Comes out this month

>comes out this month
>absolutely nothing is known about it
Is it really going to be so shit that Telltale are this fucking embarassed to meme it and are gonna release it under the radar?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why isn't it called Season 3?

I'm still mad about this faggot never getting to redeem himself

Even Ben got to, that's how much of a shit this fuck is

Was 400 Days the biggest scam ever?

>each 400 Days character has literally one line each
>Vince is a little bitch about someone smoking indoors

Why is Clem suddenly full black and not a blachink hybrid like in S1/S2?

Because literally NO ONE was happy with Season 2.

Even us Kennyfags (which are always right) knew it was shit outside of the ending. Maybe they will redeem themselves and release something worth my while this time, but until the reviews start comming out, I'm not touching it.

Hopefully it bombs and they make another Poker Night at the inventory.

Clem, you've grown up...

just pir8 it

Is that Nick? Same, hated how he fucking died off screen. Felt so good leaving behind the retarded chick for the sake of everyone that was there for the rescue though

They wrote themselves into a corner with that ending and said "fuck it, let's do a soft reboot that picks up with Clem 2 years later no matter what you chose in Season 2"

if it's like season 2 then it doesn't even deserve my time

Never again.

She is still mixed

It's very obvious if you look at her facial features and hair

>tfw i may have to replay Season 1 and Season 2 to get all my choices back
I know they don't really matter, but it'll really assblast me if the game randomizes choices i'd never fucking make in my entire life

>tfw they're going to charge full price for a 2-3 hour experience where your choices barely change a damn thing and Telltalefags will eat this shit up

Just buy the fucking comic

>I played the game on Vita

oh no

oh nooo

Did you do it Sup Forums?

Fuck our lives familia

This. The endings were so differemt that there is no way it can be salvaged, Kenny or glass eater and Alvin Jr. Will all be dead or kidnapped or some shit and once again there will be nothing to care about. Season 1 built up the characters and made you feel connected to Clementine and Kenny, season 2 made me not give a fuck about anyone until Kenny showed up and then Clem and Kenny went on a rampage and fucked everyone, now that is out of the window.

killed him everytime

Yes fuck that shit;lord

Yup, fuck dogs

When is it coming out?

They do this for pretty much every release, man.
The first season, as well as Wolf Among Us, basically ghostlaunched.

They don't advertise or put anything out.

No. I let that fucker bleed to dead. Way more satisfying

post the vocaroo

Which leves were the best ones for gathering?

Needs kenny

i don't know where this is going but i want to hear it

Third rate pedo's mix to make it sound like Clem is having sex. I forget with who.

I'm hype 2bh. Also some might not know it, but its confirmed to be mostly a story about Javier, not clem. I like Clem, but honestly we know all about her a this point, and I never wanted her to be playable.


Based Kenny is the best character.


>Kenny won't return
>Lee is still dead
It's gonna be a shitty game, isn't it?

Lee > Kenny but yeah, in season 2 he's the best
Really sucks that they're probably going to have Kenny die offscreen for season 3

Post it, I already have my dick out.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like all of Telltale's games are stealth releases. They probably don't spend a dime on advertising.

Undertale was a stealth release as well. Sometimes it just works.

They usually announce the release date a week, to a few days prior to release. Also yeah, their advertising is extremely limited, mostly just show up at cons or let word of mouth spread from their official forums

>The game starts with Clem getting bonked on the head.
>You just play as Lee in Clems memories during the months at the hotel.

I don't want to learn about new characters I have no investment in, only for them to die off an episode later, its getting old.

Clem's back to being a supporting character again this time around right?

I think the writers realized the mistake of making her the controlled character in season 2. Everyone was dumb to justify them relying so much on a little girl to do EVERYTHING. Like the game would be 5 times better being played in Luke's perspective. Imagine the final fight scene but without the retarded hiding the baby angle and death determined by how much you built a reputation with Clem.

Man that baby was such a stupid plot device, I hope its gone.

It's not. You can see him as a toddler in one of the promo images for the nee season.

She's still playable, but I think less than Javier

I doubt they'll move away from Clem as a main characters. They did a time skip to justify hand waving whatever choice the players made at the end of Season 2 and to fix the issues of people relying on a little girl.

This is not okay.

Have they added a subtitle to try and distance themselves from season 2 as much as possible?

Ended up refunding TWD: Michonne 'cause the writing was retarded as fuck so I don't have much hope for this.


*raises paw*

Uhhh...did anyone else get an erection?


>All the zombies have somehow not rotted enough to completely fall apart yet.

>four fucking minutes


>You wanna see it?

what the actual fuck


>but still not enough

What's the appeal of Telltale games? I played the first TWD for a few hours and dropped it bored to death because all they did was talking. I expected some nice classical adventure. Wrong expectation or does it happen later?


The appeal is a choose your own adventure tier story

Fighting Fantasy books are arguably much better stories than any Telltale game.


Shut the fuck up you little bitch and never talk to me with such a garbage opinion again

In retrospect, 400 days was a better game than both TWD S1 and S2.
The short episodes held my attention better because the story moved forward much faster. Plus seeing how each story linked together was cool.

This is an objectively retarded opinion

>TWD: Michonne
yeah that one was hot garbage

Telltale really fell off after TWDS1 and TWAU being great. What happened?

The only reason TWD was good was because you cared about Clem whilst not playing as her.

You knew your character was going to reach the end but you wanted to protect Clem along the way.

Season 2 just gave you plot armour and no one to care about so you rode that shit out without giving a single fuck.

Borderlands is good.
GoT is passabe

Just avoid Minecraft

Name 1 (ONE) Telltale game with a better story than any of pic related.

Tales from the borderlands btfo of all your gay lil books

I'd say GoT was better than Borderlands. I really got invested into this family and felt like I was fucking up everytime. It had atmosphere of first seasons of series.

I didn't like it because Ramsay had confirmed 100% plot armor and would just teleport straight into your shit because plot demanded it.

Tales is one of my favourites. GoT is undeservedly shit on imo though. I'm really excited for the second season to redeem the house

Also Batman is top tier

why do shitty fantasy writers always name their books "x of (the) y"?

no other telltale game has a "fuck yeah" feeling like GoT episode 3 if you choose to get up every time

fuck gryff

>low fantasy

love that shit

>Listening to this with Headphones on
>Four fucking minutes
>Confused but intrigued expression on face
>Roomate comes up to me
>user- You know everyone can hear what you're listening to.

All right boys, is it time to an-hero?



I literally, genuinely didn't even know this was a thing. I fucking loved S1, but after S2 and all the subsequent cash grabs, I honestly don't think I'll buy it. Have any of the new licensed games been good? Minecraft, Batman, or ASOIAF? I played Tales from the Borderlands, which I thought was okay but I played that shit almost simultaneously with Life is Strange and thought that was a better game. I'm starting to think Telltale might have just gotten lucky with Season 1 because anything after that and TWAU has been mediocre to shit.

kek, yeah, apply rope to neck

Oh, I also forgot they made a game based on the samurai nig from the show (and maybe graphic novel, I don't watch or read this shit). That was also garbage, right? I don't remember seeing more than a single thread about it.

Yeah man, end it all

Most likely, yes.

The only other games people like from the are the Poker Night ones. Which are pretty good.

Now if you leave the room everyones going to think you're going to jack it to lil girls. End yourself now homie.

"Heh-heh, its just like some weird thing some guy sent me not even porn hahaha"

Well boys it was good well it lasted, see you on the other side where anime is real.

>sounds like random script
>goes on
>skip to 3:30

Sweet jesus you people are fucked up.

It's time to fulfill your destiny, user.

Hey, turn that shit off!

Nobody makes mix tapes from my Clementine's voice!


What's the verdict? I liked it.

I really didn't like the direction the later episodes went

You can tell they re-wrote the story at some point 'cause at the end of episode 2 there were scenes in the preview for episode 3 that never actually appeared.

No it's not.

I knew it, I knew that ending was going to fuck them over, the fucking idiots.


They just cut out part where you sneak into the police station to check case info.

Did anyone else hate this stupid aspy cunt?