Multiplayer is better than the singleplayer could ever be.

Who do you main?

>not maining Awakened Collector
Do you even biotic?

Haven't played it in a bit and I can't remember the name but it was the human male adept with biotic leash and that biotic slam. Never touched warp with that class.

What the fuck, awakened collector? Doesn't that destroy Javicks whole storyline? That he's sad because he's the last of his kind?

Geth engineer baby

Awakened Collectors are basically going to die anyway since they can't reproduce. Read their bio

And that talon merc with the crossbow

No. They're still fucked up Collectors, not true Protheans anymore.

Geth + flamethrower was my go to build when i played

>Turian ghost with valkyrie
>not the best thing ever

>all these plebs who don't punch shit in the face

claymore hsol to ensure i can drag three dumbfucks through gold

Is the multiplayer still alive?

What was that soldier that was in power armor with the super mode?

Was fun as fuck to play him with the piranha and maxed cluster grenades.

>its a instant sync execute episode

Oh right it was the destroyer.

That and the Cerberus vanguard were my jam.

daily reminder that the multilayer is still somehow alive on PC

Alive on 360 again with backwards compatibility on the Xbone happening.


>being a phoneposter
Also Space Jew Biotic master race

is this game still alive? i played the sp but no MP, heard it was fun though. I'd install it if there are at least weekend matches

>punch shit in the face
>when you can hit them in the face with your own face
Krogan Vanguard's were the best

fuck off back to Sup Forums and keep your shitty memes there too

Alive on PS3 too

>basically any krogan
I miss this shit so much

Human Vanguard for life. Used to charge the shit out of everything on Gold runs.

Mass Effect canon died with the ending of 3. My advice is to embrace the chaos.

Turian Sentinel was my shit back in the day.

shit this thread is making me want to reinstall this game for mp alone.

>advanced techniques
>free dlc
>tons of unique ways to play
>base characters are still good
>interesting weapons
How did they dew it?

Drell Vanguard is best. Only a light smg, cooldown of 3.5 seconds on charge, .9 second cooldown on pull, flips everywhere.

pic unrelated

People really still play ME3? I never played the multiplayer, only singleplayer jesus h christ what a fucking fuckfest. Am I completely missing out?

I'm surprised if people are still playing it but it was really fun.

>wanted to play the multiplayer
>didnt want to give EA money
I feel like I missed out
M-maybe ill get it on sale...

I usually played Paladin or Quarian Marksmen.

Well if it's any consolation all the characters, weapons, and maps were added as free DLC. You just have to deal with that credit grind.

Its so hard to go back to the series after being a huge fan through one and two, buying into threes hype and dealing with the hole it left in my heart. This game redpilled me about the game industry, permanently tainting my view of any series I start out of fear of feeling what I felt during those credits. Just thinking about the series makes me feel empty.

The problem is that it sold better because of the MP. This shit should have died in a huge ball of flames, so EA and Bioware finally got it, but nope, of course idiots have to flock to this shit.

Different dev team for multiplayer.

The canon died with the intro of 2. It's everything goes after that.

It was a fun time killer
They tried to do the same with Dragon Age Inquisition's multiplayer but it just wasn't as good