Why is Meridia a Daedra and not an Aedra? She's literally a good guy. Holy and anti-undead

Why is Meridia a Daedra and not an Aedra? She's literally a good guy. Holy and anti-undead.

Aedra and Daedra are not divided in good/bad.

Because she's a Deadra, not an Aedra.

>molag ball
>clavius vile
>mehrunes dagon
>not bad


>some daedra do shit perceived as bad
>therefore all daedra are bad
Aedra created the world. Daedra did not. That's the only distinction.

Malacath is just a sentient monkey paw.

*Clavicus Vile, not Malacath

I'm half asleep

>clavius vile

kek. teaches people to stay true to their word, that's a life lesson

She refused to take part with the Aedra, and so she became a Daedric Prince, she is MOSTLY benevolent, but will gladly burn entire cities or an entire species to extinction just to mass murder Molag Bal's bitches and/or their servants.

According to this Peryite is evil? I thought he was literally an errand bitch for the others?

>doesn't into reading comprehension

>clavius vile
Dude, he's more neutral than anything.

He's the daedric prince of plagues isn't he?

Nocturnal is neutral at best, and Mephala is arguably just evil.

I'd argue Sanguine and Clavicus Vile are neutral as well

>she's a good guy

It ain't about being good or bad

Aedra = those who created the world
Daedra = those who did not partake in the creation of the world

I remember something in Oblivion talking about how he was the lesser of all the Daedra and answered to them

Sanguine is not even close to fucking evil. The most he ever does is humiliate people in silly fashion by having them suddenly turn stark naked or get them drunk. He has never once engaged in murder or truly vile behaviours.

Are the Divines and the Aedra the same thing?



They're all Et'Ada, all the same type of being. The only difference is whether or not they exist inside mundus or some other realm. I believe they all come from Aetherius.

>Sanguine is not even close to fucking evil.

Seduction is a powerful skill, he can turn any mortal into a cuckold for all eternity.

And no, Sanguine doesn't rape, Molag Bal, does, and he will rape, Sanguine seduces, and can make mortal men or women betray their loved one's, lover, wife, silbing, parent, or otherwise.

I thought Meridia wasn't originally a Daedric Prince, and was a part of that other pantheon that was neither Aedra nor Daedra. The same pantheon as Magenus.

I'd argue that isn't really evil.

It's asshole behavior, but to put him on the same level as Molag Bal or Mehrunes Dagon is a bit silly.

Wait how are the Aedra and the Divines the same thing? Talos is a Divine and he existed after Nirn was already there. He was a mortal.

Talos is not a god you filthy Stormcloak.

Talos is a special snowflake

That's still on the lower ends of Chaotic Neutral. Sheogorath does far worse sometimes and he's still pretty neutral.

But then how come they worship him?


Clavicus Vile teaches to not be greedy, and to think before you speak.

He's not evil, he just gives you what you asked for. It's your problem you were so vague about it.

I was under the impression that the Divines were mortals who achieved sainthood. That's how they're portayed, anyway.

meme magic

I don't know if Daedra have any sort of deific 'progression' between games, but by the time of Skyrim, Peryite is indeed known as the Daedra of plagues and pestilence.

Talos is the only one of the Divines that's not an Aedra, he was a mortal that managed to become a God with CHIM. All the other Divines are et'Ada (so are the Daedra)

He joined up with the power of a god that already existed by "mantling" him. In the TES universe, reality is fucky because everything is actually a dream. If enough of the people and gods within the dream conflate two thing, they become the same thing. Talos became seen as an avatar of Lorkhan, and actually ascended to godhood after his death. The same is probably true for an elf named Auriel who mantled Akatosh. There's a rivalry between Akatosh and Lorkhan who are seen as the gods of elves and men respectively. Also they represent something similar to the realms of Time and Space, so that may be significant.

>Talos is a Divine



Sheogorath isn't an et'Ada is he? He was also a mortal ascended to godhood.

azura pls go

>Sanguine and Sheogorath become best friends and just decide to fuck up the entirety of Tamriel in a drunken blur

How fucked is everything?

He has access to the creation kit

Also by mantling. The Hero of Cyrodiil didn't become a new et'ada, he merged into an existing one.

>implying you woulnd't impregnate Azura right in herm boipucci.

He was a Daedric prince, Jygallag, whose realm was powerful and encroaching on the realms of the other daedric princes, so they joined together and cursed him to change his realm to madness and he became an insane fool whose appearance is that of a mortal. I think he may have been mantled by the Champion of Cyrodiil? Not sure about that one.

Only the "new" Sheogorath is a human (the main character from Oblivion that became him through mantling), the original one (and Jyggalag) were et'Ada iirc

>Mehrunes Dagon is the god of destruction and change
>the god of Progressives is evil

really makes you think

she's a good guy (female)

He's only evil from a certain point of view.


Yeah, the current Sheogorath is the Champion.

So the current Sheogorath isn't an et'Ada, though, right?

Guys what is CHIM

>Clavicus Vile and Sanguine
Complete shit.

Isn't all this stuff about CHIM conflicting with the story of Morrowind? Vivec's power was waning and he was powerless against Dagoth Ur. How does it make sense for him to have some super above-god powers when he was clearly not using them? I don't understand.


>all the good daedra are women
>all the bad daedra are men

makes you think

You see he let Molag Bal fuck him in the ass and take his head off to get a better view in the pursuit of knowledge.

Isn't Malacath ALSO trinimac? It's been a while...


Boethiah ate Trinimac and pooped out Malacath.

CHIM is essentially realizing that the reality you live in is an illusion/dream, and you can thus reshape it at will, leading to people believienv you as a god. Only two people ever achieved CHIM in Elder Scrolls, Talos and Vivec.

That's why people joke that CHIM is console commands/creation kit, because you can use those to cheat or manipulate the game.

hence the part thanking you for his followers "cure" for vamperism

Because todd finds it hilarious having Vigilants of Stendarr be absolute retards about 'all undead and daedra r bad guies' when their goals are 100 fucking percent in line with Meridia.

>you will never become the stealthiest of stealths just to get in contact with Norcturnal and see those giant titties

In the TES World, the entire universe exists within the dream of a greater being, the godhead. The idea of CHIM is to behave like a divine figure (mantling them) in order to eventually confuse and trick the godhead that you are said figure. Talos and (MAYBE)Vivec managed to do it and ascended to godhood.

Vivec actually drew power from an ancient artifact, maybe that helped him get through CHIM, maybe the whole CHIM thing is bollocks. There is no way to be sure.

Okay, so buttfucking is how you get divine powers. Cool. What about Vivec never using them?

If you've ever seen the Matrix, It's like becoming The One.

You realize your existence isnt real and like when your half awake in a dream, you can manipulate the world youre "in" as if you were god.

Daeda and Aedra aren't synonymous for bad and good you fucking idiot.

I hate Skyrim kiddies so much.

I feel like some generic fantasy adventuring, where's a good list of essential Oblivion mods?

The thing with daedra is not that they're evil, they just have no fucking clue how morals and ethics work. Yeah there are dickish daedra like Molag Ball and Mehrunes, but there's also Daedra such as Azura, Meridia, and even Sanguine who is a total bro in Skyrim. The reason they're seen as "evil" is partly because they decided not to help the Aedra create Nirn in the beginning. Daedra translates to "Not our ancestors" more or less.

But where did the dwemer go?

Current sheo isn't human; he's an immortal et'ada. Champion of cyrodil became (mantled) the et'ada (role) that is sheogorath.

Vivec is a big fat liar and pulled the whole CHIM story to justify his ascension to godhood while he just used the heart of lorkhan for personal gain after backstabbing Dagoth Ur (figuratively) and Indoril Nerevar (literally)


Zero summed themselves when accidentally merging in their gigantic atheist reality bending robot

Rarely seen a more shittier classification of the Daedri than this.

Became the skin of a time travelling robot that deletes reality.

This is what I was suspecting, but everyone keeps repeating "Vivec knows CHIM, Vivec knows CHIM".

My another suspicion is that half of Elder Scrolls lore is just fan-fiction.

Sheogorath flayed a woman and turned her body into musical instruments.

Except by all accounts Vivec's powers increased after the Heart was destroyed

I haven't talked about Elder Scrolls lore in many months so i don't remember exactly but i recall reading somewhere that Vivec actually chose to not use his mad CHIM powers so the player (yes, the player, not the Nerevarine) could experience Vivec's reality, become strong a destroy Dagoth Ur by himself so Vivec could fuck bitches around the world (figurativelly) in the meanwhile

Also i recall something about using too much CHIM and "waking up" the Godhead being pretty dangerous

This shows a child's understanding of the Lore. It is not to do with a good/bad dichotomy but rather is about where the plains they come from. For a perfect example of this take Lorkhan. Lorkhan is the trickster god but was still technically an Aedra because he was from aetherius. The only thing that determines whether something is an aedra or a daedra is where they are from; Aedra from Aetherius and Daedra from Oblivion.

>This is what I was suspecting, but everyone keeps repeating "Vivec knows CHIM, Vivec knows CHIM".
The whole thing is extremely ambiguous, you'd need to investigate quite a lot in Morrowind to even know about this alternate theory. You'd need to locate the secret library in Vivec and find the banned tomes there and figure out things with Vivec's 36 sermons. Quite arcane knowledge that got bastardized with Sup Forums's "CHIM = console command lmao" retarded theory.

>half of Elder Scrolls lore is just fan-fiction.
Not really, their former lead writer (who was by far the most talented) got fired but still writes lore, is it canon? I think it is. It also happens to be bat-shit crazy.

>heart gets destroyed
>people lose their faith in vivec
>the Ministry of Truth can't even stay where it is and smashes into Vivec
>Vivec is nowhere to be found afterwards
Yeah, real powerful

It's not fanfiction, Bethesda even acknowledges outside of game lore in new games sometimes. It's a take it as you want it type situation, but Beth has certainly never said it's not canon. They still obviously respect Kirkbride immensely.

Honestly who gives a flying fuck whether Kirkbride's recent lore is canon or not? It's great and adds interesting layers to an already super fleshed out world in a way that hasn't really been done before in other constructed universes.

>god of spiders
fuck outta here

I feel retconjuration is the greatest out of all CHIM powers.

I read the tomes, but most of the sermons are unintelligible ramblings. You don't need to read them; you need someone to explain them for you. Possibly by making up the explanation, as I'm sure lots of people do.

I mean, did you find the secret trapdoor in the Ordinator library or whatever it's called? There are a lot of books you cannot find anywhere else there. Some of the sermons are quite normal stories, others are more cryptic and some are 100% unintelligible without using the wiki.

What about the note that hints at a random temporarily achieving CHIM?

>using too much CHIM and waking the godhead
Aka crashing the game?

Yes. Being able to read the ashlander account of the events in the Red Mountain was very illuminating. I noticed Vivec's version never mentioned how Nerevar died.

Nerevar forget ;_;

this is bait, right-

They are all evil to some degree.
Don't let the dumner fanbois tell you any different.


>>I read the tomes, but most of the sermons are unintelligible ramblings

If we take the numbers from sermon 29, use them to take out words from appropriate sermons and put them together, we will get a secret message:

"He was not born a god. His destiny did not lead him to this crime. He chose this path of his own free will. He stole the godhood and murdered the Hortator. Vivec wrote this."

sounds like he has more of a sense of humor

Not really answering my questions or contradicting what I said, but it's neat. Shows that Vivec felt guilt for this murder and needed to vent out, but couldn't directly share the knowledge with anyone.

The real true, and only being you should worship is Sithis bitches