PSP General

I have an old PSP (pic related for version), any recommendations to what games I should play or emulate on it?

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Enjoy this list, personally I'd say try Corpse Party.

Ace Combat X
Peace Walker
Persona 2
Phantasy Star Portable 2

Dracula X Chronicles

I can't finish Peace Walker because of the tny screen and I'm stuck on the train-metal gear fight, but I really want to get into Persona, how many games are on PSP and how many can I get on a PC?

Bumpy ump

1 through 3 are all available on PSP as remakes excluding Eternal Punishment which remains a PSOne classic title.

All of them can be emulated on a PC (original or remakes) if you wish.

Ace Combat X and X2
Wipeout Pulse and Pure
Burnout dominator
Metal Slug Anthology
Patapon Trilogy

GTA vcs
GTA lcs
midnight club 3 dub edition
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Had alot of fun with those

Carnage Heart EXA
Valkyrie Profile

GBA Castlevania games, Final Fantasy (if you're into it).

Among PSP games I'd recommend Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles (it contains Symphony of the Night too), Ultimate Ghosts'n'Goblins, Syphon Filter Dark Mirror\Logan's Shadow, Persona 3 Portable, Ridge Racers 2, Tekken Dark Resurrection (it has more content than T6 on PSP), Final Fantasy Tactics, Motorstorm: Arctic Something (Edge? don't rememeber), portable versions of PS2 games (alot of them are pretty decent), Resistance: Retribution, Tactics Ogre, Exit 1 and 2, Bleach: Soul Carnival 1 and 2. I've played a lot on my PSP and there are ton of games that worth your time. The ones I've mentioned are just a tiny part of those I've enjoyed over the years.

Bought a few new games for PSP recently and took my old original fat PSP for a ride. It got some smudges on the screen (which are most visible with bright colors on the screen, almost like floaters on my shitty eyes) and square and X butons need more force to respond (after some time they seem to work as good as before, though).

I've expected to be less impressed by the system after all the modern stuff like Vita and smartphones but games look as good as before. I've forgot how good the PSP screen is and to play some side-scrollers on it is just incredibly fun. Funny, how my PSP right now gets more attention than Vita and 3DS.

Don't play the PSP version of 3. Go with the PS2 version intstead.

Now that I think about it, considering how many games I've played on the PSP, it's kind of amazing how I can't remember a single truly great one.


There's no reason to avoid PSP version. It's the same game, just with static VN-esque cut-scenes instead of animated ones and isometric adventure-style navigation (outside of dungeons only) instead of 3D environments. That's not affecting gameplay or story at all.


You probably can but see, a lot of these great games were ports of home console releases or maybe sequels\spin-offs.


Great job at having shitty memory

Breath of Fire III
Ys I & II Chronicles
Ys: Oath in Felghana
Gladiator Begins
Growlanser: WoT
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Bullshit. I bought both versions. Playing the PSP version I was many times left wondering what was happening during the cutscenes. For example in the hospital scene Shinjiro bumps into you, there's just ! exclamation mark and nothing indicating what happened. That really eats the impact the story has on you.

I didn't go very far with that version till I read on Sup Forums that FES was the definitive version. There's a reason why people recommend playing FES first, P3P after. In that version I learned Shinjiro was a rude person who bumps into people not giving a shit.

t. mad person who lost 40 euros on P3P

>PSP literally portable ps1
>Vita literally not portable ps2
life is horrible

At least i was able to control all my party members

>this one I don't know
>same as above
>nice game but the insane grind left me with a bad taste

I'm not saying that PSP games are shit though.

Wait a moment. ACTUALLY. Motherfucking Dracula X Chronicles. Dunno how the fuck I forgot about that one, an absolute classic, I must've replayed it a hundred times. Even did a no damage run. Absolutely amazing game.

PSP is the best looking handheld of all time.

It's a pretty sexy handheld. Both Vitas look nice too. Sony generally has a good eye for design, PS4 slim and PS4P not withstanding.

Give me some comfy snowy PSP games. Bonus points for games set in a big city.

Pic related.


I'm playing persona3 and, when i finish, im going straight to Valkyria Chronicles 3. Play Jeanne D'Arc, it's awesome.

Cladun and Cladun X2 is pretty good shit

The psp is literally the last good console from sony

Why do you say that?

The vita was a blunder from the start and they literally abandoned it after 1year and the PS4 is a joke out too soon and they started to prostitute the brand just to compete with PC with meme res and fps.
>that mid gen where you need to rebuy a 400$ after 3 years.
>muh vr
saddest kek, i hate sony now.

Mandatory list

I need a grip for my psp 2000, should I get one from ebay chinks?

Why does it matter if they're ports?

I got one because of carpal tunnel from too much monhun. It's alright, comfortable. My wrist still hurts though

For emulation; Everything that is available but SNES, DS N64 works damn near flawless and I've finished much of nintendo's stuff on it.

NES, GBA, GBC, Genesis, Game Gear, Master system, Sega CD, Wonderswan, Neo Geo Pocket is kinda iffy iirc but almost fullspeed, TG-16 and PCE-CD games and the entire PSP/PS1 library on top of that. Fantastic little handheld.

Vita is close to unlocking all of the above + SNES and maybe DS (I'd love to play the Castlevania DS games on Vita). It'll be the true successor to the psp in due time.

Yea but...
>100$ memory cards

It doesn't, it's just that we were talking about truly great PSP games, and those kinda don't count. I agree that those 3 are fucking good, by the way. I suppose I should've said that.