science but you DO have to think just a little bit when fighting enemies. It's not all just point and click until it dies.

It really depends on how far you want to take it. You are whats called a 'Fate Binder' which is basically an agent chosen by the Archon of Justice (Basically Demigod of Justice) to enforce the law.

So most people in the world will have respect for you, for no other reason than that you can make their life hard because you are the law and no one will question you. In one scenario there is a dispute over a family heirloom where you can weigh in on who gets it. In another, you deal with a hired squad of mercs who work for your empire but aren't acting right.

You typically have the option to [attack] in most situations as well so when you decide the law is being broken and the only answer is blood shed. you can do just that

I wont say its a great setting but it appeals to my niche

Divinity: Original Sin.

Doesn't pay much attention to balance, just letting you do zany shit in a reactive environment.

How important are buffs and consumables on normal difficulty? I like the premise of this game, but the only old school CRPGs I've ever been able to tolerate were the original, full turn-based Fallouts.

If I need to pause every 5 seconds or whatever to rebuff my team or chug snake bile or whatever that's gonna be a big turn off.

I never knew people hated pausing this much. I guess I must just be used to it because I like it.

On normal? It all depends on if you can keep Lantry alive or not. All I ever use is health potions and thats only when the healer goes down. Items seem more like a crutch for when you can't get passed a certain challenge and need a little advantage than a hard requirement.

>decide to let these two fight it out
>bet on the dude
>he just insta-gibs her, no sequence of him amputating, cauterizing, and dragging the limbless slave back to his tent to claim his victory prize
missed opportunities to be honest

dual wielding wands is definitely my kind of 'balance'

>tfw i'm playing on easy because i just want to read the story and hate RtwP combat

The licensed dnd games had good combat.

It just feels so schizophrenic compared to turn-based. I immediately have to take myself out of the game each moment to queue up my entire party's abilities, manage buffs, positioning, all that shit, and because of how fucking clunky Obsidian's engine is, you might have to pause multiple times because the game doesn't seem to fully grasp what you decided to tell your characters to do.

I prefer turn-based because there's a logical progression. You aren't interrupting the fight mid-swing to keep everything going. You're paying attention in equal parts to your enemies and your characters, and there isn't room for the retarded UI or imprecise pathing to fuck you up.

Same, I've had Eb on max fear since the start. Swear fealty to me and be my boot licking mage bitch.

Barik was a fun upstart too, going after the Disfavored gets him all hot and bothered but I got to remind him he's basically a pledged employee/weapon. Somehow he's gotten a bunch of loyalty though. Making that Scarlet Chorus scrub lick his boots and beg me for mercy was entertaining

This reminds me that I picked the Pit-fighter background and it came up a grand total of two times. It seems I should've picked either Soldier or Guild member.

War mage here.

I havent seen my option ever.

I'm the exact opposite. I've never been able to fully enjoy fully turn based combat. It just kills the flow for me.

I picked soldier and I think it came up like 3 times and none of them mattered or provided a real alternative to the other choices.

I've seen Soldier pop up several times in the last quarter of the game.

Comes up a couple of times in the opening area when dealing with the Disfavored mages.