Just got a PS3
Recommend me some games.
Just got a PS3
Recommend me some games.
Nanatsu Kaze no Shima Monogatari
But user, it has no games.
That stopped being funny 10 years ago.
you could play some of mine
TLoU (don't listen to the Sup Forums memes)
Demon's Souls
The PS3 Ratchet & Clank games
Search the fucking archive. We have this thread every few days now. Pretty sure we had one yesterday.
But does it have Skyrim?
Does it have Fallout 3?
Does it have Call of Duty?
Portal games were fun
Fuck you I was going to make this thread too
Guess I'm hijacking your asshole.
Name PS3 games that don't suck anons.
Shadow of Mordor. The PS3 port is pretty good.
demon's souls
the last of us
uncharted trilogy
god of war 3
ni no kuni I guess
RDR if you can stand the performance
PS3 really does have no games, it's mostly good for HD ports of old games
I'm going to have to disagree with you over that point buddy, I had a really hard time playing that game because of the gameplay being too repetitive and loading times
Everything here
>3 copies of rdr
You can never have enough Red Dead
Infamous 1 and 2 are pretty good.
Eh, what the hell I'm looking to expand my collection too.
Any good lesser known PS3 titles? Was thinking of picking up Dante's inferno and Syndicate
>that one 360 game
It's KiD PS3. I just didnt have a case for it, since I traded in 360 for Ps3- pre-owned at the time
This fucking idiot with his awful collection again. Disregard this OP.
LittleBigPlanet 2
Katamari Forever
Yakuza 4/5
Demon's Souls
Uncharted 2/3
Shadow of the Colossus/Ico HD
Ni No Kuni
Ratchet & Clank
God of War III
Get Catherine and Nier
Dante's inferno is kind of meh.. It's really short and the combat is basically devil may cry crusader edition. You do get some cool spammy projectile crosses though so if you like to feel powerful and badass (however brief it is) then it might be up your alley.
Also you fight Satan while his big giant cock n' balls flap around.
ninja gaiden 2.
1st Prototype
Ni No Kuni
Valkyria Chronicles
Demon's Souls
The Last of Us
PS1/2 games you want like FF7
Mass Effect
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Catherine gets recommended by all the cool kids but I never played it
heavenly sword
This and X-blades are horrible HORRIBLE games filled with mediocre repetitive beat em ups. don't be swayed by the pretty girls on the cover
Do you enjoy anime
better than God of War 3
I'm no fan of GoW but thats a blatant boldfaced lie.
not a lie
Demon Souls
Valkyria Chronicles
Yakuza games
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Kingdom Hearts 1.5
Uncharted 1-3
Little Big Planet 2
Shadow of the Colossus + Ico
Okami HD
Lego the Lord of the Rings
Nah nigga.
Are you trying to get OP to trash his PS3- oh wait, of course you are. Nice try stealth shitposter.
Tokyo Jungle