Proof that BotW will suck balls

Seriously though...


>ignoring the good zeldas he has directed

>same dude "Planned" and Directed Phantom Hour Glass, Minish Cap, and Four Swords

Get the fuck over yourself you actual autistic fuck

I liked skyward sword though?

SS was great

>Skyward Sword is a total disaster
>Everyone who's played it knows it
>Don't you fucking deny it

I'll deny it.
Also Minish Cap, Four Swords, and the Oracle games are great, fuck off.

A lot of people did, including me. I have yet to find someone who actively disliked it.

The only thing that really bothered me about SS was the reuse of the same 3 zones a bunch of times, but even that wasnt a big deal all things considered.

is it possible that skyword sword was a fluke? other than the outworld and the trash musical notes mini game, that game is golden. i know that the outworld can be like 15-20% of the game, but its ignorable and still gets a 40 hour playthrough

You're delusional if you think no one dislikes it.
Personally I think it's a good game, but it has it's flaws.
Skyward Sword has the series Highest Highs and Lowest Lows, which makes it mediocre.

>He did Oracles and Minish cap
Those were great games.
>he part of one of the few meh to bad games.
Your favorite game directer was probably a part of more than one turd OP.

I liked the game besides that one boss fight you have to do 4 times and the stealth collection parts.



>Think no one disliked it
I said I haven't met anyone that disliked it, I never claimed that every single person liked it. Of course there's plenty of fucking people that don't like it.

>Directed both some of the best and the worst games in the LoZ franchise

I'm torn

You people are the reason why Aonuma has gotten away with constantly making shitty Zeldas.

Holy Fuck all those Zelda games are bad

Inb4 oracles autists claim their game is anything other than shit

>Minish Cap
Go off yourself.

Trash game

But all the previous games before Skyward Sword that he directed were good

Yeah, back in 2001.


>tfw we'll never get another Zelda like Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask

Fuck off. There is no Zelda cycle.

There is definitive fucking proof of it ITT

Skyward Sword is a game marred by more than poor direction. The level design is at its weakest and it's one of, if not the most, linear entry to date. There's hardly any side quests, the core gameplay is shitty, and the story sucks.

To blame it all on the director is unfair, especially when Miyamoto was pulling a Star Fox Zero and forcing the MotionPlus to be a core part of the game.

Anyone who think Motion Plus wasn't something great for the game is a shitter.

motion plus is the central mechanic and it only "mostly works". It's not fun, it's not challenging, it doesn't change the way you play. It's fixing what isn't broken.

It's the most tedious combat in Zelda to date. You can swing perfectly at an exposed weak point but the enemy will change it's guard mid swing to fuck with you. That's not a problem with motion controls directly (assuming they worked 100% of the time which they do not) but the game implemented this simon-says style of combat because of the motion controls.

Not to mention that all of the motion controls outside of combat are pure garbage compared to just using a stick (which they don't let you do). Rolling bombs was satisfying, I guess.

To add, this isn't saying previous Zelda combat is anything amazing, but "boring" is better than "annoying and boring".

I don't think it's boring, but Skyward Sword's combat was immersive, which is nice.

But to bring up Twilight Princess. You have all of these moves that SHOULD make combat great, but they're all useless as you never find the opportunity to use them.

But ages and seasons were goat.

Directing is just a small part. I mean it will be bad because Zelda is casual trash and always has been in 3D, the combat works much better in 3d. and the combat is the thing they haven't bothered with since it's a cinematic experience. I also think there's too little to go on. Phantom Hourglass was trash too but he wasnt directing there, see the pattern?

If you're not already cautious going into this because of the open-world meme then you're really naive

this trend of shoehorning "open-world" into every game needs to end

Skyward Sword was a good game at its core and it came through during dungeons and stuff, but it was bogged down with stupid bullshit that soured it bad.
Fi and her constant treating you like the biggest retard on the planet, dowsing, those shit spirit vessel hunt parts no one liked in Twlight Princess, the entire third act with fucking Tad Tones and a shit stealth section.
Skyward Sword would be a better game purely by cutting out the bad "content."

Haven't you ever learnt from your mistakes?

I could believe in an upturn if that list showed anything other than a steady decline in quality.

Considering that is the director's job, that is not a supportive statement.

The only things I didn't like about Skyward Sword were the motion controls, overly linear design, and Fi talking you through everything. Those don't seem to be in BOTW at all

Minish Cap is top 5 Zeldas so it balances out

BOTW seems to be "Ok sorry, look we listened, please stop matthew matosis from bashing our ass any longer"

And I'm loving it.

I hate to be a lore fag, but I really hate what SS did to the zelda canon. WW's storyline is much worse because of it.

What did it do to WW specifically?

Also its WW so who cares

no you said you have yet to find someone
fucking typical retard

>only one zelda game on that list was good
>everything else is complete shit
That isn't an argument.

I'm a big fan of the series and I just don't care about the lore at all, it's the same story every time

>Made Minish Cap and the Oracle games as well

2 to 1 so far

Something I really like about WW was the fact that ganondorf was given characterization. He had learned from is mistakes while in banishment and was now able to gain the power of the full triforce without it splitting, He went from having the mortal flaw of power thirst to being calm and calculating. In this way we saw Ganondorf change as a person.

Also, WW link was different from most previous ones in that his world had been holding out for a hero for years. Putting every boy in green clothes when he came of age in an attempt to reveal the new hero. However, even WW Link wasn't the hero of time, because the hero of time wasn't coming back.

WW Link wasn't "destined for greatness" the moment he put on the green tunic, he had to earn the triforce, earn the right to bear it, and earn the title of hero by proving himself.

This of course is all thrown out the window with SS because all Links are connected via reincarnation and Ganondorf is just a reincarnation of the hate of Demise and cannot be his own person.

reincarnation is just a shitty plot device in-general.

I know, and now you see why SS fucked over the lore: all new Links, Zeldas, and Ganons/Ganondorfs/whathaveyou are just gonna be reincarnations, which tosses variation and character development out in favor of a cheap device to tether all the games together.

I just mentioned WW specifically because it was the game most affected story wise by the reincarnation element.

Actually it is an argument. It fits perfectly what the definition of an argument is

eh, not worried.
looking at the games he directed, Seasons/Ages were pretty good for what he was told to do with them, that weird "two part game where one is action, the other is puzzle".
never played 4 Swords
Minish Cap was fun as hell. it was wierd as hell, and maybe "not a great Zelda game", but it's a good game
Hourglass is good, again, for the on-rails game he was told to make.
I didn't like SS, but I also didn't like TP, the Wii games both sucked because of those godawful controls

BoTW should be fine. it might be odd for a Zelda game, because this cat specializes in wierd format Zelda games.
I'm not hyped, but I'm not pessimistic

>Skyward Sword

Enough of this fucking history revision meme.


"That isn't an argument" means that it isn't a good argument.

His characterization is completely irrelevant. He does the exact same thing in the game - Kidnaps the princess, becomes the surprise final boss midway through, has an interestingly climactic boss fight - The only thing that's different is that he's given characterization and a different mood in how he does it.

He still barely shows up other than a few token "Oh, all these monsters must work for Ganondorf" which is exactly what he does in every other game.

Well he should have said that then

>Kidnaps the princess
actually he's kidnapping loads of girls with pointed ears. He just figures one of them has to be the descendant of Zelda.

>becomes the surprise final boss midway through
He's very clearly the villain from early-on.

>has an interestingly climactic boss fight
more than can be said for TP and SS, which are just repeats of the fight.

Just because you like it for some god knows why reason doesn't mean it isn't garbage and widely considered the worst Zelda game.

>Oracle of Seasons
>Oracle of Ages
>Four Swords
>Minish Cap
>Phantom Hourglass
>Skyward Sword

his record isn't all THAT terrible

The game is so fucking hard to replay with all of the fucking interruptions. Nintendo really needs to start introducing more menu options to their games. Like an option to shut off all tutorials.

But it made the moments he appeared drastically more interesting, and the final boss fight feeling more like facing a worthy opponent in a duel rather than slaying a big monster.

Just because you don't like it for some god knows why reason doesn't mean it isn't good and widely considered a high tier Zelda game

> widely considered the worst Zelda game.
its still a better game than TP or WW
the 3d zeldas are canonically

1. MM
2. OOT
3. SS
4. TP
5. WW

Skyward Sword at least had better than average dungeons, good combat and a few good bossfights. That can't be said about TP or WW (yeah yeah TP had 1 good dungeon but thats an exception not an average)

>Four Swords
>Minish Cap
>Phantom Hourglass
>Skyward Sword
You mean D C F F

The entire fucking game is a tutorial.

People who unironically like SS must love being coddled and need their hand held everywhere.

I disagree about the level design being weak. I personally was not a fan of the more linear direction they took for level design, but it's a valid approach.

I agree about not pinning everything on one person, though. These games are made by 100 people.

the people who like SS acknowledge that its got terrible flaws like pacing, handholding, linearity and lack of overworld and gameplay padding fetchquests out the ass
but that it has more redeeming positives than the other shitty 3d zeldas

>its still a better game than TP or WW
speaking of history revision...

Except the game is also marred by half-functional motion controls that are annoying at best so the only thing left is dungeons and groose.

The dungeons really are not good enough to justify being bogged down by the other like 70 percent of the game.

Skyward sword had its good parts
TP and WW didn't

WW has the worst dungeons ever conceived, TP has the worst bosses in the series, both of them suffer from shit pacing and exposition and artificially inflated content to pad gameplay in their empty copy/pasted overworlds

How insecure do you have to be to put this much effort into trying to convince someone that the games they like are shit?

>being too incompetent to figure out how the wii motion plus works
thats an excuse for the harp, not for combat, the combat controls were tight and self explanatory

the real problem was that they could have done so much MORE with the motion controls instead of just being a game of simon says / DDR. But its still way better than the gamecube zelda combats

Being this weak is what gives us shitty Zeldas like SS.

What the hell do you mean, "weak?" Do you somehow think that calling every Zelda game in the series literal shit except one arbitrarily defined entry is going to convince Nintendo to make just the perfect, 11/10 Zelda game that will never ever be surpassed?

Three good zelda games and three bad zelda games

we'll have to see how this one pans out.

Well BOTW is literally Zelda 1 with all the shit people complained about with SS gone so yes, I think all the incessant hate worked.

>TP and WW didn't
well hey now I disagree, having just played through the HD rereleases of both. TP has lots of shit to do and there are tons of mini-games and sidequests in the game. WW has a lot of stuff to do as well aside from just enjoying the sailing.

>WW has the worst dungeons ever conceived
The early dungeons are fine, Earth and Wind temples are probably the worst in the series. They reek of "we didn't have time to flesh this out or playtest"

> TP has the worst bosses in the series
There's literally nothing wrong with them aside from being too easy. Even then, most of them are pretty fun.

>both of them suffer from shit pacing and exposition
it sounds like you're describing skyward sword

>artificially inflated content to pad gameplay
wind waker is really the only one with this issue.

>in their empty copy/pasted overworlds
ok most of your comments can be argued but what the fuck, man. Skyward Sword has literally the WORST overworld to-date with, quite literally, NO landmarks, NO warping system, NO day/night cycle, NO night exploration, NOTHING to do besides open chests, and be LITERALLY just clouds and floating rocks with no real environment flair. Even windwaker had islands with a purpose.

>he thinks nintendo reads Sup Forums
This "incessant hate" you're talking about, for the most part, only exists here. Everywhere else, the reception was lukewarm at worst.

Of course, don't take that to mean everyone else thinks it's perfect, since I know you will; nobody thinks it's perfect, and I doubt many people think it's the best Zelda. But get your head out of your ass and stop pretending Sup Forums's constant bitching and moaning makes any real difference.

Skyward Sword was okay.

the early WW dungeons are still entirely linear affairs and totally unremarkable, they're not as bad as earth/wind sure but they're still bad

>There's literally nothing wrong with them aside from being too easy. Even then, most of them are pretty fun.
no they're objectively bad
argaroc sits afk for like 20 seconds at a time waiting for you to attack him. The entire battle is basically a QTE with no mechanics involved
and armogohma is somehow worse, literally just "equip dungeon item and press attack"
but they're dwarfed by morpheel, the worst boss in the entire zelda series because he literally just swims around. He has NO attacks. He just moves and waits for you to kill him. Thats it, no grand underwater battle, just hookshot to the eye and hack it with your sword, might as well be watching a movie and pressing the play button

>it sounds like you're describing skyward sword
yeah but just because skyward sword sucked in some of the same areas as TP and WW didn't mean it did them all bad. SS had some great dungeons like ancient cistern and sky keep. It had some good boss fights like koloktos and stalmaster. It actually had a decent combat system unlike those other two where you just spammed attack and autowon every fight

The only thing this proves is that he's a shitty writer, because PH has a terribad story. His creed for vidya actually explains a lot of Skyward Sword, though

>Most People hate Fi
>im probably one of those Who really liked her
>tfw skyward sword ending made me shed a tear
>tfw seeing the busted Master sword in BotW

Hi nice to meet you I'm user

>SS was mediocre
>PH was crap
>all the others were great

So, there's like a 15% chance that BotW will suck?

>this thread again
You failed horribly at it last time, OP, why try again?

This. I liked the game but the Imprisoned was a fucking pain in the ass

No. You.

Fi was awful. Just awful.

I hope I never see her face ever fucking again in another zelda game.