I've never played a Souls game before. This is currently on sale with all the DLC for $20

I've never played a Souls game before. This is currently on sale with all the DLC for $20.

Is it worth it?

Sell me on it.

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the setting is shit and the armor, weapon, world and boss designs are all atrocious

get dark souls

What about the important part of a video game: gameplay

It's honestly my favorite Souls game. All of them fall off hard in the second half, but this one falls off the least

Get it.
The DLC is also a must buy
It turns a 8.5/10 game into a 10/10.

Look, I've NEVER played a Souls game before, comparing gen really tells me nothing. What is good about the game?

Better in every conceivable way except for pvp.

It's not too far off when other people say that your first Souls game is the hardest.

And if you decide to pick this Souls game up without at least playing Dark Souls, I'd be ready for pain. Lots of it.

it's got a different style of gameplay than a souls game in that it's more about dodging and retaliatory action than preparation and watching an enemy. You can just run in on bloodborne and on NG (minus the chalice dungeons) you'll be just fine, in dark souls they like to just kill you so you sit back and turtle then you can run in and kill the shit.

I wouldn't call it easier, i'd actually call it harder, but eventually it'll "click" and it'll feel the same way after a dark souls game clicks. If you've never played those though, bloodborne is a fine entrypoint. dark souls 3 is gonna be $25 or $40 for the game+season pass in the black friday flash sale on the weekend of the 25th on PSN.

better than dark souls 1 and 2, as good as 3

You literally wear the same armor and weapon throughout the entire game with no real incentive to change other than to try something different.

>the setting is shit

This is the worst opinion I've heard all day and that's saying a hell of a lot.

If you like dying a lot and getting mad until you git gud, which you will if this is your first souls game, then buy it. games worth the $20 easy since it comes with DLC. once you git gud its pretty fun. I sucked nuts at it at first but after an hour or two i got the hang of it and enjoyed it. Saw Cleaver master race, all other starting weapons are bitch tier

Just bought this game missed the cleric breast somehow gonna look for it again later before I fight the other boss.

I've had a few mates who are only light gamers get stomped by this game in the first level, which is the steepest learning curve of the whole game.

In some RPG games you can try and try again, making progress as your character gets stronger to compensate for the challenge. The first level of this game however, your ability to level up is disabled and you'll get stomped a couple times with nothing except your personal knowledge to show for it, before you get the hang of it (or give up).

After that though you can be a big dick swinging vampire person that kills giant monsters against all odds, beating cuthullu type stuff.

I picked the axe but I'm not feeling it. When can you but a cleaver?

pcuck detected

once you beat the cleric beast i believe. It should unlock the starter weapons in the shop, along with another, its been a while though, So i could be wrong. Maybe they're there already

I did too, basically it is on the bridge if you follow it to the end instead of hopping off. However, if you do hop off you get access to shortcuts so you are lucky.

Use Molotov's against the Cleric Beast, it is sorta the easy strategy. Bring as much as you can, but you'll still have to whack it a couple times and you'll miss a couple throws.

the trick to the axe is charge attacking in its transformed state. If you can time it right you can knock over just about any enemy, and then when its down you just spam the fuck out of it to death. Works great on the brick retards. I still prefer the cleaver over it though

>muh grimdark gothic victorian top hats and trenchcoats

The combat is fast, fun, and satisfying.
The setting is very neat
The soundtrack is amazing
The boss fights are some of the best in the souls-borne collection
It is also a good game for anyone who is a fan of H.P. Lovecraft's work.

I used the Axe because I was stronk. The transformed halberdy swing-along-sing-song is very good.

Eventually you'll get the hang on bullets too - the idea is they don't actually do much damage, they are actually like a shield. Think Indiana Jones, how he shoots the bloke coming at him with a sword - shoot dudes as they are swinging their arms down (hopefully you are not actually under the arms) and they'll get staggered for two seconds, so you gotta dodge in and R1 to do a critical attack with a special animation on them.

Eventually you'll have methods that give you more bullets and health each time you properly pull off this bullet parry so to be self-sustainable and economic you'll be baiting those big swings for parries.

Yea I'm playing it first time right now I'm not a huge fan of the setting either. I guess I'm a bigger fan of the faux medieval more than Victorian goth I'm seeing right now. Ambient noise is done well. Personal preferences is all I guess. Feels framey sometimes too.

the framey issue is so much better than it was at launch. it was awful back then, they managed to improve it somewhat

Of course it is good you tasteless vermin.

It is werewolves, vampires and cuthulluish aliens.

evelyn tinge/skill builds make the game so easy.

>victorian era pile bunker
>atrocious design
This shit better be bait

Do not think of it as a Souls game.

Think of it like the evolution of survival horror.

You know how survival horror games were always searching for that thin line between the player feeling like a capable combatant yet still facing down overbearing odds? Bloodborne is the game that achieves that razor-thin balance.

Bloodborne is a horror game that works as an action game while still being scary. It's environment is bone chilling, and it's combat is just fluid enough that you never feel artificially limited in what you can do yet taxing and visceral enough (and the enemies are gruesome enough) that you still fear what lurks around every corner.

And for all that you may have heard about Souls games, Bloodborne throws out all of their bullshit. It's very straightforward and streamlined. It's practically designed for newcomers and people who didn't like Dark Souls.

Just got a new job so I'm picking up a ps4 pro in a couple of weeks (I don't have a ps4) and I can probably only get the one game to last me a few weeks. Would just getting bloodborne be a good idea? Reading this thread has really made me want to pick it up

fuck it I bought it and Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls whoops

I'm shocked that you have a PS4 but don't have Bloodborne, it's one of the reasons I bought a PS4 in the first place
I consider it one of the best games to ever come out. It's an instant classic and the best souls game.
And I bought it for $60 without the DLC, buy it you won't regret it.

I bought a PS4 for Metal Gear Solid V and Uncharted 4 so thing's been collecting dust for ages, considering what disappointments those were

I actually love my Xbox One way more and play shit on it every day. surprises no one more than me

Nice summary, you are right.

it'll last you a few weeks for sure

Yes you faggot, It's 20 fucking bucks. It's the price of 2 meals

Holy SHIT are you THAT poor? Fuck me.

I'm not poor, it's just hard to decide on what video games to buy when your backlog is 400+ games already

Buy the game now before the discount runs out - be sure to get the game+DLC pack.
Everything is account-bound so you can buy it before you get the console.

I doubt most of them are worth your time my steam powered friend.

dude.... you are arguing over $20 here. This is barely worth your time, just get it.
People are constantly arguing if this is an instant generational classic or just a very good game - either way it's fucking amazing.
No one (but shitposters) ever say it's shit.

If you've never tried the series this is the best place to start. Also this is the first time the game+DLC got such a heavy discount, this isn't a common thing to occur. Get it while you can before you question it, want it 2 months from now and have to pay at least double the price then.

it's not even steam, I just can't stop buying games

>I can't stop buying games
>hey guys should I buy this GOTY and instant classic for $20? really hard decision guuuuys

what the fuck?

>hey guys I can't stop smoking should I buy this pack or keep my money for a different, more quality pack

not that hard to understand

>keep my money for a different, more quality pack
But this game has proven over and over again to be great. You are implying it might be shit when it so clearly is not.

It had better design than Dark Souls desu

Is there really any reason to buy and play one of the Souls games when I can just go and watch the Game Grumps or Best Friends play through them instead?

Can't that be said about any game?

It's not that great but it's definitely worth 20 bucks with the DLC.

There's no point to gaming in general.
Just watch let's plays for everything, and streams for competitive games like Dota2 or CSGO

Playing is a meme, and much more expensive than just watching it for free :-)))

I mean I can understand playing it myself if the incentive is the gameplay, something like a Mega Man title or Devil May Cry, but if the incentive to play is the story or the cinematics then I may as well just go to YouTube because the gameplay is usually sub-par in that case.

wow the mind of a cuck. Impressive.

Also nice meme implying that Bloodborne isn't 100% focused on gameplay when there are maybe 4 minutes worth of short cinematics sprinkled throughout the whole game.

You probably already ruined your 1st playthrough and watched it and are here only to shipost anyway, not even sure why I'm bothering to reply.

it costs $20. Nothing else needs to be said. You either don't have a PS4 or you are an absolute moron.


Alright well I guess I can safely ignore anything you have to offer on the subject then

says the guy that admits he watches whole games on youtube and said Souls games aren't gameplay-focused

Know what? Go ahead, watch a Bloodborne Let's Play and ruin your first experience forever, at this point you deserve it, I was only trying to help.

here here

he could just watch this

>needing someone to convince you to play a game you can research yourself

you already failed


Even in pvp. it's better

>b-but muh duels

Fuck off

>sell me on it

Fuck you cunt do your own work.

Well don't you want to try a new style of game? $20 is a steal for the complete edition, the DLC alone is still going for that.

if you want to get into the soul series it's a terrible place to start

because everything else will look like shit in comparison

hunter's axe : Good weapon when dealing with large mobs

saw cleaver : Good at killing early bosses quickly

threaded cane: Good range and great at dealing with large mobs

kill yourself


You have clearly never played that game or are fucking drunk. DS1-3 have basically no continuity when compared to BB.

Not OP, but I've heard next to nothing about BBs player interactions or PvP other than >its shit.
I've played DeS and DaS1-3; what changed?

Bought it 2 weeks ago. Having a blast, is probably the best Souls game, up there with Dark Souls 1. Also I don't even have my own PS4, but it's definately worth playing this.

Is that more or less the Nioh equivalent of using the Darksign?