What are some games that allow me to cheat?

What are some games that allow me to cheat?

Sum up the current story arc please

Completely retarded writing.


good start

solid middle

shit ending

Axiom Verge have a "glitch gun"

Also, I can't remember very well because I played it a long time ago, but I think Retro Game Challange have cheat codes that are a legit mechanic of the game.

A power level of thirty 3 thousand?

Salty fanboy tears and 30 year old weebs who take a children's cartoon way too seriously.

black goku smugs his way into everyones ass, and local evil green man hates mortals so much that he fuses with himself in goku's body from another timeline, vegetto gets jobbed so trunks can hack himself into slicing evil green mans dick in half

A god thinks mortals are bullshit.
But knows Mortals can surpass gods.
So he wishes on the dragon balls to take a mortals body as his own.
Destroys said dragon balls in that timeline and jumps to a earlier timeline to tell himself The plan to eradicate All Mortals.
This plan takes place in Future Trunks' Timeline as they fuck with him.
Goku, Vegeta, and future trunks fight the two until they fuse together to be some ultra god thing. Fusing Mortal and god together fucked up the fusion. appearently The Pontera earings only last an hour on Mortals and Vegito is too powerful for it to last longer than 7 mins.
Trunks pulls the ability to perform a Spirit bomb out of his ass. Applies it to his broken sword and stabs and kills the ultra god.

Goku didn't kill steal this one for once. Instead Trunks magic mcguffined his way through it.

The ending was fine, everyone is just butthurt that they got cucked out of Vegito ending it.

It's really no different than say, Yajirobe, stealing the end of the Saiyan saga but Yajirobe is a meme character so people thought it was great.

I'm more butthurt that Vegito didn't get more screentime

If they kept everything the same for the ending, but just pushed Trunks winning to episode 67 and gave Vegito the entirety of 66, pretty much everyone would be perfectly fine with it

Didn't his sword get broken?

Trunks knowing spirit bomb was bullshit for one.
Two how the fuck did he apply it to a broken sword.
This was some Dragon Quest shit.
Trunks was destined to beat zamasu but this ark made the option of fusion no obsolete because it will never last long enough to be effective against anything anymore.
Does future trunks know every Z fighters special attacks now?

It was fused with his energy to create an energy sword like zamasu's hand sword.

It did, he's using the broken sword, and made up the rest of the blade with his ki energy.

Yep. Magicked that shit into a Giant Spirit bomb Light saber.

My assumption is that they wasted the rest of the budget for the arc on that episode, judging from that animation, or didn't have enough budget left for two well animated episodes so they had to rush and finish everything in one episode. It would have definitely made more sense for the Vegito/Zamasu fight to last the rest of the episode and then have the Trunks stuff happen in the next.

The only good thing to come out of episode 66 was Final Kamehameha

Which amounted to nothing.

Toriyama is a hack

vegetto webm where

This thread got derailed quickly.

>Goku didn't kill steal this one for once
That's almost a refreshing change of pace by itself

>Does future trunks know every Z fighters special attacks now?
Well if Xenoverse is canon then it's apparently easy as piss to learn new techniques

>and now everyone is pissy about it

I guess Toriyama just can't ever win.

That's right. The Spirit Bomb is a cheat

When you're at the level of Godly ki manipulation I'd think learning different ways to channel it would be almost a second nature, yeah.

Yet Goku's kaio ken has remained his alone since he first met Vegeta. For fuck's sake.

Yeah what's up with that anyway? Do time travellers just get some sort of magic aptitude at every technique after time travelling for the first time?

He pulled a Kuwabara

Trunks knows Masenko, Galick Gun, Final Flash, and Mafuuba.

He *probably* knows Kamehameha and Big Bang Attack, assuming Gohan taught him the former, and Vegeta the latter.

They are just pissy that Toei forced Vegito to both Job hard and become forever irrelevant after this ark due to the time limit of 7 mins that will only dwindle with Goku and Vegeta's ever growing power.

Fusion by Fusion dance is also pointless since going SSJ3 in the fusion robs the time limit. SSJB will just rob it further.
Two of the coolest characters are now never going to show up again because the plot can't allow it.

I saw webm's of the preview. That's pretty much his entire fight.

You know somethings wrong when your entire story arc is based on a causal time paradox.

>I lived long enough to see Vegito become a 5 minute sideshow

several causal time paradoxes actually. I'd say we created 3-4 different timelines with this arc alone

It is when the person who made it and used it has never witnessed or learned it before.
It was a ass pull from nowhere.
>He *probably* knows Kamehameha and Big Bang Attack, assuming Gohan taught him the former, and Vegeta the latter.
Goku died before ever training Gohan. Future
Gohan never used it in the special. Chances are He never learned it.
The Spirit Bomb is a impossibility.


Even worse the official "explanation" of the paradox was "When Beerus killed Zamasu it split the timeline into two, one where Zamasu died and one where Zamasu carried out his plan."

First of all that's retarded and second of all that doesn't explain the paradox of Goku Black getting his idea from something with no origin.

Roshi is still alive in Future timeline. Hiding in his sub with Puar and Pig

Bruh look at this dude

It should have ended after Cell

>Cell Saga has cool shit like Vegeta's Final Flash, Tien being the last side character to ever do anything when he holds off Cell, Gohan becoming the man

>Then they say fuck all of that, Vegeta has a heroic sacrifice that accomplishes nothing, Gohans full potential is made meaningless and he jobs out, Buu gets killed by another generic Goku spiritbomb

>starts kinda meh
>becomes pretty damned entertaining. Black, Zamasu, and tea hijincks are great
>by the end falls so fucking flat on it's face that it becomes worse than GT

This was honestly Super's last chance of capturing the old fanbase but instead they settled to be worse than GT. It's getting slammed all over the internet now and hopefully we'll see a cancellation soon.

Stop making this thread OP. The staff deleted your last Dragonball Super thread just now, just deal with it.

Apparently Black explained that the time ring kept him from dying. So he's technically the same Zamasu Beerus killed. So that makes a 3rd timeline to the Future and Main so far.

Wait, is this not Time Patroller trunks? It's just normal ass "The androids broke everything" trunks?

Why the fuck is he a threat to God Level beings at all?

I could have sworn he used it at some point on Namek. I could also be wrong.
Then again, Krillin could have taught it to him on the way to Namek.
Still, Trunks learning the Spirit Bomb despite never hearing about it is supreme bullshit

Explain the Cell Saga then

That doesn't really matter for anything, the problem is that Goku Black doesn't have a logical origin that's not a paradox.

DB has always been that way

>Buu gets killed by another generic Goku spiritbomb

Technically that was the first time the Spirit Bomb ever actually worked, and even then it needed a boost from an extra ki blast

I actually can explain the Cell saga, but every time I do nobody gets it no matter how simply I explain it.

Apparently all you need to develop god ki now is to be reallyreallyreallyREALLY angry

yadda yadda yadda, repeat the story from DBZ over again with an additional outer world character that has it's own uninvolved plot they need to tie in somehow.

This was only done so Toriyama could further ship Trunks a Mai by showing their future counterparts together.

>Wait, is this not Time Patroller trunks? It's just normal ass "The androids broke everything" trunks?
They showed him remembering fighting against Cell with Vegeta
>Why the fuck is he a threat to God Level beings at all?
Because Bandia is about to unload a a fuck ton of Trunks merchandise, and they thought people were gonna love this Mary Sue shit.

the new seasons/movies of dragon ball have been absolute shit, as bad as GT.

he didnt job he was beating his ass the hole time

The ass pulled some sort of Pseudo-Legendary Super Saiyan shit with Trunks. Blind rage and shit.
>I could have sworn he used it at some point on Namek. I could also be wrong.
He Masenko'd and Energy den'd the fuck out of namek. Never really did anything other than that.

I'd say this episode cemented Super in a worse spot than GT

Reminder that they could have saved gohan from the planet explosion and ask for the namek people to replenish his health and wish back the earth, and gohan would never job to kid buu, since he was weaker than super buu.

What the fuck I thought potara earring fusion was permanent.

Cell Saga is easy

Future Trunk's timeline is the REAL timeline

When he goes back ans saves Goku, he creates an alternate timeline that becomes the main that everyone watches up until now.

At this point Cell shows up during Android arc, which the the imperfect Cell from Trunk's future after he returns following the Cell Games and kills the androids, but is ambushed by Cell.

This creates a third, erroneous timeline, as its never visited again

That Final Kamehameha sure did it's job right.
He totally didn't defuse at the worst possible moment.

>was going to be about Gero and 19
>Toriyama was told he can't do that because an old man and a clown isn't cool enough to be main bad guys
>made 17 and 18
>Toriyama was told he can't do that because teenagers aren't threatening enough to be the main bad guys
>made Cell
>Toriyama was told he can't do that because Cell is too ugly to be the main bad guy
>makes imperfect Cell and Perfect Cell
>this is finally acceptable
>all these re-writes completely fucked the plot progression

That about sums it up.

TO BE FAIR, the spirit bomb isn't necessarily a hard technique to learn, since you only need to train with king kai to learn it. In fact, when goku used it on vegeta and was about to die, he gave it to krillin for him to use.

The Future Trunks that DIED is the real timeline.

Retconned. It's only meant to last an hour for non-gods

Trunks didn't even summon the spirit bomb, he didn't notice the thing until it was formed right above him.
Some kids on a ridge fanboyed it into existence

After first being told it's only attainable through a ritual, Vegeta just reaches it by training and now Trunks just shouted hard enough and became a god.