Everybody arguing about graphics and framerate and resolution

>everybody arguing about graphics and framerate and resolution
>all the best games ever made had terrible graphics, framerate and resolution

what the fuck why is obaman mad

It's a Conan skit iirc.

not all of them.

I'ma miss Obama
Coolest President in a while

Also helped pull the country out of the shithole Bush dug us into



Obama did fuck all because of a republican pact to block everything he tried to do so that the Dems would lose all credibility

this led to Trump getting elected 100% against their wishes

>>all the best games ever made had terrible graphics
>terrible resolution
>terrible framerate

This. Exactly this user.

>Crysis: Warhead
>Talos Principle
>Doom (was revolutionary from a technical standpoint)
>Wing Commander
>Rareware N64 games
A lot of the best games pushed boundaries technologically though.

But that's not true?


$0.05 has been deposited intoyour bank account

Obama sucks

How does that contradict what he said? OP said all the BEST games.

may be true except

Pretty cool guy
Created ISIS and doesnt afraid of anything

i don't give a fuck about graphics
i hardly care about resolution
but take away my framerate and i won't be a happy goy

You're free to be wrong user

Resolution is the least important of those, which is why I hate that Sony is trying to push the 4K meme before it's ready.

The most memorable N64 games generally had godawful framerates. PSX had good framerates on a lot of games but lol no straight lines. It sucks that Saturn could have been the perfect 2d machine but the advent of 3d on console killed it.

>Implying Ocarina of Time is good
Ocarina of Time is still only considered a "classic" because nostalgia and nintendrones. It's a sub-par at best story with hilariously simple levels and puzzles.

I met him before he was president

You aren't a true american president until you create at least 2 rebel groups in some shithole country tbqh

Would have never been any ISIS without conservative intervention for 3 decades prior.
Obama did all he could, can't always plan for everything.

You know, he at least HAD a plan.

no u

Nobody believes you user

>muh republican did it guiz

Typical liberal deflection

thats some tinfoil-hattery if I've ever seen it.

>had a plan

You mean drone hospitals and fund terrorist rebel groups to fight their proxy war with Russia? Yeah right. Good riddance to King nigger. I'll take Trump's "let Russia carpet bomb the shit out of them" over Obama throwing our tax dollars at terrorists only to have their scum people flood Europe and America.

Not really.

That's like actually what happened.

They've actually admitted to it.

You can only blame republicans for so long until you actually have to come up with a solution to the problem
Pulling the troops out was Obama's solution, and it backfired
Now someone else is gonna have to go in and fix the problem for good, instead of shifting the blame onto someone else

>muh democrats made isis
Typical republican hypocrisy
Make a Sup Forums thread about it

>>muh democrats made isis
>we totally didn't fund rebel groups with tons of guns guiz lol

We're already here loser. We've got a red government now. House, senate, governor majority, supreme court soon. Your kind are done and most likely for an entire generation. It will take democrats ages to recover and it was due to them buying their own hype. Hope all the sniveling, pretentious, self righteous virtue signaling was worth it, because pretending to hold the moral high ground cost you people the election.

Youre right mate we shoulda just nuked the middle east to begin with and been done with it

not that guy but America does that shit all the fucking time

What? It's quite possibly the most obstructionist congress we've ever had. Does the debt ceiling government shutdown ring any bells? Routine government functions became a battlefield so Republicans could try to position themselves for election. They admit this themselves as they feel there is no shame behind it.
Try to ignore the shitty Mother Jones logo, it's the best chart I could find on short notice.

I can't think of any game that doesn't benefit from improved resolution and frame rate.

Those classic games were great DESPITE the limitations they had. If they had remasters at 60fps and with high definition resolution options, they'd be even better.

Honestly who wouldn't want a Medievil redux?

spotted the poorfag

1080p 60 fps >>>>>>>>>>>>>> "4k" 30 fps

>PSX had good framerates on a lot of games

this meme needs to stop

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>Remember our special for every 50 posts you make, you get a $1 coupon for any normal valued hot pockets.

Obama and Biden have become cheetos as well, it's spreading.

fucking this

what's the point of 4k if they don't have the power to fill it with detail, at shitty framerate to boot.

I hope everyone not talking about videogames gets banned

When Mitch McConnell says on the record that the Republican's only objective for the next 4 years was to make Obama a one term president before he even takes office. That's anti tin foil.

>terrible graphics, framerate and resolution
Define terrible graphics, framerate, and resolution

All the best games had good graphics and resolution and framerate for their time of release.

This games atmosphere was so eerie, felt uncomfortable for the entire thing. That fucking hologram rushing at you screaming didn't help either.

Totally agree. Right now the best monitor for gaming is a 1440 monitor with 144hz refresh rate.

Not that every game will reach 140fps, but it feels amazing when it does.

Why? non video game threads are the only way to have any sort of civility on Sup Forums these past few years.

Either way if you need 1080p/4k, solid 60fps and life like graphics to have a 'good game' you're just entitled and fell for the bullshit that games need to be movies.

Everybody look at this underage fag that thinks reality backed by numbers on filibusters and admission from leading republicans during Obama's first term is conspiracy.
You gotta love the underage cucks that have fallen into contrarianism and anti establishment merely because of pure happenstance of the when they came of age and think the Republicans are trustworthy and honest actors, also that their not proponents of censorship and moral policing.

>Deus Ex
>New Vegas

Consoles pushed the 3d meme before it was ready as well. Sony is just following in the N64's footsteps of having its reach exceed its grasp.

>have become cheetos
Fuck, why did I laugh at this stupid shit?

Trump is just riding Boehner's wave.

Doom, the greatest game of all tme, had amazing graphics, framerate and resolution for its time.
Quake III: Arena, the other greatest game of all time, had amazing graphics, framerate and resolution for its time.
Super Metroid, the best 2D platformer of all time had amazing graphics and ran at 60 FPS.
Deus Ex, the best ARPG ever made, had immense maps and ran at solid 60 at worst.
God, you're a fucking moron.

I don't get it.

It's not really that unbelievable. Obama appeared at a house party in my neighborhood while campaigning for the senate. I missed my chance to see him because how the fuck was I supposed to know he'd be president one day?


Don't stop

Ocarina of Time and Shadow of the Colossus are highly beloved games with like 15 fps gameplay.

Maybe, maybe not. Bush Sr. was only in for 4 years and got beat by Clinton. It's rare but it's been done in the past.

>these old PC games that fully depended on the system specs of the machine running them were always 60 FPS

Holy shit, the audacity of this underage guy calling other people morons.


its all about fundamental design.

its why edf is so great

fucking lol

And now they would all be considered ugly games if they were released today.

Is the reason you enjoy those games because of the graphics or because of the gameplay?

If the left have any hope of winning in 4 years they're going to have to whip the party back into shape. Even then they might not, there's a very large, very sizeable amount of the population who is tired of the rhetoric the left has been spewing, so if they don't slow down and adjust for that, they'll lose again.

I don't think we can get much more orange.

>tfw Shaq was in my store 30 minutes before my shift started
I am still mad I missed seeing that giant retard in real life.

You sound like a quitter

I can still see facial details.

They've gone from cheesy to straight infared.

I believe in you

meanwhile the dems literally cheated their pet candidate into the primaries

>these old PC games
Hahahah, nice moving of the goalposts, shitdick. They had groundbreaking graphics on release day.
>And now they would all be considered ugly games

>Quake III: Arena, the other greatest game of all time, had amazing graphics, framerate and resolution for its time.

wtf i hate PC now

Obama is/was charismatic, but he hid some real bullshit behind that nice exterior

>Trans-Pacific Partnership (which would have the potential to take away Sup Forums from us, end net neutrality, as well as taking many rights from the consumer) was one of his favourite projects he pushed hard for all first-world nations to accept

>All the shady shit with the NSA and Prism

>Drones being deployed into the Middle East to kill people who legitimately dindu nuffin, with a 90% rate of killing innocent people

I liked the cookie meme where he tried to dip it in milk

I don't think I can do much more, they've reached the max level of cheese.

get a better rig, feg.

>predator vision

Make it shake

I feel bad for the millennials. They are so young and naive. They've only really experienced one political movement (since they were too young to remember and comprehend the Bush era), and they've been suckling on the tit of current memes to the point where they can't distinguish between memes and reality.

Deus Ex had huge maps for its time. That's why Invisible War was so disapointing, it had small maps and lots of level loads because it was made fro the Xbox. New Vegas I'll give you since it's basically a FO3 expansion.

The public seems to get tired of whoever is in power. All they have to do is wait for Trump to fuck up and people will be ready for the Dems again.

Honestly hilarious that the republicans couldn't stop Trump no matter how hard they tried.

>imagining them pissing themselves when Trump threatened riots if they didn't give him the nomination

Absolute gold.

Crysis wasn't a good game man. It was a neat tech demo

I finally covered his nose, but I'm doing more for the green door than anything else.


Yeah, I voted for him and felt betrayed by some of these moves, not to mention bailing out Wall St for the second time (Bush did it in 2006, right? I forget).

I think in some respects, every president we've had for like, the past 40 years or so has pulled the rug from out under the feet of its voters to a certain degree.

Way to ignore the other half of my argument, faggot.

Do like the games for their gameplay or for their graphics? Pushing graphics today compared to 15 years ago is more expensive without as drastic of a difference.

this was a good rig in 1999....

Just hold f11.

Dude. That is *explicitly what happened.* They have stated it themselves.

Who knew that sky-blue suits would compliment with their soft complexion so well.

Well, they got rid of that bitch Debbie Wasserman Schultz or however you spell it, so they may get a real candidate next election instead of some Wall St. puppet.

Thats because they had two things. Style and consistency. I'm actually perfectly fine with 30fps as long as it NEVER dips below. If a game is rated at 30fps then that should be the lowest point I should ever see. I want consistent fps. What I fucking hate is spikes and dips for any reason what so ever. These people have been making games for years they should be able to make a well made game by now.