Check your emails!

Anyone else got in?

Yes, but
>have to install GOG to play it
Put it in the garbage bin.

got in on the very first day of beta, and the stress tests before, and I haven't even bothered to install it

damn youre a real software god. how's the linux, friend?

the games is already super stale

>rl friend has account with 200+ games on gog
>gets nothing
>I only have freebies, not even any of witcher games
>get it day 1
ha ha, time to never install it

>>have to install GOG to play it
fuck that noise

>t. Steamdrone

i got in, i really liked ingame gwent but i just can't git gud at the standalone.

>t. gogdrone

do you play vs an AI or other players or what?

yeah same. thought id rek shit with the northern kingdoms but my deck is so shit it upsets me. so either grind for packs or pay out. you can probably tell this is my first experience with this type of game.


Installing right now, I'm thrilled

I got it but there better not be any RNG shit like in Hearthstone.

>Download GOG Galaxy
Fuck no. Origin is questionable enough, why would I intentionally give hackers access to my credit card info?

You can play it without the client, I just tested it myself.

Right now the most you can get out of it is pvp, but once the full game comes out they'll be adding a campaign/adventure type of game mode for pve.


>pirate Tyranny
>it starts up GOG Galaxy
>integrates flawlessly in it
>can't stop thinking that now CDPR knows I pirated and are disappointed in me

Feels bad, man. Almost makes me want to pay for a video game.

my standard tactic was to play a few shit cards in the beginning and suddenly buff them, so the enemy had to play a lot of good cards. Most of times that meant losing the first round but winning the other two, since the opponent usually ran out of cards. now that doesn't work anymore because everyone's cards still overpower me in the second and third rounds. fug.

heil gabe xD

Steam is the mandatory cuckware to be a PC gamer.
I'd rather not also install optional cuckware in addition to the mandatory one.

yeah. pulling the cards that dont synergize well is such a hindrance. i miss spamming spies and dummies to rearrange a bad deck. i have thaler but its weird since it only replaces cards rather than gives you a new one.

Stay on consoles if you want to depend 100% on just one company.

But Steam hosts many companies.

Console plebs are this backwards