>Game has a hidden screamer
Game has a hidden screamer
Other urls found in this thread:
>Game presents itself as one genre
>It's actually something else entirely
>game has a hidden character
it was placed pretty well
post the scooby doo one
winter lodge
irithryll dungeon
Fuck you Mortal Kombat
Name 20 (20) games
>mfw FEAR DVD's hidden autorun
this and omega flowey's introduction made me shit my pants
Megaman X
Sneak King
Elite Beat Agents
Spongebob Squarepants: Employee of the Month
Forza 2
Dark Souls II
Luigi's Mansion
Uncharted 3
Cel Damage
NBA Street Vol. 2
Metal Slug 2
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
DJ Hero
Toejam & Earl
Big Mutha Truckers
Surf's Up
Pussy ass tumblr cuck detected
Name one game that does this. No, seriously, you piqued my interest
Mortal Kombat 9
FROSTY isn't a screamer
Dont open it this is the one that causes the screamer definitely, the old one is 3.27MB
>Dark Souls II
>Spongebob Squarepants: Employee of the Month
Where nigga? I played that game a ton
must try
Krypt Monster, my dude
Man fuck Chrome, for real, how the fuck can a browser use up 6GB of ram
We all thought Dark Souls 2 was gonna another great Souls game, instead it was shit.
Not that guy but when you open the door in lost bastille and there's nothing but a skeleton embedded into the wall was pretty spookey.
>stream has a screamer
That spooky Garfield game with the painting. Shit traumatized me yo
Opera has been better than chrome in the past 3 years
Hello Sup Forums
scholar of the first sin. That dude that appears in an explosion when you light a primal bonfire.
Except Opera is still a slow piece of shit
Serious question, how fucking hard can it be to make a lightweight browser that doesn't eat up your resources or slow down like a paraplegic kid without a wheelchair
And why the fuck does noone make their browser customizable enough, like the most you can do are some shitty skins but nothing to actually change colour palettes and shit, only one that does this is Vivaldi, but that is also a slow piece of shit
Why is there literally no good browser?
Why are the devs cucking us instead of giving us a great experience?
I remember this.
I don't want to remember this.
>mfw AppChan X
>hover shows the pic
h e l p