'member the NES? Yeah, I remembered...over twenty fucking years ago.
'member the NES? Yeah, I remembered...over twenty fucking years ago
member south park being good?
Yeah. 14 years ago.
'member when south park thought hilldog would win and now they have to rewrite the storyline they were going to do
Member not making stupid faggot reddit threads ?
I remember! Shows that even South Park can swing and miss
It shows they're not as smart as they think they are
This has been the worst and most unfunny season of SP so far, and I thought season 19 was really good so I was pretty confident about this one.
I agree that they arent as smart as they believe. Some people say "Oh, so now they are pandering to liberals, the shoe doesnt fit now huh". But the thing is that South Park should have always erred on the side of the sane and the fair. The problem is that they are advocating for liberal rights when they were making fun of them the season before. Which is very fucking strange for them to do. I wonder if they were pressured internally to give more views to Comedy Central
member when south park was good? yeah i member.
man thats some old southpark humor. havent seen that since elementary
>when you get that feeling I got to sing
First season south park wasn't good. I mean, unless all you want from a show is a raspy voiced "kick you in the nuts" as a punchline.
Pretty sure they're bashing Trump because he's a fucking lunatic.
Except they think he's a lunatic cause they listened to all the media, which they champion they are always against. So that shit doesn't check out. If Dave Chapelle can come out and say that Trump isn't crazy, then I rather believe a more down to earth comedian than two white dudes living it up in the center of liberal america. Dave has been around since the early ages of black comedy. He was real deep in racial politics more than anyone. So when he comes out and says that there's nothing wrong with Trump, then I believe his credentials. The only thing missing is what Bernie Mac would have said about this or about BLM.
It's most likely a bid for them to stay neutral.
And what a massive failure that's been. Pandering to the left is dangerous business considering how vicious they are.
Also, I'm normally a fan of making season long arcs but you can tell that this one is stretched too thin.
Remember when the creators of South Park put all their money on Hillary winning the election and then had to desperately re cobble together an episode in 24 hours?
Remember how bad it was?
>introduced Canadian Trump last season and killed him in the same episode
>made Garrison into a Trump surrogate but then backpedaled and had him trying to throw the election
>had him outright tell people to vote for Hillary
>made episode where Hillary won
>Trump won in real life
You can say whatever you want about their politics and whatnot, but regardless of that, they sure were the ones who got fucked to death by reality due to poor planning.
the original turd sandwich and giant douche was a single episode and much better than this entire season.
is there a source for this? or its an assumption?
Prediction: they're going to make a mini version of all the consoles as soon as they're sure people wont somehow buy remastered/virtual console versions of it anymore
The original title of last week's episode (retitled 'Oh jeez') was 'The very first gentleman', referring to Bill Clinton. They released a preview for it which was the scene with PC Principal introducing him to the school, which they kept in the final episode but changed to Clinton saying he ALMOST became the first gentleman of America.
They probably made 2 episodes.
hahah wow that makes a lot more sense now. thanks user
>'member when south park had one plot per episode?
>'member the awesom-o 2000?
>'member good times with weapons?
>'member towelie?
>'member the retard camp?
>'member make love not warcraft?
>I believe this guy over this other guy
>instead of learning the facts and choosing for myself I'll just blindly follow someone else
You're an idiot.
The absolute truth is than no one, not even Trump supporters, thought he stood a chance of winning. Can you sit there and blame the creators that they thought Hillary was gonna win? Sure, but realize that you're being a hypocrite at the same time.
Moral of the story everyone is fucking retarded and we can all go home.
At least one user gets it. Thank you.
>learning the facts
Oh you deluded fuck. I don't follow anyone. I just agree with people who align with my views. I educate myself, and the fact Dave said the same thing I said lines up well with the evidence of his upbringing and intelligence versus Matt and Trey's. So as you can see, you milliennial faggot, some people actually do weight the contexts of every side and make educated decisions. Today, you have made zero.
Honestly they banked too much on one result and the plot suffered due to them having to change it. Take the 2008 elections, the episode they prepared then had one candidate win, get into the White House and then team up with the other revealing it was all a scam to be able to get undetected into the Jeffersonian Museum for a heist from a secret passage inside the Oval Office. All they would've had to change then had they not called Obama winning were the first couple minutes.
This time, the Clintons' involvement in the episode was so heavy while Garrison's so light that they couldn't possibly alter the episode enough to make it better reflect the real result of the elections.
Quite a shame since this season started off strong.
Just can't imagine them wrapping up anything decent after last episode
South Park was around when GameCube came out and even had a parody on it.
It was over 10 years ago.
Holy shit.
South Park was around back when 3D games in general were still in their infancy.
member when SP was bad jokes about poop and farts with zero political ideologies ?
South Park exist since 1997, it´s older that entire Sup Forums poster or my college classmates