Game opens with a Niche quote

>game opens with a Niche quote

>game opens only with a launcher from the developers

this has to be a joke post right

>anything opens with any quote

>Protagonist is a lanky goggle eyed west country twat

>tfw too many Chinese devs

Can't you do anything right OP?

>protagonist is voiced by Clive Warren


do you mean niche, as in not well known? or Nietzsche, as in the depressing philosopher?


>Game starts opens with playing as Quote

>That quotes when you're dead in CoD: Modern Warfare

>Game opens with a homeless Chinese fella

>depressing philosopher
His whole project was to overcome nihilism you pleb. Try Schopy for "depressing".

>Ron Perlman voice


Everybody knows his name is ni'chi

>thread opens with a forced meme

>zombie game ends with a cannibal quote

pure poetry

>boss is a little monkey fella


No it wasn't you mong. If anything his philosophy was contradictory because it was absolutely pointless.

>not completely pointless

pick 1 and choose wisely


Nietzsche and philosophers in general are such retards. I realized there's no meaning in life when I was fucking 14 for fuck's sake, yet these guys spend their entire lives trying to figure it out and still fail. Guess I'm just more intelligent?


>Tfw to ineligent for the centuries old practice of philosophy

>boss serves a plate of chicken and winiggish

Nobody is intersted in knowing what you figured out when you were 14 you dumbass, come back when you actually have some life experience

>game has a battle between a wasp and a cricket

When you nutted but she still suckin'

has there ever been a good game that started with a quote?

generally if your game/film starts with a quote it's either dreck garbage or brilliant. theres no inbetween

>final boss sorted the injured party member

How about a good game that ends with one of three quotes?
Deus Ex does it and that's the greatest game of all time.

Get out of here with your slave logic


t. never read Nietzsche

His entire philosophy and life work was to try and overcome and fight off Nihilism, which he claimed would spread and ultimately destroy civilization.

Fucking Sup Forums


Mafia opens with a Bible quote.

>I realized there's no meaning in life when I was fucking 14 for fuck's sake
So last week?


>Play game
>It has slave morality
